% This Matlab Script can be used to import the binary logged values of the
% PX4FMU into data that can be plotted and analyzed.
%% ************************************************************************
% PX4LOG_PLOTSCRIPT: Main function
% ************************************************************************
function PX4Log_Plotscript
% Clear everything
clear all
close all
% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************
% Set the path to your sysvector.bin file here
filePath = ' log001.bin' ;
% Set the minimum and maximum times to plot here [in seconds]
mintime = 0 ; %The minimum time/timestamp to display, as set by the user [0 for first element / start]
maxtime = 0 ; %The maximum time/timestamp to display, as set by the user [0 for last element / end]
%Determine which data to plot. Not completely implemented yet.
bDisplayGPS = true ;
%conversion factors
fconv_gpsalt = 1 ; %[mm] to [m]
fconv_gpslatlong = 1 ; %[gps_raw_position_unit] to [deg]
fconv_timestamp = 1E-6 ; % [microseconds] to [seconds]
% ************************************************************************
% Import the PX4 logs
% ************************************************************************
ImportPX4LogData ( ) ;
%Translate min and max plot times to indices
time = double ( sysvector . TIME_StartTime ) .* fconv_timestamp ;
mintime_log = time ( 1 ) ; %The minimum time/timestamp found in the log
maxtime_log = time ( end ) ; %The maximum time/timestamp found in the log
CurTime = mintime_log ; %The current time at which to draw the aircraft position
[ imintime , imaxtime ] = FindMinMaxTimeIndices ( ) ;
% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************
NrFigures = 5 ;
NrAxes = 10 ;
h . figures ( 1 : NrFigures ) = 0.0 ; % Temporary initialization of figure handle array - these are numbered consecutively
h . axes ( 1 : NrAxes ) = 0.0 ; % Temporary initialization of axes handle array - these are numbered consecutively
h . pathpoints = [ ] ; % Temporary initiliazation of path points
% Setup the GUI to control the plots
InitControlGUI ( ) ;
% Setup the plotting-GUI (figures, axes) itself.
InitPlotGUI ( ) ;
% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************
DrawRawData ( ) ;
DrawCurrentAircraftState ( ) ;
%% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************
%% ************************************************************************
% IMPORTPX4LOGDATA (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
% Attention: This is the import routine for firmware from ca. 03/2013.
% Other firmware versions might require different import
% routines.
%% ************************************************************************
% IMPORTPX4LOGDATA (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
% Attention: This is the import routine for firmware from ca. 03/2013.
% Other firmware versions might require different import
% routines.
function ImportPX4LogData ( )
% ************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
% //All measurements in NED frame
% Convert to CSV
%arg1 = 'log-fx61-20130721-2.bin';
arg1 = filePath ;
delim = ' ,' ;
time_field = ' TIME' ;
data_file = ' data.csv' ;
csv_null = ' ' ;
if not ( exist ( data_file , ' file' ) )
s = system ( sprintf ( ' python sdlog2_dump.py "%s" -f "%s" -t"%s" -d"%s" -n"%s"' , arg1 , data_file , time_field , delim , csv_null ) ) ;
if exist ( data_file , ' file' )
%data = csvread(data_file);
sysvector = tdfread ( data_file , ' ,' ) ;
% shot the flight time
time_us = sysvector . TIME_StartTime ( end ) - sysvector . TIME_StartTime ( 1 ) ;
time_s = uint64 ( time_us * 1e-6 ) ;
time_m = uint64 ( time_s / 60 ) ;
time_s = time_s - time_m * 60
disp ( [ sprintf ( ' Flight log duration: %d:%d (minutes:seconds)' , time_m , time_s ) ] ) ;
disp ( [ ' logfile conversion finished.' char ( 10 ) ] ) ;
disp ( [ ' file: ' data_file ' does not exist' char ( 10 ) ] ) ;
%% ************************************************************************
% INITCONTROLGUI (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
%Setup central control GUI components to control current time where data is shown
function InitControlGUI ( )
% GUI size definitions
dxy = 5 ; %margins
%Panel: Plotctrl
dlabels = 120 ;
dsliders = 200 ;
dedits = 80 ;
hslider = 20 ;
hpanel1 = 40 ; %panel1
hpanel2 = 220 ; %panel2
hpanel3 = 3 * hslider + 4 * dxy + 3 * dxy ; %panel3.
