#! /usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pyulog import *
Reads in IMU data from a static thermal calibration test and performs a curve fit of gyro , accel and baro bias vs temperature
Data can be gathered using the following sequence :
1 ) Power up the board and set the TC_A_ENABLE , TC_B_ENABLE and TC_G_ENABLE parameters to 1
2 ) Set all CAL_GYR and CAL_ACC parameters to defaults
3 ) Set the SDLOG_MODE parameter to 2 , and SDLOG_PROFILE parameter to 4 to enable logging of sensor data for calibration and power off
4 ) Cold soak the board for 30 minutes
5 ) Move to a warm dry , still air , constant pressure environment .
6 ) Apply power for 45 minutes , keeping the board still .
7 ) Remove power and extract the . ulog file
8 ) Open a terminal window in the Firmware / Tools directory and run the python calibration script script file : ' python process_sensor_caldata.py <full path name to .ulog file>
9 ) Power the board , connect QGC and load the parameter from the generated . params file onto the board using QGC . Due to the number of parameters , loading them may take some time .
10 ) TODO - we need a way for user to reliably tell when parameters have all been changed and saved .
11 ) After parameters have finished loading , set SDLOG_MODE and SDLOG_PROFILE to their respective values prior to step 4 ) and remove power .
12 ) Power the board and perform a normal gyro and accelerometer sensor calibration using QGC . The board must be repowered after this step before flying due to large parameter changes and the thermal compensation parameters only being read on startup .
Outputs thermal compensation parameters in a file named < inputfilename > . params which can be loaded onto the board using QGroundControl
Outputs summary plots in a pdf file named < inputfilename > . pdf
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Analyse the sensor_gyro message data ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' filename ' , metavar = ' file.ulg ' , help = ' ULog input file ' )
def is_valid_directory ( parser , arg ) :
if os . path . isdir ( arg ) :
# Directory exists so return the directory
return arg
else :
parser . error ( ' The directory {} does not exist ' . format ( arg ) )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
ulog_file_name = args . filename
ulog = ULog ( ulog_file_name , None )
data = ulog . data_list
# extract gyro data
sensor_instance = 0
num_gyros = 0
for d in data :
if d . name == ' sensor_gyro ' :
if sensor_instance == 0 :
sensor_gyro_0 = d . data
print ( ' found gyro 0 data ' )
num_gyros = 1
if sensor_instance == 1 :
sensor_gyro_1 = d . data
print ( ' found gyro 1 data ' )
num_gyros = 2
if sensor_instance == 2 :
sensor_gyro_2 = d . data
print ( ' found gyro 2 data ' )
num_gyros = 3
sensor_instance = sensor_instance + 1
# extract accel data
sensor_instance = 0
num_accels = 0
for d in data :
if d . name == ' sensor_accel ' :
if sensor_instance == 0 :
sensor_accel_0 = d . data
print ( ' found accel 0 data ' )
num_accels = 1
if sensor_instance == 1 :
sensor_accel_1 = d . data
print ( ' found accel 1 data ' )
num_accels = 2
if sensor_instance == 2 :
sensor_accel_2 = d . data
print ( ' found accel 2 data ' )
num_accels = 3
sensor_instance = sensor_instance + 1
# extract baro data
sensor_instance = 0
num_baros = 0
for d in data :
if d . name == ' sensor_baro ' :
if sensor_instance == 0 :
sensor_baro_0 = d . data
print ( ' found baro 0 data ' )
num_baros = 1
if sensor_instance == 1 :
sensor_baro_1 = d . data
print ( ' found baro 1 data ' )
num_baros = 2
sensor_instance = sensor_instance + 1
# open file to save plots to PDF
from matplotlib . backends . backend_pdf import PdfPages
output_plot_filename = ulog_file_name + " .pdf "
pp = PdfPages ( output_plot_filename )
# define data dictionary of gyro 0 thermal correction parameters
gyro_0_params = {
' TC_G0_ID ' : 0 ,
' TC_G0_TMIN ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_TMAX ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_TREF ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X0_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X1_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X2_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X3_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X0_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X1_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X2_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X3_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X0_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X1_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X2_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_X3_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G0_SCL_0 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_G0_SCL_1 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_G0_SCL_2 ' : 1.0
# curve fit the data for gyro 0 corrections
if num_gyros > = 1 :
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_ID ' ] = int ( np . median ( sensor_gyro_0 [ ' device_id ' ] ) )
# find the min, max and reference temperature
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TMIN ' ] = np . amin ( sensor_gyro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] )
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TMAX ' ] = np . amax ( sensor_gyro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] )
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TREF ' ] = 0.5 * ( gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TMIN ' ] + gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TMAX ' ] )
temp_rel = sensor_gyro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] - gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TREF ' ]
temp_rel_resample = np . linspace ( gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TMIN ' ] - gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TREF ' ] , gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TMAX ' ] - gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TREF ' ] , 100 )
temp_resample = temp_rel_resample + gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_TREF ' ]
# fit X axis
coef_gyro_0_x = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_0 [ ' x ' ] , 3 )
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X3_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_x [ 0 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X2_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_x [ 1 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X1_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_x [ 2 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X0_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_x [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_0_x = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_0_x )
