You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

503 lines
16 KiB

import sys
import re
import os
class ParameterGroup(object):
Single parameter group
def __init__(self, name, af_class): = name
self.af_class = af_class
self.params = []
def AddParameter(self, param):
Add parameter to the group
def GetName(self):
Get parameter group name
def GetClass(self):
Get parameter group vehicle type.
return self.af_class
def GetImageName(self):
Get parameter group image base name (w/o extension)
if ( == "Standard Plane"):
return "Plane"
elif ( == "Flying Wing"):
return "FlyingWing"
elif ( == "Quadrotor x"):
return "QuadRotorX"
elif ( == "Quadrotor +"):
return "QuadRotorPlus"
elif ( == "Hexarotor x"):
return "HexaRotorX"
elif ( == "Hexarotor +"):
return "HexaRotorPlus"
elif ( == "Octorotor +"):
return "OctoRotorPlus"
elif ( == "Octorotor x"):
return "OctoRotorX"
elif ( == "Octorotor Coaxial"):
return "OctoRotorXCoaxial"
elif ( == "Octo Coax Wide"):
return "OctoRotorXCoaxial"
elif ( == "Quadrotor Wide"):
return "QuadRotorWide"
elif ( == "Quadrotor H"):
return "QuadRotorH"
elif ( == "Dodecarotor cox"):
return "DodecaRotorXCoaxial"
elif ( == "Simulation"):
return "AirframeSimulation"
elif ( == "Plane A-Tail"):
return "PlaneATail"
elif ( == "Plane V-Tail"):
return "PlaneVTail"
elif ( == "VTOL Duo Tailsitter"):
return "VTOLDuoRotorTailSitter"
elif ( == "Standard VTOL"):
return "VTOLPlane"
elif ( == "VTOL Quad Tailsitter"):
return "VTOLQuadRotorTailSitter"
elif ( == "VTOL Tiltrotor"):
return "VTOLTiltRotor"
elif ( == "VTOL Octoplane"):
return "VTOLPlaneOcto"
elif ( == "Coaxial Helicopter"):
return "HelicopterCoaxial"
elif ( == "Helicopter"):
return "Helicopter"
elif ( == "Hexarotor Coaxial"):
return "Y6B"
elif ( == "Y6A"):
return "Y6A"
elif ( == "Tricopter Y-"):
return "YMinus"
elif ( == "Tricopter Y+"):
return "YPlus"
elif ( == "Rover"):
return "Rover"
elif ( == "Boat"):
return "Boat"
return "AirframeUnknown"
def GetParams(self):
Returns the parsed list of parameters. Every parameter is a Parameter
object. Note that returned object is not a copy. Modifications affect
state of the parser.
return sorted(self.params, key=lambda x: x.GetId())
class Parameter(object):
Single parameter
# Define sorting order of the fields
priority = {
"board": 9,
"short_desc": 8,
"long_desc": 7,
"min": 5,
"max": 4,
"unit": 3,
"AUX1": -10,
"AUX2": -10,
"AUX3": -10,
"AUX4": -10,
"AUX5": -10,
"AUX6": -10,
"AUX7": -10,
"AUX8": -10,
# all others == 0 (sorted alphabetically)
def __init__(self, path, post_path, name, airframe_type, airframe_class, airframe_id, maintainer):
self.fields = {}
self.outputs = {}
self.archs = {}
self.path = path
self.post_path = post_path = name
self.type = airframe_type
self.af_class = airframe_class = airframe_id
self.maintainer = maintainer
def GetPath(self):
Get path to airframe startup script
return self.path
def GetPostPath(self):
Get path to airframe post startup script
return self.post_path
def GetName(self):
Get airframe name
def GetType(self):
Get airframe type
return self.type
def GetClass(self):
Get airframe class
return self.af_class
def GetId(self):
Get airframe id
def GetMaintainer(self):
Get airframe maintainer
return self.maintainer
def SetField(self, code, value):
Set named field value
self.fields[code] = value
def SetOutput(self, code, value):
Set named output value
self.outputs[code] = value
def SetArch(self, code, value):
Set named arch value
self.archs[code] = value
def GetFieldCodes(self):
Return list of existing field codes in convenient order
keys = self.fields.keys()
keys = sorted(keys)
keys = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: self.priority.get(x, 0), reverse=True)
return keys
def GetFieldValue(self, code):
Return value of the given field code or None if not found.
fv = self.fields.get(code)
if not fv:
# required because python 3 sorted does not accept None
return ""
return self.fields.get(code)
def GetOutputCodes(self):
Return list of existing output codes in convenient order
keys = self.outputs.keys()
keys = sorted(keys)
keys = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: self.priority.get(x, 0), reverse=True)
return keys
def GetOutputValue(self, code):
Return value of the given output code or None if not found.
fv = self.outputs.get(code)
if not fv:
# required because python 3 sorted does not accept None
return ""
return self.outputs.get(code)
def GetArchCodes(self):
Return list of existing arch codes in convenient order
keys = self.archs.keys()
keys = sorted(keys)
keys = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: self.priority.get(x, 0), reverse=True)
return keys
def GetArchValue(self, code):
Return value of the given arch code or None if not found.
fv = self.archs.get(code)
if not fv:
# required because python 3 sorted does not accept None
return ""
return self.archs.get(code)
class SourceParser(object):
Parses provided data and stores all found parameters internally.
re_split_lines = re.compile(r'[\r\n]+')
re_comment_start = re.compile(r'^\#\s')
re_comment_content = re.compile(r'^\#\s*(.*)')
re_comment_tag = re.compile(r'@([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*(.*)')
re_comment_end = re.compile(r'(.*?)\s*\#\n/')
re_cut_type_specifier = re.compile(r'[a-z]+$')
re_is_a_number = re.compile(r'^-?[0-9\.]')