width = dlabels + dsliders + dedits + 4 * dxy + 2 * dxy ; %figure width
height = hpanel1 + hpanel2 + hpanel3 + 4 * dxy ; %figure height
% Create GUI
h . figures ( 1 ) = figure ( ' Units' , ' pixels' , ' position' , [ 200 200 width height ] , ' Name' , ' Control GUI' ) ;
h . guistatepanel = uipanel ( ' Title' , ' Current GUI state' , ' Units' , ' pixels' , ' Position' , [ dxy dxy width - 2 * dxy hpanel1 ] , ' parent' , h . figures ( 1 ) ) ;
h . aircraftstatepanel = uipanel ( ' Title' , ' Current aircraft state' , ' Units' , ' pixels' , ' Position' , [ dxy hpanel1 + 2 * dxy width - 2 * dxy hpanel2 ] , ' parent' , h . figures ( 1 ) ) ;
h . plotctrlpanel = uipanel ( ' Title' , ' Plot Control' , ' Units' , ' pixels' , ' Position' , [ dxy hpanel1 + hpanel2 + 3 * dxy width - 2 * dxy hpanel3 ] , ' parent' , h . figures ( 1 ) ) ;
%%Control GUI-elements
%Slider: Current time
h . labels . CurTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' text' , ' Position' , [ dxy dxy dlabels hslider ] , ' String' , ' Current time t[s]:' , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel , ' HorizontalAlignment' , ' left' ) ;
h . sliders . CurTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' slider' , ' units' , ' pix' , ' position' , [ 2 * dxy + dlabels dxy dsliders hslider ] , ...
' min' , mintime , ' max' , maxtime , ' value' , mintime , ' callback' , @ curtime_callback , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel ) ;
temp = get ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Max' ) - get ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Min' ) ;
set ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' SliderStep' , [ 1.0 / temp 5.0 / temp ] ) ;
h . edits . CurTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' edit' , ' position' , [ 3 * dxy + dlabels + dsliders dxy dedits hslider ] , ' String' , get ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' value' ) , ...
' BackgroundColor' , ' white' , ' callback' , @ curtime_callback , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel ) ;
%Slider: MaxTime
h . labels . MaxTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' text' , ' position' , [ dxy 2 * dxy + hslider dlabels hslider ] , ' String' , ' Max. time t[s] to display:' , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel , ' HorizontalAlignment' , ' left' ) ;
h . sliders . MaxTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' slider' , ' units' , ' pix' , ' position' , [ 2 * dxy + dlabels 2 * dxy + hslider dsliders hslider ] , ...
' min' , mintime_log , ' max' , maxtime_log , ' value' , maxtime , ' callback' , @ minmaxtime_callback , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel ) ;
h . edits . MaxTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' edit' , ' position' , [ 3 * dxy + dlabels + dsliders 2 * dxy + hslider dedits hslider ] , ' String' , get ( h . sliders . MaxTime , ' value' ) , ...
' BackgroundColor' , ' white' , ' callback' , @ minmaxtime_callback , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel ) ;
%Slider: MinTime
h . labels . MinTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' text' , ' position' , [ dxy 3 * dxy + 2 * hslider dlabels hslider ] , ' String' , ' Min. time t[s] to dispay :' , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel , ' HorizontalAlignment' , ' left' ) ;
h . sliders . MinTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' slider' , ' units' , ' pix' , ' position' , [ 2 * dxy + dlabels 3 * dxy + 2 * hslider dsliders hslider ] , ...
' min' , mintime_log , ' max' , maxtime_log , ' value' , mintime , ' callback' , @ minmaxtime_callback , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel ) ;
h . edits . MinTime = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' edit' , ' position' , [ 3 * dxy + dlabels + dsliders 3 * dxy + 2 * hslider dedits hslider ] , ' String' , get ( h . sliders . MinTime , ' value' ) , ...