gyro_0_x_resample = fit_coef_gyro_0_x ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Y axis
coef_gyro_0_y = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_0 [ ' y ' ] , 3 )
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X3_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_y [ 0 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X2_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_y [ 1 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X1_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_y [ 2 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X0_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_y [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_0_y = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_0_y )
gyro_0_y_resample = fit_coef_gyro_0_y ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Z axis
coef_gyro_0_z = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_0 [ ' z ' ] , 3 )
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X3_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_z [ 0 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X2_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_z [ 1 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X1_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_z [ 2 ]
gyro_0_params [ ' TC_G0_X0_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_0_z [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_0_z = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_0_z )
gyro_0_z_resample = fit_coef_gyro_0_z ( temp_rel_resample )
# gyro0 vs temperature
plt . figure ( 1 , figsize = ( 20 , 13 ) )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 1 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_0 [ ' x ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_0_x_resample , ' r ' )
plt . title ( ' Gyro 0 Bias vs Temperature ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' X bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 2 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_0 [ ' y ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_0_y_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Y bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 3 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_0 [ ' z ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_0_z_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Z bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
pp . savefig ( )
# define data dictionary of gyro 1 thermal correction parameters
gyro_1_params = {
' TC_G1_ID ' : 0 ,
' TC_G1_TMIN ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_TMAX ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_TREF ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X0_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X1_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X2_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X3_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X0_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X1_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X2_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X3_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X0_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X1_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X2_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_X3_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G1_SCL_0 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_G1_SCL_1 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_G1_SCL_2 ' : 1.0
# curve fit the data for gyro 1 corrections
if num_gyros > = 2 :
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_ID ' ] = int ( np . median ( sensor_gyro_1 [ ' device_id ' ] ) )
# find the min, max and reference temperature
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TMIN ' ] = np . amin ( sensor_gyro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] )
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TMAX ' ] = np . amax ( sensor_gyro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] )
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TREF ' ] = 0.5 * ( gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TMIN ' ] + gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TMAX ' ] )
temp_rel = sensor_gyro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] - gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TREF ' ]
temp_rel_resample = np . linspace ( gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TMIN ' ] - gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TREF ' ] , gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TMAX ' ] - gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TREF ' ] , 100 )
temp_resample = temp_rel_resample + gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_TREF ' ]
# fit X axis
coef_gyro_1_x = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_1 [ ' x ' ] , 3 )
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X3_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_x [ 0 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X2_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_x [ 1 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X1_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_x [ 2 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X0_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_x [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_1_x = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_1_x )
gyro_1_x_resample = fit_coef_gyro_1_x ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Y axis
coef_gyro_1_y = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_1 [ ' y ' ] , 3 )
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X3_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_y [ 0 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X2_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_y [ 1 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X1_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_y [ 2 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X0_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_y [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_1_y = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_1_y )
gyro_1_y_resample = fit_coef_gyro_1_y ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Z axis
