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456 lines
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456 lines
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13 years ago
The start symbol for this grammar is pascal.
actual-parameter = expression | variable-access |
procedure-identifier | function-identifier
actual-parameter-list = '(' actual-parameter { ',' actual-parameter } ')'
adding-operator = '+' | '-' | 'or' | 'or_else' | 'xor'
array-type = 'array' '[' index-type-list ']' 'of' type-denoter
array-variable = variable-access
assignment-statement = assignment-statement-lhs ':=' expression
assignment-statement-lhs = variable-access | function-identifier | property-designator
binary-digit = '0' | '1'
binary-digit-sequence = binary-digit { binary-digit }
binary-integer = '%' binary-digit-sequence
block = declaration-group compound-statement
boolean-expression = expression
buffer-variable = file-variable '^' | file-variable '@'
c-string-type = 'cstring' [ max-string-length ]
case-body = case-list-elements [ [ ';' ] case-statement-completer ] |
case-constant = ordinal-constant
case-constant-list = case-specifier { ',' case-specifier }
case-index = ordinal-expression
case-list-element = case-constant-list ':' statement
case-list-elements = case-list-element { ';' case-list-element }
case-specifier = case-constant [ '..' case-constant ]
case-statement = 'case' case-index case-body [ ';' ] 'end'
case-statement-completer = ( 'otherwise' | 'else' ) statement-sequence
character-code = digit-sequence
character-literal = ''' string-element-one ''' |
'"' string-element-two '"' |
'#' character-code
component-variable = indexed-variable | field-designator
compound-statement = 'begin' statement-sequence 'end'
conditional-statement = if-statement | case-statement
constant = [ sign ] integer-number |
[ sign ] real-number |
[ sign ] constant-identifier |
character-literal |
constant-definition = identifier '=' constant
constant-definition-group = 'const' constant-definition ';' { constant-definition ';' }
constant-identifier = identifier
control-variable = entire-variable
decimal-integer = digit-sequence
declaration-group =
label-declaration-group |
constant-definition-group |
type-definition-group |
variable-declaration-group |
function-declaration |
digit = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
digit-sequence = digit { digit }
directive = forward-directive | external-directive
dllname = string-literal
domain-type = type-identifier
else-part = 'else' statement
empty-statement =
empty-string = '''' | '""'
entire-variable = variable-identifier
enumerated-constant = identifier
enumerated-constant-list = enumerated-constant { ',' enumerated-constant }
enumerated-type = '(' enumerated-constant-list ')'
exponent = 'e' | 'E'
exported-heading = procedure-heading ';' [ directive ] | function-heading ';' [ directive ]
expression = shift-expression [ relational-operator shift-expression ]
external-directive = 'external' 'dll' '=' dllname [ 'name' '=' name ] [ 'stdcall' | 'cdecl' ]
factor = [ sign ] unsigned-constant |
[ sign ] variable-access |
[ sign ] '(' expression ')' |
[ sign ] function-designator |
[ sign ] function-method-designator |
[ sign ] 'not' factor |
field-designator = record-variable '.' field-specifier | field-designator-identifier
field-designator-identifier = identifier
field-identifier = identifier
field-list = [
fixed-part [ ';' ] variant-part [ ';' ] |
fixed-part [ ';' ] |
variant-part [ ';' ] |
field-specifier = field-identifier
file-type = 'file' 'of' type-denoter
file-variable = variable-access
final-value = ordinal-expression
fixed-part = record-section { ';' record-section }
for-statement = 'for' control-variable ':=' initial-value ( 'to' | 'downto' ) final-value
'do' statement
formal-parameter-list = '(' formal-parameter-section { ';' formal-parameter-section } ')'
formal-parameter-section = value-parameter-specification |
variable-parameter-specification |
procedure-parameter-specification |
forward-directive = 'forward'
function-block = block
function-declaration =
function-heading ';' directive |
function-heading ';' function-block
function-designator = function-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ]
function-heading = 'function' function-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ] ':' result-type
function-identifier = identifier
function-method-designator = object-variable '.' function-method-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ]
function-method-identifier = identifier
function-parameter-specification = function-heading
goto-statement = 'goto' label
hex-digit = digit | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f'
hex-digit-sequence = hex-digit { hex-digit }
hexadecimal-integer = '$' hex-digit-sequence
identified-variable = pointer-variable '^' | pointer-variable '@'
identifier = letter { letter | digit }
identifier-list = identifier { ',' identifier }
if-statement = 'if' boolean-expression 'then' statement [ else-part ]
implementation-section = 'implementation' [ uses-section ] declaration-group
index-expression = expression
index-type = ordinal-type
index-type-list = index-type { ',' index-type }
indexed-variable = indexed-variable-array | indexed-variable-string
indexed-variable-array = array-variable '[' index-expression { ',' index-expression } ']'
indexed-variable-string = string-variable '[' integral-expression ']'
initial-value = ordinal-expression
init-section = 'initialization statement-sequence
['finalization' statement-sequence] 'end' |
compound-statement | 'end'
integer-number = decimal-integer | hexadecimal-integer | binary-integer
integral-constant = constant
integral-expression = expression
interface-declaration = [ constant-definition-group ]
[ type-definition-group ] [ variable-declaration-group ]
interface-section = 'interface' [ uses-section ] interface-declaration
label = digit-sequence | identifier
label-declaration-group = 'label' label { ',' label } ';'
letter = 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j' |
'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' | 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't' |
'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' | 'z' |
list-type = 'list' 'of' type-denoter
list-variable = variable-access
max-string-length = '[' integral-constant ']' | '(' integral-constant ')'
member-designator = ordinal-expression [ '..' ordinal-expression ]
multiplying-operator = '*' | '/' | 'div' | 'mod' | 'and' | 'and_then'
name = identifier
new-complex-type = new-structured-type | new-pointer-type
new-ordinal-type = enumerated-type | subrange-type
new-pointer-type = '^' domain-type | '@' domain-type
new-structured-type =
[ 'packed' ] array-type |
[ 'packed' ] record-type |
[ 'packed' ] set-type |
[ 'packed' ] file-type |
[ 'packed' ] list-type |
object-type |
new-type = new-ordinal-type | new-complex-type
non-empty-string =
''' string-element-one string-element-one { string-element-one } ''' |
'"' string-element-two string-element-two { string-element-two } '"'
object-type = 'object' | 'class'
object-variable = variable-access
ordinal-constant = constant
ordinal-expression = expression
ordinal-type = new-ordinal-type | ordinal-type-identifier
ordinal-type-identifier = identifier
pascal = program | unit
pascal-string-type = 'string' [ max-string-length ]
pointer-variable = variable-access
printable-character = any character (including a space) that has a visual representation.