' BackgroundColor' , ' white' , ' callback' , @ minmaxtime_callback , ' parent' , h . plotctrlpanel ) ;
%%Current data/state GUI-elements (Multiline-edit-box)
h . edits . AircraftState = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' edit' , ' Units' , ' normalized' , ' position' , [ . 02 . 02 0.96 0.96 ] , ' Min' , 1 , ' Max' , 10 , ' String' , ' This shows the current aircraft state' , ...
' HorizontalAlignment' , ' left' , ' parent' , h . aircraftstatepanel ) ;
h . labels . GUIState = uicontrol ( gcf , ' style' , ' text' , ' Units' , ' pixels' , ' position' , [ dxy dxy width - 4 * dxy hslider ] , ' String' , ' Current state of this GUI' , ...
' HorizontalAlignment' , ' left' , ' parent' , h . guistatepanel ) ;
%% ************************************************************************
% INITPLOTGUI (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
function InitPlotGUI ( )
% Setup handles to lines and text
h . markertext = [ ] ;
templinehandle = 0.0 ; %line([0 1],[0 5]); % Just a temporary handle to init array
h . markerline ( 1 : NrAxes ) = templinehandle ; % the actual handle-array to the lines - these are numbered consecutively
h . markerline ( 1 : NrAxes ) = 0.0 ;
% Setup all other figures and axes for plotting
h . figures ( 2 ) = figure ( ' units' , ' normalized' , ' Toolbar' , ' figure' , ' Name' , ' GPS Position' ) ;
h . axes ( 1 ) = axes ( ) ;
set ( h . axes ( 1 ) , ' Parent' , h . figures ( 2 ) ) ;
% PLOT WINDOW 2: IMU, baro altitude
h . figures ( 3 ) = figure ( ' Name' , ' IMU / Baro Altitude' ) ;
h . axes ( 2 ) = subplot ( 4 , 1 , 1 ) ;
h . axes ( 3 ) = subplot ( 4 , 1 , 2 ) ;
h . axes ( 4 ) = subplot ( 4 , 1 , 3 ) ;
h . axes ( 5 ) = subplot ( 4 , 1 , 4 ) ;
set ( h . axes ( 2 : 5 ) , ' Parent' , h . figures ( 3 ) ) ;
h . figures ( 4 ) = figure ( ' Name' , ' Attitude Estimate / Actuators / Airspeeds' ) ;
h . axes ( 6 ) = subplot ( 4 , 1 , 1 ) ;
h . axes ( 7 ) = subplot ( 4 , 1 , 2 ) ;
h . axes ( 8 ) = subplot ( 4 , 1 , 3 ) ;
h . axes ( 9 ) = subplot ( 4 , 1 , 4 ) ;
set ( h . axes ( 6 : 9 ) , ' Parent' , h . figures ( 4 ) ) ;
h . figures ( 5 ) = figure ( ' Name' , ' Log Statistics' ) ;
h . axes ( 10 ) = subplot ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
set ( h . axes ( 10 : 10 ) , ' Parent' , h . figures ( 5 ) ) ;
%% ************************************************************************
% DRAWRAWDATA (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
%Draws the raw data from the sysvector, but does not add any
%marker-lines or so
function DrawRawData ( )
% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************
figure ( h . figures ( 2 ) ) ;
% Only plot GPS data if available
if ( sum ( double ( sysvector . GPS_Lat ( imintime : imaxtime ) ) ) > 0 ) && ( bDisplayGPS )
%Draw data
plot3 ( h . axes ( 1 ) , double ( sysvector . GPS_Lat ( imintime : imaxtime ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong , ...
double ( sysvector . GPS_Lon ( imintime : imaxtime ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong , ...
