# Fused global position in WGS84.
# This struct contains global position estimation. It is not the raw GPS
# measurement (@see vehicle_gps_position). This topic is usually published by the position
# estimator, which will take more sources of information into account than just GPS,
# e.g. control inputs of the vehicle in a Kalman-filter implementation.
float64 lat # Latitude, (degrees)
float64 lon # Longitude, (degrees)
float32 alt # Altitude AMSL, (meters)
float32 delta_alt # Reset delta for altitude
uint8 lat_lon_reset_counter # Counter for reset events on horizontal position coordinates
uint8 alt_reset_counter # Counter for reset events on altitude
float32 vel_n # North velocity in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec)
float32 vel_e # East velocity in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec)
float32 vel_d # Down velocity in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec)
float32 pos_d_deriv # Down position time derivative in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec)
float32 yaw # Euler yaw angle relative to NED earth-fixed frame, -PI..+PI, (radians)
float32 eph # Standard deviation of horizontal position error, (metres)
float32 epv # Standard deviation of vertical position error, (metres)
float32 evh # Standard deviation of horizontal velocity error, (metres/sec)
float32 evv # Standard deviation of horizontal velocity error, (metres/sec)
float32 terrain_alt # Terrain altitude WGS84, (metres)
bool terrain_alt_valid # Terrain altitude estimate is valid
float32 pressure_alt # Pressure altitude AMSL, (metres)
bool dead_reckoning # True if this position is estimated through dead-reckoning
# TOPICS vehicle_global_position vehicle_global_position_groundtruth