coef_gyro_1_z = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_1 [ ' z ' ] , 3 )
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X3_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_z [ 0 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X2_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_z [ 1 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X1_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_z [ 2 ]
gyro_1_params [ ' TC_G1_X0_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_1_z [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_1_z = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_1_z )
gyro_1_z_resample = fit_coef_gyro_1_z ( temp_rel_resample )
# gyro1 vs temperature
plt . figure ( 2 , figsize = ( 20 , 13 ) )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 1 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_1 [ ' x ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_1_x_resample , ' r ' )
plt . title ( ' Gyro 1 Bias vs Temperature ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' X bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 2 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_1 [ ' y ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_1_y_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Y bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 3 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_1 [ ' z ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_1_z_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Z bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
pp . savefig ( )
# define data dictionary of gyro 2 thermal correction parameters
gyro_2_params = {
' TC_G2_ID ' : 0 ,
' TC_G2_TMIN ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_TMAX ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_TREF ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X0_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X1_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X2_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X3_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X0_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X1_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X2_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X3_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X0_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X1_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X2_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_X3_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_G2_SCL_0 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_G2_SCL_1 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_G2_SCL_2 ' : 1.0
# curve fit the data for gyro 2 corrections
if num_gyros > = 3 :
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_ID ' ] = int ( np . median ( sensor_gyro_2 [ ' device_id ' ] ) )
# find the min, max and reference temperature
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TMIN ' ] = np . amin ( sensor_gyro_2 [ ' temperature ' ] )
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TMAX ' ] = np . amax ( sensor_gyro_2 [ ' temperature ' ] )
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TREF ' ] = 0.5 * ( gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TMIN ' ] + gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TMAX ' ] )
temp_rel = sensor_gyro_2 [ ' temperature ' ] - gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TREF ' ]
temp_rel_resample = np . linspace ( gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TMIN ' ] - gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TREF ' ] , gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TMAX ' ] - gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TREF ' ] , 100 )
temp_resample = temp_rel_resample + gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_TREF ' ]
# fit X axis
coef_gyro_2_x = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_2 [ ' x ' ] , 3 )
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X3_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_x [ 0 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X2_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_x [ 1 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X1_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_x [ 2 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X0_0 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_x [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_2_x = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_2_x )
gyro_2_x_resample = fit_coef_gyro_2_x ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Y axis
coef_gyro_2_y = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_2 [ ' y ' ] , 3 )
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X3_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_y [ 0 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X2_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_y [ 1 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X1_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_y [ 2 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X0_1 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_y [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_2_y = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_2_y )
gyro_2_y_resample = fit_coef_gyro_2_y ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Z axis
coef_gyro_2_z = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , sensor_gyro_2 [ ' z ' ] , 3 )
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X3_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_z [ 0 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X2_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_z [ 1 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X1_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_z [ 2 ]
gyro_2_params [ ' TC_G2_X0_2 ' ] = coef_gyro_2_z [ 3 ]
fit_coef_gyro_2_z = np . poly1d ( coef_gyro_2_z )
gyro_2_z_resample = fit_coef_gyro_2_z ( temp_rel_resample )
# gyro2 vs temperature
plt . figure ( 3 , figsize = ( 20 , 13 ) )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 1 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_2 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_2 [ ' x ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_2_x_resample , ' r ' )
