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# Sensor readings in SI-unit form.
# These fields are scaled and offset-compensated where possible and do not
# change with board revisions and sensor updates.
uint64 timestamp # time since system start (microseconds)
int32 RELATIVE_TIMESTAMP_INVALID = 2147483647 # (0x7fffffff) If one of the relative timestamps is set to this value, it means the associated sensor values are invalid
# gyro timstamp is equal to the timestamp of the message
float32[3] gyro_rad # average angular rate measured in the XYZ body frame in rad/s over the last gyro sampling period
uint32 gyro_integral_dt # gyro measurement sampling period in us
int32 accelerometer_timestamp_relative # timestamp + accelerometer_timestamp_relative = Accelerometer timestamp
float32[3] accelerometer_m_s2 # average value acceleration measured in the XYZ body frame in m/s/s over the last accelerometer sampling period
uint32 accelerometer_integral_dt # accelerometer measurement sampling period in us