double ( sysvector . GPS_Alt ( imintime : imaxtime ) ) * fconv_gpsalt , ' r.' ) ;
title ( h . axes ( 1 ) , ' GPS Position Data(if available)' ) ;
xlabel ( h . axes ( 1 ) , ' Latitude [deg]' ) ;
ylabel ( h . axes ( 1 ) , ' Longitude [deg]' ) ;
zlabel ( h . axes ( 1 ) , ' Altitude above MSL [m]' ) ;
grid on
%Reset path
h . pathpoints = 0 ;
% ************************************************************************
% PLOT WINDOW 2: IMU, baro altitude
% ************************************************************************
figure ( h . figures ( 3 ) ) ;
plot ( h . axes ( 2 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , [ sysvector . IMU_MagX ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . IMU_MagY ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . IMU_MagZ ( imintime : imaxtime ) ] ) ;
title ( h . axes ( 2 ) , ' Magnetometers [Gauss]' ) ;
legend ( h . axes ( 2 ) , ' x' , ' y' , ' z' ) ;
plot ( h . axes ( 3 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , [ sysvector . IMU_AccX ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . IMU_AccY ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . IMU_AccZ ( imintime : imaxtime ) ] ) ;
title ( h . axes ( 3 ) , ' Accelerometers [m/s<EFBFBD> ]' ) ;
legend ( h . axes ( 3 ) , ' x' , ' y' , ' z' ) ;
plot ( h . axes ( 4 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , [ sysvector . IMU_GyroX ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . IMU_GyroY ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . IMU_GyroZ ( imintime : imaxtime ) ] ) ;
title ( h . axes ( 4 ) , ' Gyroscopes [rad/s]' ) ;
legend ( h . axes ( 4 ) , ' x' , ' y' , ' z' ) ;
plot ( h . axes ( 5 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . SENS_BaroAlt ( imintime : imaxtime ) , ' color' , ' blue' ) ;
if ( bDisplayGPS )
hold on ;
plot ( h . axes ( 5 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , double ( sysvector . GPS_Alt ( imintime : imaxtime ) ) .* fconv_gpsalt , ' color' , ' red' ) ;
hold off
legend ( ' Barometric Altitude [m]' , ' GPS Altitude [m]' ) ;
legend ( ' Barometric Altitude [m]' ) ;
title ( h . axes ( 5 ) , ' Altitude above MSL [m]' ) ;
% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************
figure ( h . figures ( 4 ) ) ;
%Attitude Estimate
plot ( h . axes ( 6 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , [ sysvector . ATT_Roll ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . ATT_Pitch ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . ATT_Yaw ( imintime : imaxtime ) ] .* 180. / 3.14159 ) ;
title ( h . axes ( 6 ) , ' Estimated attitude [deg]' ) ;
legend ( h . axes ( 6 ) , ' roll' , ' pitch' , ' yaw' ) ;
%Actuator Controls
plot ( h . axes ( 7 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , [ sysvector . ATTC_Roll ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . ATTC_Pitch ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . ATTC_Yaw ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . ATTC_Thrust ( imintime : imaxtime ) ] ) ;
title ( h . axes ( 7 ) , ' Actuator control [-]' ) ;
legend ( h . axes ( 7 ) , ' ATT CTRL Roll [-1..+1]' , ' ATT CTRL Pitch [-1..+1]' , ' ATT CTRL Yaw [-1..+1]' , ' ATT CTRL Thrust [0..+1]' ) ;
%Actuator Controls
