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# Sensor readings and in-run biases in SI-unit form. Sensor readings are compensated for static offsets,
# scale errors, in-run bias and thermal drift (if thermal compensation is enabled and available).
uint64 timestamp # time since system start (microseconds)
float32 accel_x # Bias corrected acceleration in body X axis (in m/s^2)
float32 accel_y # Bias corrected acceleration in body Y axis (in m/s^2)
float32 accel_z # Bias corrected acceleration in body Z axis (in m/s^2)
# In-run bias estimates (subtract from uncorrected data)
float32 gyro_x_bias # X gyroscope in-run bias in body frame (rad/s, x forward)
float32 gyro_y_bias # Y gyroscope in-run bias in body frame (rad/s, y right)
float32 gyro_z_bias # Z gyroscope in-run bias in body frame (rad/s, z down)
float32 accel_x_bias # X accelerometer in-run bias in body frame (m/s^2, x forward)
float32 accel_y_bias # Y accelerometer in-run bias in body frame (m/s^2, y right)
float32 accel_z_bias # Z accelerometer in-run bias in body frame (m/s^2, z down)
float32 mag_x_bias # X magnetometer in-run bias in body frame (Gauss, x forward)
float32 mag_y_bias # Y magnetometer in-run bias in body frame (Gauss, y right)
float32 mag_z_bias # Z magnetometer in-run bias in body frame (Gauss, z down)