plt . title ( ' Gyro 2 Bias vs Temperature ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' X bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 2 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_2 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_2 [ ' y ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_2_y_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Y bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 3 )
plt . plot ( sensor_gyro_2 [ ' temperature ' ] , sensor_gyro_2 [ ' z ' ] , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , gyro_2_z_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Z bias (rad/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
pp . savefig ( )
# define data dictionary of accel 0 thermal correction parameters
accel_0_params = {
' TC_A0_ID ' : 0 ,
' TC_A0_TMIN ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_TMAX ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_TREF ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X0_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X1_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X2_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X3_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X0_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X1_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X2_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X3_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X0_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X1_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X2_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_X3_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A0_SCL_0 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_A0_SCL_1 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_A0_SCL_2 ' : 1.0
# curve fit the data for accel 0 corrections
if num_accels > = 1 :
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_ID ' ] = int ( np . median ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' device_id ' ] ) )
# find the min, max and reference temperature
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TMIN ' ] = np . amin ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' temperature ' ] )
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TMAX ' ] = np . amax ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' temperature ' ] )
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TREF ' ] = 0.5 * ( accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TMIN ' ] + accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TMAX ' ] )
temp_rel = sensor_accel_0 [ ' temperature ' ] - accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TREF ' ]
temp_rel_resample = np . linspace ( accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TMIN ' ] - accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TREF ' ] , accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TMAX ' ] - accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TREF ' ] , 100 )
temp_resample = temp_rel_resample + accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_TREF ' ]
# fit X axis
correction_x = sensor_accel_0 [ ' x ' ] - np . median ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' x ' ] )
coef_accel_0_x = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_x , 3 )
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X3_0 ' ] = coef_accel_0_x [ 0 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X2_0 ' ] = coef_accel_0_x [ 1 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X1_0 ' ] = coef_accel_0_x [ 2 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X0_0 ' ] = coef_accel_0_x [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_0_x = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_0_x )
correction_x_resample = fit_coef_accel_0_x ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Y axis
correction_y = sensor_accel_0 [ ' y ' ] - np . median ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' y ' ] )
coef_accel_0_y = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_y , 3 )
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X3_1 ' ] = coef_accel_0_y [ 0 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X2_1 ' ] = coef_accel_0_y [ 1 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X1_1 ' ] = coef_accel_0_y [ 2 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X0_1 ' ] = coef_accel_0_y [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_0_y = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_0_y )
correction_y_resample = fit_coef_accel_0_y ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Z axis
correction_z = sensor_accel_0 [ ' z ' ] - np . median ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' z ' ] )
coef_accel_0_z = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_z , 3 )
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X3_2 ' ] = coef_accel_0_z [ 0 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X2_2 ' ] = coef_accel_0_z [ 1 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X1_2 ' ] = coef_accel_0_z [ 2 ]
accel_0_params [ ' TC_A0_X0_2 ' ] = coef_accel_0_z [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_0_z = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_0_z )
correction_z_resample = fit_coef_accel_0_z ( temp_rel_resample )
# accel 0 vs temperature
plt . figure ( 4 , figsize = ( 20 , 13 ) )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 1 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_x , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_x_resample , ' r ' )
plt . title ( ' Accel 0 Bias vs Temperature ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' X bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 2 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_y , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_y_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Y bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 3 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_0 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_z , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_z_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Z bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
pp . savefig ( )
# define data dictionary of accel 1 thermal correction parameters
accel_1_params = {
' TC_A1_ID ' : 0 ,