procedure-block = block
procedure-declaration =
procedure-heading ';' directive |
procedure-heading ';' procedure-block
procedure-heading = 'procedure' procedure-identifier
[ formal-parameter-list ]
procedure-identifier = identifier
procedure-method-identifier = identifier
procedure-method-specifier = object-variable '.' procedure-method-identifier
procedure-method-statement = procedure-method-specifier [ actual-parameter-list ]
procedure-parameter-specification = procedure-heading
procedure-statement = procedure-identifier (
[ actual-parameter-list ] |
read-parameter-list | readln-parameter-list |
write-parameter-list | writeln-parameter-list
program = program-heading ';' [ uses-section ] block '.'
program-heading = 'program' identifier [ '(' identifier-list ')' ]
property-designator = object-variable '.' property-specifier
property-identifier = identifier
property-specifier = property-identifier | '(' property-string ')'
property-string = string-expression
read-parameter-list = '(' [ file-variable ',' ] variable-access { ',' variable-access } ')'
readln-parameter-list = [ '(' ( file-variable | variable-access ) { ',' variable-access } ')' ]
real-number =
digit-sequence '.' [digit-sequence] [ exponent scale-factor ] |
'.' digit-sequence [ exponent scale-factor ] |
digit-sequence exponent scale-factor
record-section = identifier-list ':' type-denoter
record-type = 'record' field-list 'end'
record-variable = variable-access
record-variable-list = record-variable { ';' record-variable }
relational-operator = '=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | 'in'
repeat-statement = 'repeat' statement-sequence 'until' boolean-expression
repetitive-statement = repeat-statement | while-statement | for-statement
result-type = type-identifier
scale-factor = [ sign ] digit-sequence
selected-variable = list-variable '[' index-expression { ',' index-expression } ']'
set-constructor = '[' [ member-designator { ',' member-designator } ] ']'
set-type = 'set' 'of' ordinal-type
shift-expression = simple-expression [ shift-operator simple-expression ]
shift-operator = 'shl' | 'shr'
sign = '-' | '+'
simple-expression = term { adding-operator term }
simple-statement = empty-statement | assignment-statement |
procedure-statement | procedure-method-statement |
statement = [ label ':' ] ( simple-statement | structured-statement )
statement-sequence = statement { ';' statement }
string-element-one = '''' | printable-character
string-element-two = '""' | printable-character
string-expression = expression
string-literal = empty-string | non-empty-string
string-type = pascal-string-type | c-string-type
string-variable = variable-access
structured-statement = compound-statement |
conditional-statement |
repetitive-statement |
subrange-type = constant '..' constant
term = factor { multiplying-operator factor }
type-definition = identifier '=' type-denoter
type-definition-group = 'type' type-definition ';' { type-definition ';' }
type-denoter = type-identifier | new-type
type-identifier = identifier
unit = 'unit' identifer ';' interface-section implementation-section
init-section '.'
unit-import = identifier ['in' non-empty-string ]
unit = unit-heading ';' interface-section implementation-section init-section
unit-heading = 'unit' identifer
unsigned-constant = integer-number | real-number |
character-literal | string-literal | constant-identifier |
uses-section = 'uses' [ uses-unit-list ] ';'
uses-unit-list = unit-import {';' uses-unit-list }
value-parameter-specification = identifier-list ':' type-identifier
variable-access = entire-variable | component-variable | identified-variable |
selected-variable | buffer-variable
variable-declaration = identifier-list ':' type-denoter
variable-declaration-group = 'var' variable-declaration { ';' variable-declaration }
variable-identifier = identifier
variable-parameter-specification = 'var' identifier-list ':' type-identifier
variant = case-constant-list ':' '(' field-list ')'
variant-body = variant-list [ [ ';' ] variant-part-completer ] | variant-part-completer
variant-list = variant { ';' variant }
variant-part = 'case' variant-selector 'of' variant-body
variant-part-completer = ( 'otherwise' | 'else' ) ( field-list )
variant-selector = [ identifier ':' ] ordinal-type-identifer
while-statement = 'while' boolean-expression 'do' statement
with-statement = 'with' record-variable-list 'do' statement
write-parameter = expression [ ':' expression [ ':' expression ] ]
write-parameter-list = '(' [ file-variable ',' ] write-parameter { ',' write-parameter } ')'
writeln-parameter-list = [ '(' ( file-variable | write-parameter ) { ',' write-parameter } ')' ]