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169 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
def build_nodes = [:]
def docker_images = [
armhf: "px4io/px4-dev-armhf:2020-01-13",
base: "px4io/px4-dev-base-bionic:2020-01-13",
nuttx: "px4io/px4-dev-nuttx:2020-01-13",
snapdragon: "lorenzmeier/px4-dev-snapdragon:2020-01-13"
def armhf_builds = [
target: ["aerotenna_ocpoc_default", "beaglebone_blue_default", "emlid_navio2_default", "px4_raspberrypi_default"],
image: docker_images.armhf,
archive: false
def base_builds = [
target: ["px4_sitl_rtps"],
image: docker_images.base,
archive: false
def nuttx_builds_archive = [
target: [
image: docker_images.nuttx,
archive: true
def snapdragon_builds = [
target: ["atlflight_eagle_qurt", "atlflight_eagle_default"],
image: docker_images.snapdragon,
archive: false
def docker_builds = [
armhf_builds, base_builds, nuttx_builds_archive//, snapdragon_builds
for (def build_type = 0; build_type < docker_builds.size(); build_type++) {
for (def build_target = 0; build_target < docker_builds[build_type].target.size(); build_target++) {
createBuildNode(docker_builds[build_type].archive, docker_builds[build_type].image, docker_builds[build_type].target[build_target])
parallel build_nodes
} // script
} // steps
} // stage Build
// TODO: actually upload artifacts to S3
// stage('S3 Upload') {
// agent {
// docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-bionic:2020-01-13' }
// }
// options {
// skipDefaultCheckout()
// }
// when {
// anyOf {
// branch 'master'
// branch 'beta'
// branch 'stable'
// branch 'pr-jenkins' // for testing
// }
// }
// steps {
// sh 'echo "uploading to S3"'
// }
// }
} // stages
environment {
CCACHE_DIR = '/tmp/ccache'
CI = true
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '2', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '14'))
timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES')
def createBuildNode(Boolean archive, String docker_image, String target) {
return {
// TODO: fix the snapdragon image
bypass_entrypoint = ''
if (docker_image == 'lorenzmeier/px4-dev-snapdragon:2020-01-13') {
bypass_entrypoint = ' --entrypoint=""'
node {
docker.withRegistry('', 'docker_hub_dagar') {
docker.image(docker_image).inside('-e CCACHE_BASEDIR=${WORKSPACE} -v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw' + bypass_entrypoint) {
stage(target) {
try {
sh('make distclean')
sh('git fetch --tags')
sh('ccache -s')
sh('make ' + target)
sh('ccache -s')
sh('make sizes')
if (archive) {
archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts: 'build/*/*.px4, build/*/*.elf, build/*/*.bin', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true)
sh('make ' + target + ' package')
archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'build/*/*.tar.bz2', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true)
archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'build/*/*.deb', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true)
catch (exc) {
throw (exc)
finally {
sh('make distclean')