# Built products
DESIRED_FIRMWARES = $(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),$(IMAGE_DIR)$(config).px4)
STAGED_FIRMWARES = $(foreach config,$(KNOWN_CONFIGS),$(IMAGE_DIR)$(config).px4)
FIRMWARES = $(foreach config,$(KNOWN_CONFIGS),$(BUILD_DIR)$(config).build/firmware.px4)
# Copy FIRMWARES into the image directory.
# XXX copying the .bin files is a hack to work around the PX4IO uploader
# not supporting .px4 files, and it should be deprecated onced that
# is taken care of.
$(STAGED_FIRMWARES): $(IMAGE_DIR)%.px4: $(BUILD_DIR)%.build/firmware.px4
@$(ECHO) %% Copying $@
$(Q) $(COPY) $< $@
$(Q) $(COPY) $(patsubst %.px4,%.bin,$<) $(patsubst %.px4,%.bin,$@)
# Generate FIRMWARES.
$(BUILD_DIR)%.build/firmware.px4: config = $(patsubst $(BUILD_DIR)%.build/firmware.px4,%,$@)
$(BUILD_DIR)%.build/firmware.px4: work_dir = $(BUILD_DIR)$(config).build/
$(FIRMWARES): $(BUILD_DIR)%.build/firmware.px4: checkgitversion generateuorbtopicheaders checksubmodules
@$(ECHO) %%%%
@$(ECHO) %%%% Building $(config) in $(work_dir)
@$(ECHO) %%%%
$(Q) $(MKDIR) -p $(work_dir)
$(Q) $(MAKE) -r --no-print-directory -C $(work_dir) \
-f $(PX4_MK_DIR)firmware.mk \
CONFIG=$(config) \
WORK_DIR=$(work_dir) \
# Make FMU firmwares depend on the corresponding IO firmware.
# This is a pretty vile hack, since it hard-codes knowledge of the FMU->IO dependency
# and forces the _default config in all cases. There has to be a better way to do this...
FMU_VERSION = $(patsubst px4fmu-%,%,$(word 1, $(subst _, ,$(1))))
define FMU_DEP
$(BUILD_DIR)$(1).build/firmware.px4: $(IMAGE_DIR)px4io-$(call FMU_VERSION,$(1))_default.px4
FMU_CONFIGS := $(filter px4fmu%,$(CONFIGS))
$(foreach config,$(FMU_CONFIGS),$(eval $(call FMU_DEP,$(config))))
# Build the NuttX export archives.
# Note that there are no explicit dependencies extended from these
# archives. If NuttX is updated, the user is expected to rebuild the
# archives/build area manually. Likewise, when the 'archives' target is
# invoked, all archives are always rebuilt.
# XXX Should support fetching/unpacking from a separate directory to permit
# downloads of the prebuilt archives as well...
NUTTX_ARCHIVES = $(foreach board,$(BOARDS),$(ARCHIVE_DIR)$(board).export)
.PHONY: archives
archives: checksubmodules $(NUTTX_ARCHIVES)
# We cannot build these parallel; note that we also force -j1 for the
# sub-make invocations.
ifneq ($(filter archives,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
$(ARCHIVE_DIR)%.export: board = $(notdir $(basename $@))
$(ARCHIVE_DIR)%.export: configuration = nsh
@$(ECHO) %% Configuring NuttX for $(board)
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC) && $(RMDIR) nuttx-export)
$(Q) $(MAKE) -r -j$(J) --no-print-directory -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) distclean
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC)/configs && $(COPYDIR) $(PX4_BASE)nuttx-configs/$(board) .)
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC)tools && ./configure.sh $(board)/$(configuration))
@$(ECHO) %% Exporting NuttX for $(board)
$(Q) $(MAKE) -r -j$(J) --no-print-directory -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD=$(board) export
$(Q) $(MKDIR) -p $(dir $@)
$(Q) $(COPY) $(NUTTX_SRC)nuttx-export.zip $@
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC)/configs && $(RMDIR) $(board))
# The user can run the NuttX 'menuconfig' tool for a single board configuration with
# make BOARDS=<boardname> menuconfig
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),menuconfig)
ifneq ($(words $(BOARDS)),1)
$(error BOARDS must specify exactly one board for the menuconfig goal)
menuconfig: $(NUTTX_SRC)
@$(ECHO) %% Configuring NuttX for $(BOARD)
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC) && $(RMDIR) nuttx-export)
$(Q) $(MAKE) -r -j$(J) --no-print-directory -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) distclean
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC)/configs && $(COPYDIR) $(PX4_BASE)nuttx-configs/$(BOARD) .)
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC)tools && ./configure.sh $(BOARD)/nsh)
@$(ECHO) %% Running menuconfig for $(BOARD)
$(Q) $(MAKE) -r -j$(J) --no-print-directory -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) oldconfig
$(Q) $(MAKE) -r -j$(J) --no-print-directory -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) menuconfig
@$(ECHO) %% Saving configuration file
$(Q)$(COPY) $(NUTTX_SRC).config $(PX4_BASE)nuttx-configs/$(BOARD)/nsh/defconfig
@$(ECHO) ""
@$(ECHO) "The menuconfig goal must be invoked without any other goal being specified"
@$(ECHO) ""
$(NUTTX_SRC): checkgitversion checksubmodules
$(Q) (./Tools/check_submodules.sh)