plot ( h . axes ( 8 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , [ sysvector . OUT0_Out0 ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . OUT0_Out1 ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . OUT0_Out2 ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . OUT0_Out3 ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . OUT0_Out4 ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . OUT0_Out5 ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . OUT0_Out6 ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . OUT0_Out7 ( imintime : imaxtime ) ] ) ;
title ( h . axes ( 8 ) , ' Actuator PWM (raw-)outputs [<EFBFBD> s]' ) ;
legend ( h . axes ( 8 ) , ' CH1' , ' CH2' , ' CH3' , ' CH4' , ' CH5' , ' CH6' , ' CH7' , ' CH8' ) ;
set ( h . axes ( 8 ) , ' YLim' , [ 800 2200 ] ) ;
plot ( h . axes ( 9 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . AIRS_IndSpeed ( imintime : imaxtime ) ) ;
hold on
plot ( h . axes ( 9 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , sysvector . AIRS_TrueSpeed ( imintime : imaxtime ) ) ;
hold off
%add GPS total airspeed here
title ( h . axes ( 9 ) , ' Airspeed [m/s]' ) ;
legend ( h . axes ( 9 ) , ' Indicated Airspeed (IAS)' , ' True Airspeed (TAS)' , ' GPS Airspeed' ) ;
%calculate time differences and plot them
intervals = zeros ( 0 , imaxtime - imintime ) ;
for k = imintime + 1 : imaxtime
intervals ( k ) = time ( k ) - time ( k - 1 ) ;
plot ( h . axes ( 10 ) , time ( imintime : imaxtime ) , intervals ) ;
%Set same timescale for all plots
for i = 2 : NrAxes
set ( h . axes ( i ) , ' XLim' , [ mintime maxtime ] ) ;
set ( h . labels . GUIState , ' String' , ' OK' , ' BackgroundColor' , [ 240 / 255 240 / 255 240 / 255 ] ) ;
%% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************
function DrawCurrentAircraftState ( )
%find current data index
i = find ( time > = CurTime , 1 , ' first' ) ;
% Current aircraft state label update
acstate { 1 , : } = [ sprintf ( ' %s \t\t' , ' GPS Pos:' ) , ' [lat=' , num2str ( double ( sysvector . GPS_Lat ( i ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong ) , ' <EFBFBD> , ', ...
' lon=' , num2str ( double ( sysvector . GPS_Lon ( i ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong ) , ' <EFBFBD> , ', ...
' alt=' , num2str ( double ( sysvector . GPS_Alt ( i ) ) * fconv_gpsalt ) , ' m]' ] ;
acstate { 2 , : } = [ sprintf ( ' %s \t\t' , ' Mags[gauss]' ) , ' [x=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_MagX ( i ) ) , ...
' , y=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_MagY ( i ) ) , ...
' , z=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_MagZ ( i ) ) , ' ]' ] ;
acstate { 3 , : } = [ sprintf ( ' %s \t\t' , ' Accels[m/s<EFBFBD> ]' ) , ' [x=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_AccX ( i ) ) , ...
' , y=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_AccY ( i ) ) , ...
' , z=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_AccZ ( i ) ) , ' ]' ] ;
acstate { 4 , : } = [ sprintf ( ' %s \t\t' , ' Gyros[rad/s]' ) , ' [x=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_GyroX ( i ) ) , ...
' , y=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_GyroY ( i ) ) , ...
' , z=' , num2str ( sysvector . IMU_GyroZ ( i ) ) , ' ]' ] ;
acstate { 5 , : } = [ sprintf ( ' %s \t\t' , ' Altitude[m]' ) , ' [Barometric: ' , num2str ( sysvector . SENS_BaroAlt ( i ) ) , ' m, GPS: ' , num2str ( double ( sysvector . GPS_Alt ( i ) ) * fconv_gpsalt ) , ' m]' ] ;
acstate { 6 , : } = [ sprintf ( ' %s \t' , ' Est. attitude[deg]:' ) , ' [Roll=' , num2str ( sysvector . ATT_Roll ( i ) .* 180. / 3.14159 ) , ...
' , Pitch=' , num2str ( sysvector . ATT_Pitch ( i ) .* 180. / 3.14159 ) , ...