' TC_A1_TMIN ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_TMAX ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_TREF ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X0_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X1_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X2_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X3_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X0_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X1_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X2_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X3_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X0_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X1_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X2_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_X3_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A1_SCL_0 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_A1_SCL_1 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_A1_SCL_2 ' : 1.0
# curve fit the data for accel 1 corrections
if num_accels > = 2 :
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_ID ' ] = int ( np . median ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' device_id ' ] ) )
# find the min, max and reference temperature
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TMIN ' ] = np . amin ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' temperature ' ] )
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TMAX ' ] = np . amax ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' temperature ' ] )
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TREF ' ] = 0.5 * ( accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TMIN ' ] + accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TMAX ' ] )
temp_rel = sensor_accel_1 [ ' temperature ' ] - accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TREF ' ]
temp_rel_resample = np . linspace ( accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TMIN ' ] - accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TREF ' ] , accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TMAX ' ] - accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TREF ' ] , 100 )
temp_resample = temp_rel_resample + accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_TREF ' ]
# fit X axis
correction_x = sensor_accel_1 [ ' x ' ] - np . median ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' x ' ] )
coef_accel_1_x = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_x , 3 )
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X3_0 ' ] = coef_accel_1_x [ 0 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X2_0 ' ] = coef_accel_1_x [ 1 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X1_0 ' ] = coef_accel_1_x [ 2 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X0_0 ' ] = coef_accel_1_x [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_1_x = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_1_x )
correction_x_resample = fit_coef_accel_1_x ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Y axis
correction_y = sensor_accel_1 [ ' y ' ] - np . median ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' y ' ] )
coef_accel_1_y = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_y , 3 )
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X3_1 ' ] = coef_accel_1_y [ 0 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X2_1 ' ] = coef_accel_1_y [ 1 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X1_1 ' ] = coef_accel_1_y [ 2 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X0_1 ' ] = coef_accel_1_y [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_1_y = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_1_y )
correction_y_resample = fit_coef_accel_1_y ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Z axis
correction_z = ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' z ' ] ) - np . median ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' z ' ] )
coef_accel_1_z = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_z , 3 )
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X3_2 ' ] = coef_accel_1_z [ 0 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X2_2 ' ] = coef_accel_1_z [ 1 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X1_2 ' ] = coef_accel_1_z [ 2 ]
accel_1_params [ ' TC_A1_X0_2 ' ] = coef_accel_1_z [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_1_z = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_1_z )
correction_z_resample = fit_coef_accel_1_z ( temp_rel_resample )
# accel 1 vs temperature
plt . figure ( 5 , figsize = ( 20 , 13 ) )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 1 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_x , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_x_resample , ' r ' )
plt . title ( ' Accel 1 Bias vs Temperature ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' X bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 2 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_y , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_y_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Y bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 3 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_1 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_z , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_z_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Z bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
pp . savefig ( )
# define data dictionary of accel 2 thermal correction parameters
accel_2_params = {
' TC_A2_ID ' : 0 ,
' TC_A2_TMIN ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_TMAX ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_TREF ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X0_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X1_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X2_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X3_0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X0_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X1_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X2_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X3_1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X0_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X1_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X2_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_X3_2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_A2_SCL_0 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_A2_SCL_1 ' : 1.0 ,
' TC_A2_SCL_2 ' : 1.0
# curve fit the data for accel 2 corrections
if num_accels > = 3 :
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_ID ' ] = int ( np . median ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' device_id ' ] ) )
# find the min, max and reference temperature
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TMIN ' ] = np . amin ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' temperature ' ] )
