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# Definition of the sensor_combined uORB topic.
uint32 SENSOR_PRIO_MIN = 0
uint32 SENSOR_PRIO_LOW = 50
uint32 SENSOR_PRIO_HIGH = 100
uint32 SENSOR_PRIO_MAX = 255
# Sensor readings in raw and SI-unit form.
# These values are read from the sensors. Raw values are in sensor-specific units,
# the scaled values are in SI-units, as visible from the ending of the variable
# or the comments. The use of the SI fields is in general advised, as these fields
# are scaled and offset-compensated where possible and do not change with board
# revisions and sensor updates.
# Actual data, this is specific to the type of data which is stored in this struct
# A line containing L0GME will be added by the Python logging code generator to the logged dataset.
# NOTE: Ordering of fields optimized to align to 32 bit / 4 bytes Change with consideration only
uint64 timestamp # Timestamp in microseconds since boot, from gyro
uint64[3] gyro_timestamp # Gyro timestamps
int16[9] gyro_raw # Raw sensor values of angular velocity
float32[9] gyro_rad_s # Angular velocity in radian per seconds
uint32[3] gyro_priority # Sensor priority
float32[9] gyro_integral_rad # delta angle in radians
uint64[3] gyro_integral_dt # delta time for gyro integral in us
uint32[3] gyro_errcount # Error counter for gyro 0
float32[3] gyro_temp # Temperature of gyro 0
int16[9] accelerometer_raw # Raw acceleration in NED body frame
float32[9] accelerometer_m_s2 # Acceleration in NED body frame, in m/s^2
float32[9] accelerometer_integral_m_s # velocity in NED body frame, in m/s^2
uint64[3] accelerometer_integral_dt # delta time for accel integral in us
int16[3] accelerometer_mode # Accelerometer measurement mode
float32[3] accelerometer_range_m_s2 # Accelerometer measurement range in m/s^2
uint64[3] accelerometer_timestamp # Accelerometer timestamp
uint32[3] accelerometer_priority # Sensor priority
uint32[3] accelerometer_errcount # Error counter for accel 0
float32[3] accelerometer_temp # Temperature of accel 0
int16[9] magnetometer_raw # Raw magnetic field in NED body frame
float32[9] magnetometer_ga # Magnetic field in NED body frame, in Gauss
int16[3] magnetometer_mode # Magnetometer measurement mode
float32[3] magnetometer_range_ga # measurement range in Gauss
float32[3] magnetometer_cuttoff_freq_hz # Internal analog low pass frequency of sensor
uint64[3] magnetometer_timestamp # Magnetometer timestamp
uint32[3] magnetometer_priority # Sensor priority
uint32[3] magnetometer_errcount # Error counter for mag 0
float32[3] magnetometer_temp # Temperature of mag 0
uint8[3] mag_ext # 0 if internal, 1 if external
float32[3] baro_pres_mbar # Barometric pressure, already temp. comp.
float32[3] baro_alt_meter # Altitude, already temp. comp.
float32[3] baro_temp_celcius # Temperature in degrees celsius
uint64[3] baro_timestamp # Barometer timestamp
uint32[3] baro_priority # Sensor priority
uint32[3] baro_errcount # Error count in communication
float32[10] adc_voltage_v # ADC voltages of ADC Chan 10/11/12/13 or -1
uint16[10] adc_mapping # Channel indices of each of these values
float32 mcu_temp_celcius # Internal temperature measurement of MCU
float32[3] differential_pressure_pa # Airspeed sensor differential pressure
uint64[3] differential_pressure_timestamp # Last measurement timestamp
float32[3] differential_pressure_filtered_pa # Low pass filtered airspeed sensor differential pressure reading
uint32[3] differential_pressure_priority # Sensor priority
uint32[3] differential_pressure_errcount # Error count in communication