' , Yaw=' , num2str ( sysvector . ATT_Yaw ( i ) .* 180. / 3.14159 ) , ' ]' ] ;
acstate { 7 , : } = sprintf ( ' %s \t[' , ' Actuator Ctrls [-]:' ) ;
%for j=1:4
acstate { 7 , : } = [ acstate { 7 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . ATTC_Roll ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 7 , : } = [ acstate { 7 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . ATTC_Pitch ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 7 , : } = [ acstate { 7 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . ATTC_Yaw ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 7 , : } = [ acstate { 7 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . ATTC_Thrust ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 7 , : } = [ acstate { 7 , : } , ' ]' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = sprintf ( ' %s \t[' , ' Actuator Outputs [PWM/<EFBFBD> s]:' ) ;
%for j=1:8
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . OUT0_Out0 ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . OUT0_Out1 ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . OUT0_Out2 ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . OUT0_Out3 ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . OUT0_Out4 ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . OUT0_Out5 ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . OUT0_Out6 ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , num2str ( sysvector . OUT0_Out7 ( i ) ) , ' ,' ] ;
acstate { 8 , : } = [ acstate { 8 , : } , ' ]' ] ;
acstate { 9 , : } = [ sprintf ( ' %s \t' , ' Airspeed[m/s]:' ) , ' [IAS: ' , num2str ( sysvector . AIRS_IndSpeed ( i ) ) , ' , TAS: ' , num2str ( sysvector . AIRS_TrueSpeed ( i ) ) , ' ]' ] ;
set ( h . edits . AircraftState , ' String' , acstate ) ;
% GPS Plot Update
%Plot traveled path, and and time.
figure ( h . figures ( 2 ) ) ;
hold on ;
if ( CurTime > mintime + 1 ) %the +1 is only a small bugfix
h . pathline = plot3 ( h . axes ( 1 ) , double ( sysvector . GPS_Lat ( imintime : i ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong , ...
double ( sysvector . GPS_Lon ( imintime : i ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong , ...
double ( sysvector . GPS_Alt ( imintime : i ) ) * fconv_gpsalt , ' b' , ' LineWidth' , 2 ) ;
end ;
hold off
%Plot current position
newpoint = [ double ( sysvector . GPS_Lat ( i ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong double ( sysvector . GPS_Lat ( i ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong double ( sysvector . GPS_Alt ( i ) ) * fconv_gpsalt ] ;
if ( numel ( h . pathpoints ) < = 3 ) %empty path
h . pathpoints ( 1 , 1 : 3 ) = newpoint ;
else %Not empty, append new point
h . pathpoints ( size ( h . pathpoints , 1 ) + 1 , : ) = newpoint ;
axes ( h . axes ( 1 ) ) ;
line ( h . pathpoints ( : , 1 ) , h . pathpoints ( : , 2 ) , h . pathpoints ( : , 3 ) , ' LineStyle' , ' none' , ' Marker' , ' .' , ' MarkerEdge' , ' black' , ' MarkerSize' , 20 ) ;
% Plot current time (small label next to current gps position)
textdesc = strcat ( ' t=' , num2str ( time ( i ) ) , ' s' ) ;
if ( isvalidhandle ( h . markertext ) )
delete ( h . markertext ) ; %delete old text
h . markertext = text ( double ( sysvector . GPS_Lat ( i ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong , double ( sysvector . GPS_Lon ( i ) ) * fconv_gpslatlong , ...
double ( sysvector . GPS_Alt ( i ) ) * fconv_gpsalt , textdesc ) ;
set ( h . edits . CurTime , ' String' , CurTime ) ;
% Plot the lines showing the current time in the 2-d plots
for i = 2 : NrAxes
if ( isvalidhandle ( h . markerline ( i ) ) ) delete ( h . markerline ( i ) ) ; end
ylims = get ( h . axes ( i ) , ' YLim' ) ;
h . markerline ( i ) = line ( [ CurTime CurTime ] , get ( h . axes ( i ) , ' YLim' ) , ' Color' , ' black' ) ;
set ( h . markerline ( i ) , ' parent' , h . axes ( i ) ) ;
set ( h . labels . GUIState , ' String' , ' OK' , ' BackgroundColor' , [ 240 / 255 240 / 255 240 / 255 ] ) ;
%% ************************************************************************
% MINMAXTIME CALLBACK (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
function minmaxtime_callback ( hObj,event) %#ok<INUSL>
new_mintime = get ( h . sliders . MinTime , ' Value' ) ;