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TMAX ' ] = np . amax ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' temperature ' ] )
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TREF ' ] = 0.5 * ( accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TMIN ' ] + accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TMAX ' ] )
temp_rel = sensor_accel_2 [ ' temperature ' ] - accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TREF ' ]
temp_rel_resample = np . linspace ( accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TMIN ' ] - accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TREF ' ] , accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TMAX ' ] - accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TREF ' ] , 100 )
temp_resample = temp_rel_resample + accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_TREF ' ]
# fit X axis
correction_x = sensor_accel_2 [ ' x ' ] - np . median ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' x ' ] )
coef_accel_2_x = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_x , 3 )
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X3_0 ' ] = coef_accel_2_x [ 0 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X2_0 ' ] = coef_accel_2_x [ 1 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X1_0 ' ] = coef_accel_2_x [ 2 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X0_0 ' ] = coef_accel_2_x [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_2_x = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_2_x )
correction_x_resample = fit_coef_accel_2_x ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Y axis
correction_y = sensor_accel_2 [ ' y ' ] - np . median ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' y ' ] )
coef_accel_2_y = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_y , 3 )
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X3_1 ' ] = coef_accel_2_y [ 0 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X2_1 ' ] = coef_accel_2_y [ 1 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X1_1 ' ] = coef_accel_2_y [ 2 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X0_1 ' ] = coef_accel_2_y [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_2_y = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_2_y )
correction_y_resample = fit_coef_accel_2_y ( temp_rel_resample )
# fit Z axis
correction_z = sensor_accel_2 [ ' z ' ] - np . median ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' z ' ] )
coef_accel_2_z = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , correction_z , 3 )
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X3_2 ' ] = coef_accel_2_z [ 0 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X2_2 ' ] = coef_accel_2_z [ 1 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X1_2 ' ] = coef_accel_2_z [ 2 ]
accel_2_params [ ' TC_A2_X0_2 ' ] = coef_accel_2_z [ 3 ]
fit_coef_accel_2_z = np . poly1d ( coef_accel_2_z )
correction_z_resample = fit_coef_accel_2_z ( temp_rel_resample )
# accel 2 vs temperature
plt . figure ( 6 , figsize = ( 20 , 13 ) )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 1 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_x , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_x_resample , ' r ' )
plt . title ( ' Accel 2 Bias vs Temperature ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' X bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 2 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_y , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_y_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Y bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
# draw plots
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 3 )
plt . plot ( sensor_accel_2 [ ' temperature ' ] , correction_z , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , correction_z_resample , ' r ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Z bias (m/s/s) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
pp . savefig ( )
# define data dictionary of baro 0 thermal correction parameters
baro_0_params = {
' TC_B0_ID ' : 0 ,
' TC_B0_TMIN ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_TMAX ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_TREF ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_X0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_X1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_X2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_X3 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_X4 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_X5 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B0_SCL ' : 1.0 ,
# curve fit the data for baro 0 corrections
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_ID ' ] = int ( np . median ( sensor_baro_0 [ ' device_id ' ] ) )
# find the min, max and reference temperature
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TMIN ' ] = np . amin ( sensor_baro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] )
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TMAX ' ] = np . amax ( sensor_baro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] )
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TREF ' ] = 0.5 * ( baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TMIN ' ] + baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TMAX ' ] )
temp_rel = sensor_baro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] - baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TREF ' ]
temp_rel_resample = np . linspace ( baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TMIN ' ] - baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TREF ' ] , baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TMAX ' ] - baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TREF ' ] , 100 )
temp_resample = temp_rel_resample + baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_TREF ' ]
# fit data
median_pressure = np . median ( sensor_baro_0 [ ' pressure ' ] ) ;
coef_baro_0_x = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , 100 * ( sensor_baro_0 [ ' pressure ' ] - median_pressure ) , 5 ) # convert from hPa to Pa
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_X5 ' ] = coef_baro_0_x [ 0 ]
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_X4 ' ] = coef_baro_0_x [ 1 ]
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_X3 ' ] = coef_baro_0_x [ 2 ]
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_X2 ' ] = coef_baro_0_x [ 3 ]
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_X1 ' ] = coef_baro_0_x [ 4 ]
baro_0_params [ ' TC_B0_X0 ' ] = coef_baro_0_x [ 5 ]
fit_coef_baro_0_x = np . poly1d ( coef_baro_0_x )
