bool_is_sample_ready{};///< true when new range finder data has fallen behind the fusion time horizon and is available to be fused
bool_is_sample_valid{};///< true if range finder sample retrieved from buffer is valid
uint64_t_time_last_valid_us{};///< time the last range finder measurement was ready (uSec)
float_stuck_threshold{0.1f};///< minimum variation in range finder reading required to declare a range finder 'unstuck' when readings recommence after being out of range (m)
float_stuck_min_val{};///< minimum value for new rng measurement when being stuck
float_stuck_max_val{};///< maximum value for new rng measurement when being stuck
staticconstexprfloat_dt_update{0.01f};///< delta time since last ekf update TODO: this should be a parameter
float_dt_data_lpf{};///< filtered value of the delta time elapsed since the last range measurement came into the filter (uSec)
float_cos_tilt_rng_to_earth{};///< 2,2 element of the rotation matrix from sensor frame to earth frame
float_range_cos_max_tilt{0.7071f};///< cosine of the maximum tilt angle from the vertical that permits use of range finder and flow data
float_tilt_offset_rad{3.14f};///< range finder tilt rotation about the Y body axis
float_sin_tilt_rng{0.0f};///< sine of the range finder tilt rotation about the Y body axis
float_cos_tilt_rng{-1.0f};///< cosine of the range finder tilt rotation about the Y body axis
float_rng_valid_min_val{};///< minimum distance that the rangefinder can measure (m)
float_rng_valid_max_val{};///< maximum distance that the rangefinder can measure (m)
uint64_t_time_bad_quality_us{};///< timestamp at which range finder signal quality was 0 (used for hysteresis)
uint64_t_quality_hyst_us{1000000};///< minimum duration during which the reported range finder signal quality needs to be non-zero in order to be declared valid (us)