re_remove_dots = re.compile(r'\.+$')
re_remove_carriage_return = re.compile('\n+')
valid_tags = set(["url", "maintainer", "output", "arch", "name", "type"])
# Order of parameter groups
priority = {
# All other groups = 0 (sort alphabetically)
"Miscellaneous": -10
def __init__(self):
self.param_groups = {}
def GetSupportedExtensions(self):
Returns list of supported file extensions that can be parsed by this
parser. The parser uses any extension.
return ["", ".hil"]
def Parse(self, path, contents):
Incrementally parse program contents and append all found airframes
to the list.
airframe_id = None
airframe_id = os.path.split(path)[1].split('_',1)[0]
# Skip if not numeric
if (not self.IsNumber(airframe_id)):
return True
# This code is essentially a comment-parsing grammar. "state"
# represents parser state. It contains human-readable state
# names.
state = None
tags = {}
outputs = {}
archs = {}
for line in self.re_split_lines.split(contents):
line = line.strip()
# Ignore empty lines
if line == "":
if state is None and self.re_comment_start.match(line):
state = "wait-short"
short_desc = None
long_desc = None
if state is not None and state != "comment-processed":
m =
if m:
line =
last_comment_line = True
last_comment_line = False
m = self.re_comment_content.match(line)
if m:
comment_content =
if comment_content == "":
# When short comment ends with empty comment line,
# start waiting for the next part - long comment.
if state == "wait-short-end":
state = "wait-long"
m = self.re_comment_tag.match(comment_content)
if m:
tag, desc =, 2)
if (tag == "output"):
key, text = desc.split(' ', 1)
outputs[key] = text;
elif (tag == "board"):
key, text = desc.split(' ', 1)
archs[key] = text;
tags[tag] = desc
current_tag = tag
state = "wait-tag-end"
elif state == "wait-short":
# Store first line of the short description
short_desc = comment_content
state = "wait-short-end"
elif state == "wait-short-end":
# Append comment line to the short description
short_desc += "\n" + comment_content
elif state == "wait-long":
# Store first line of the long description
long_desc = comment_content
state = "wait-long-end"
elif state == "wait-long-end":
# Append comment line to the long description
long_desc += "\n" + comment_content
elif state == "wait-tag-end":
# Append comment line to the tag text
tags[current_tag] += "\n" + comment_content
raise AssertionError(
"Invalid parser state: %s" % state)
elif not last_comment_line:
# Invalid comment line (inside comment, but not starting with
# "*" or "*/". Reset parsed content.
state = None
if last_comment_line:
state = "comment-processed"
state = None
# Process parsed content
airframe_type = None
maintainer = "John Doe <>"
airframe_name = None
airframe_class = None
# Done with file, store
for tag in tags:
if tag == "maintainer":
maintainer = tags[tag]
elif tag == "type":
airframe_type = tags[tag]
elif tag == "class":
airframe_class = tags[tag]
elif tag == "name":
airframe_name = tags[tag]
elif tag not in self.valid_tags:
sys.stderr.write("Aborting due to invalid documentation tag: '%s'\n" % tag)
return False
# Sanity check
if airframe_type == None:
sys.stderr.write("Aborting due to missing @type tag in file: '%s'\n" % path)
return False
if airframe_class == None:
sys.stderr.write("Aborting due to missing @class tag in file: '%s'\n" % path)
return False
if airframe_name == None:
sys.stderr.write("Aborting due to missing @name tag in file: '%s'\n" % path)
return False
# Check if a .post script exists
if os.path.isfile(path + '.post'):
post_path = path + '.post'
post_path = None
# We already know this is an airframe config, so add it
param = Parameter(path, post_path, airframe_name, airframe_type, airframe_class, airframe_id, maintainer)
# Done with file, store
for tag in tags:
if tag == "maintainer":
maintainer = tags[tag]
if tag == "type":
airframe_type = tags[tag]
if tag == "class":
airframe_class = tags[tag]
if tag == "name":
airframe_name = tags[tag]
param.SetField(tag, tags[tag])
# Store outputs
for output in outputs:
param.SetOutput(output, outputs[output])
# Store outputs
for arch in archs:
param.SetArch(arch, archs[arch])
# Store the parameter
# Create a class-specific airframe group. This is needed to catch cases where an airframe type might cross classes (e.g. simulation)
if class_group_identifier not in self.param_groups:
#self.param_groups[airframe_type] = ParameterGroup(airframe_type) #HW TEST REMOVE
self.param_groups[class_group_identifier] = ParameterGroup(airframe_type, airframe_class)
return True
def IsNumber(self, numberString):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def Validate(self):
Validates the airframe meta data.
seenParamNames = []
for group in self.GetParamGroups():
for param in group.GetParams():
name = param.GetName()
board = param.GetFieldValue("board")
# Check for duplicates
name_plus_board = name + "+" + board
for seenParamName in seenParamNames:
if seenParamName == name_plus_board:
sys.stderr.write("Duplicate parameter definition: {0}\n".format(name_plus_board))
return False
return True
def GetParamGroups(self):
Returns the parsed list of parameters. Every parameter is a Parameter
object. Note that returned object is not a copy. Modifications affect
state of the parser.
groups = self.param_groups.values()
groups = sorted(groups, key=lambda x: x.GetName())
groups = sorted(groups, key=lambda x: x.GetClass())
groups = sorted(groups, key=lambda x: self.priority.get(x.GetName(), 0), reverse=True)
#Rename duplicate groups to include the class (creating unique headings in page TOC)
for group in groups:
if group.GetName() in duplicate_test:
duplicate_test.add(group.GetName() )
for group in groups:
if group.GetName() in duplicate_set:' (%s)' % group.GetClass()
return groups