baro_0_x_resample = fit_coef_baro_0_x ( temp_rel_resample )
# baro 0 vs temperature
plt . figure ( 7 , figsize = ( 20 , 13 ) )
# draw plots
plt . plot ( sensor_baro_0 [ ' temperature ' ] , 100 * sensor_baro_0 [ ' pressure ' ] - 100 * median_pressure , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , baro_0_x_resample , ' r ' )
plt . title ( ' Baro 0 Bias vs Temperature ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Z bias (Pa) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
pp . savefig ( )
# define data dictionary of baro 1 thermal correction parameters
baro_1_params = {
' TC_B1_ID ' : 0 ,
' TC_B1_TMIN ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_TMAX ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_TREF ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_X0 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_X1 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_X2 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_X3 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_X4 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_X5 ' : 0.0 ,
' TC_B1_SCL ' : 1.0 ,
if num_baros > = 2 :
# curve fit the data for baro 0 corrections
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_ID ' ] = int ( np . median ( sensor_baro_1 [ ' device_id ' ] ) )
# find the min, max and reference temperature
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TMIN ' ] = np . amin ( sensor_baro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] )
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TMAX ' ] = np . amax ( sensor_baro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] )
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TREF ' ] = 0.5 * ( baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TMIN ' ] + baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TMAX ' ] )
temp_rel = sensor_baro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] - baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TREF ' ]
temp_rel_resample = np . linspace ( baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TMIN ' ] - baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TREF ' ] , baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TMAX ' ] - baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TREF ' ] , 100 )
temp_resample = temp_rel_resample + baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_TREF ' ]
# fit data
median_pressure = np . median ( sensor_baro_1 [ ' pressure ' ] ) ;
coef_baro_1_x = np . polyfit ( temp_rel , 100 * ( sensor_baro_1 [ ' pressure ' ] - median_pressure ) , 5 ) # convert from hPa to Pa
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_X5 ' ] = coef_baro_1_x [ 0 ]
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_X4 ' ] = coef_baro_1_x [ 1 ]
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_X3 ' ] = coef_baro_1_x [ 2 ]
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_X2 ' ] = coef_baro_1_x [ 3 ]
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_X1 ' ] = coef_baro_1_x [ 4 ]
baro_1_params [ ' TC_B1_X0 ' ] = coef_baro_1_x [ 5 ]
fit_coef_baro_1_x = np . poly1d ( coef_baro_1_x )
baro_1_x_resample = fit_coef_baro_1_x ( temp_rel_resample )
# baro 1 vs temperature
plt . figure ( 8 , figsize = ( 20 , 13 ) )
# draw plots
plt . plot ( sensor_baro_1 [ ' temperature ' ] , 100 * sensor_baro_1 [ ' pressure ' ] - 100 * median_pressure , ' b ' )
plt . plot ( temp_resample , baro_1_x_resample , ' r ' )
plt . title ( ' Baro 1 Bias vs Temperature ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Z bias (Pa) ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' temperature (degC) ' )
plt . grid ( )
pp . savefig ( )
# close the pdf file
pp . close ( )
# clase all figures
plt . close ( " all " )
# write correction parameters to file
test_results_filename = ulog_file_name + " .params "
file = open ( test_results_filename , " w " )
file . write ( " # Sensor thermal compensation parameters \n " )
file . write ( " # \n " )
file . write ( " # Vehicle-Id Component-Id Name Value Type \n " )
# accel 0 corrections
key_list_accel = list ( accel_0_params . keys ( ) )
key_list_accel . sort
for key in key_list_accel :
if key == ' TC_A0_ID ' :
type = " 6 "
else :
type = " 9 "
file . write ( " 1 " + " \t " + " 1 " + " \t " + key + " \t " + str ( accel_0_params [ key ] ) + " \t " + type + " \n " )
# accel 1 corrections
key_list_accel = list ( accel_1_params . keys ( ) )
key_list_accel . sort
for key in key_list_accel :
if key == ' TC_A1_ID ' :
type = " 6 "
else :
type = " 9 "
file . write ( " 1 " + " \t " + " 1 " + " \t " + key + " \t " + str ( accel_1_params [ key ] ) + " \t " + type + " \n " )
# accel 2 corrections
key_list_accel = list ( accel_2_params . keys ( ) )
key_list_accel . sort
for key in key_list_accel :
if key == ' TC_A2_ID ' :
type = " 6 "
else :
type = " 9 "
file . write ( " 1 " + " \t " + " 1 " + " \t " + key + " \t " + str ( accel_2_params [ key ] ) + " \t " + type + " \n " )
# baro 0 corrections
key_list_baro = list ( baro_0_params . keys ( ) )
key_list_baro . sort
for key in key_list_baro :
if key == ' TC_B0_ID ' :
type = " 6 "
else :
type = " 9 "
file . write ( " 1 " + " \t " + " 1 " + " \t " + key + " \t " + str ( baro_0_params [ key ] ) + " \t " + type + " \n " )
# baro 1 corrections
key_list_baro = list ( baro_1_params . keys ( ) )
key_list_baro . sort
for key in key_list_baro :
if key == ' TC_B1_ID ' :
type = " 6 "
else :
type = " 9 "
file . write ( " 1 " + " \t " + " 1 " + " \t " + key + " \t " + str ( baro_1_params [ key ] ) + " \t " + type + " \n " )
# gyro 0 corrections
key_list_gyro = list ( gyro_0_params . keys ( ) )
key_list_gyro . sort ( )
for key in key_list_gyro :
if key == ' TC_G0_ID ' :
type = " 6 "
else :
type = " 9 "
file . write ( " 1 " + " \t " + " 1 " + " \t " + key + " \t " + str ( gyro_0_params [ key ] ) + " \t " + type + " \n " )
# gyro 1 corrections
key_list_gyro = list ( gyro_1_params . keys ( ) )
key_list_gyro . sort ( )
for key in key_list_gyro :
if key == ' TC_G1_ID ' :
type = " 6 "
else :
type = " 9 "
file . write ( " 1 " + " \t " + " 1 " + " \t " + key + " \t " + str ( gyro_1_params [ key ] ) + " \t " + type + " \n " )
# gyro 2 corrections
key_list_gyro = list ( gyro_2_params . keys ( ) )
key_list_gyro . sort ( )
for key in key_list_gyro :
if key == ' TC_G2_ID ' :
type = " 6 "
else :
type = " 9 "
file . write ( " 1 " + " \t " + " 1 " + " \t " + key + " \t " + str ( gyro_2_params [ key ] ) + " \t " + type + " \n " )
file . close ( )
print ( ' Correction parameters written to ' + test_results_filename )
print ( ' Plots saved to ' + output_plot_filename )