new_maxtime = get ( h . sliders . MaxTime , ' Value' ) ;
%Safety checks:
bErr = false ;
%1: mintime must be < maxtime
if ( ( new_mintime > maxtime ) || ( new_maxtime < mintime ) )
set ( h . labels . GUIState , ' String' , ' Error: Mintime cannot be bigger than maxtime! Values were not changed.' , ' BackgroundColor' , ' red' ) ;
bErr = true ;
%2: MinTime must be <=CurTime
if ( new_mintime > CurTime )
set ( h . labels . GUIState , ' String' , ' Error: Mintime cannot be bigger than CurTime! CurTime set to new mintime.' , ' BackgroundColor' , ' red' ) ;
mintime = new_mintime ;
CurTime = mintime ;
bErr = true ;
%3: MaxTime must be >CurTime
if ( new_maxtime < CurTime )
set ( h . labels . GUIState , ' String' , ' Error: Maxtime cannot be smaller than CurTime! CurTime set to new maxtime.' , ' BackgroundColor' , ' red' ) ;
maxtime = new_maxtime ;
CurTime = maxtime ;
bErr = true ;
if ( bErr == false )
maxtime = new_maxtime ;
mintime = new_mintime ;
%Needs to be done in case values were reset above
set ( h . sliders . MinTime , ' Value' , mintime ) ;
set ( h . sliders . MaxTime , ' Value' , maxtime ) ;
%Update curtime-slider
set ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Value' , CurTime ) ;
set ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Max' , maxtime ) ;
set ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Min' , mintime ) ;
temp = get ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Max' ) - get ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Min' ) ;
set ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' SliderStep' , [ 1.0 / temp 5.0 / temp ] ) ; %Set Stepsize to constant [in seconds]
%update edit fields
set ( h . edits . CurTime , ' String' , get ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Value' ) ) ;
set ( h . edits . MinTime , ' String' , get ( h . sliders . MinTime , ' Value' ) ) ;
set ( h . edits . MaxTime , ' String' , get ( h . sliders . MaxTime , ' Value' ) ) ;
%Finally, we have to redraw. Update time indices first.
[ imintime , imaxtime ] = FindMinMaxTimeIndices ( ) ;
DrawRawData ( ) ; %Rawdata only
DrawCurrentAircraftState ( ) ; %path info & markers
%% ************************************************************************
% CURTIME CALLBACK (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
function curtime_callback ( hObj,event) %#ok<INUSL>
%find current time
if ( hObj == h . sliders . CurTime )
CurTime = get ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Value' ) ;
elseif ( hObj == h . edits . CurTime )
temp = str2num ( get ( h . edits . CurTime , ' String' ) ) ;
if ( temp < maxtime && temp > mintime )
CurTime = temp ;
set ( h . labels . GUIState , ' String' , ' Error: You tried to set an invalid current time! Previous value restored.' , ' BackgroundColor' , ' red' ) ;
set ( h . labels . GUIState , ' String' , ' Error: curtime_callback' , ' BackgroundColor' , ' red' ) ;
set ( h . sliders . CurTime , ' Value' , CurTime ) ;
set ( h . edits . CurTime , ' String' , num2str ( CurTime ) ) ;
%Redraw time markers, but don't have to redraw the whole raw data
DrawCurrentAircraftState ( ) ;
%% ************************************************************************
% FINDMINMAXINDICES (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
function [idxmin,idxmax] = FindMinMaxTimeIndices ( )
for i = 1 : size ( sysvector . TIME_StartTime , 1 )
if time ( i ) > = mintime ; idxmin = i ; break ; end
for i = 1 : size ( sysvector . TIME_StartTime , 1 )
if maxtime == 0 ; idxmax = size ( sysvector . TIME_StartTime , 1 ) ; break ; end
if time ( i ) > = maxtime ; idxmax = i ; break ; end
mintime = time ( idxmin ) ;
maxtime = time ( idxmax ) ;
%% ************************************************************************
% ISVALIDHANDLE (nested function)
% ************************************************************************
function isvalid = isvalidhandle ( handle)
if ( exist ( varname ( handle ) ) > 0 && length ( ishandle ( handle ) ) > 0 )
if ( ishandle ( handle ) > 0 )
if ( handle > 0.0 )
isvalid = true ;
return ;
isvalid = false ;
%% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************
function out = varname ( var)
out = inputname ( 1 ) ;
%This is the end of the matlab file / the main function