## PX4 Pro Drone Autopilot ##
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This repository holds the [PX4 Pro ](http://px4.io ) flight control solution for drones, with the main applications located in the src/modules directory. It also contains the PX4 Drone Middleware Platform, which provides drivers and middleware to run drones.
* Official Website: http://px4.io
* License: BSD 3-clause (see [LICENSE.md ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/blob/master/LICENSE.md ))
* Supported airframes (more experimental are supported):
* [Multicopters ](http://px4.io/portfolio_category/multicopter/ )
* [Fixed wing ](http://px4.io/portfolio_category/plane/ )
* [VTOL ](http://px4.io/portfolio_category/vtol/ )
* Releases
* [Downloads ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/releases )
### Users ###
Please refer to the [user documentation ](http://px4.io ) and [user forum ](http://discuss.px4.io ) for flying drones with the PX4 flight stack.
### Developers ###
* [Developer Forum / Mailing list ](http://groups.google.com/group/px4users )
* [Guide for Contributions ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md )
* [Developer guide ](http://dev.px4.io )
This repository contains code supporting these boards:
* [Snapdragon Flight ](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-snapdragon.html )
* FMUv1.x
* FMUv2.x ([Pixhawk](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-pixhawk.html), Pixhawk 2 and [Pixfalcon ](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-pixfalcon.html ))
* FMUv4.x (Pixhawk X and [Pixracer ](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-pixracer.html ))
* AeroCore (v1 and v2)
* STM32F4Discovery (basic support) [Tutorial ](https://pixhawk.org/modules/stm32f4discovery )