@ -60,6 +60,15 @@ public:
_addObstacleSensorData ( obstacle , attitude ) ;
_addObstacleSensorData ( obstacle , attitude ) ;
void test_adaptSetpointDirection ( matrix : : Vector2f & setpoint_dir , int & setpoint_index ,
float vehicle_yaw_angle_rad )
_adaptSetpointDirection ( setpoint_dir , setpoint_index , vehicle_yaw_angle_rad ) ;
bool test_enterData ( int map_index , float sensor_range , float sensor_reading )
return _enterData ( map_index , sensor_range , sensor_reading ) ;
} ;
} ;
class TestTimingCollisionPrevention : public TestCollisionPrevention
class TestTimingCollisionPrevention : public TestCollisionPrevention
@ -176,7 +185,7 @@ TEST_F(CollisionPreventionTest, testBehaviorOnWithObstacleMessage)
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . max_distance , 10000 ) ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . max_distance , 10000 ) ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( 0.f , modified_setpoint1 . norm ( ) ) < < modified_setpoint1 ( 0 ) < < " , " < < modified_setpoint1 ( 1 ) ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( 0.f , modified_setpoint1 . norm ( ) ) < < modified_setpoint1 ( 0 ) < < " , " < < modified_setpoint1 ( 1 ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( original_setpoint2 , modified_setpoint2 ) ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_ EQ ( original_setpoint2 . norm ( ) , modified_setpoint2 . norm ( ) ) ;
TEST_F ( CollisionPreventionTest , testBehaviorOnWithDistanceMessage )
TEST_F ( CollisionPreventionTest , testBehaviorOnWithDistanceMessage )
@ -303,7 +312,8 @@ TEST_F(CollisionPreventionTest, testPurgeOldData)
if ( i < 6 ) {
if ( i < 6 ) {
// THEN: If the data is new enough, the velocity setpoint should stay the same as the input
// THEN: If the data is new enough, the velocity setpoint should stay the same as the input
EXPECT_EQ ( original_setpoint , modified_setpoint ) ;
// Note: direction will change slightly due to guidance
EXPECT_EQ ( original_setpoint . norm ( ) , modified_setpoint . norm ( ) ) ;
} else {
} else {
// THEN: If the data is expired, the velocity setpoint should be cut down to zero because there is no data
// THEN: If the data is expired, the velocity setpoint should be cut down to zero because there is no data
@ -404,16 +414,16 @@ TEST_F(CollisionPreventionTest, outsideFOV)
orb_publish ( ORB_ID ( obstacle_distance ) , obstacle_distance_pub , & message ) ;
orb_publish ( ORB_ID ( obstacle_distance ) , obstacle_distance_pub , & message ) ;
cp . modifySetpoint ( modified_setpoint , max_speed , curr_pos , curr_vel ) ;
cp . modifySetpoint ( modified_setpoint , max_speed , curr_pos , curr_vel ) ;
if ( angle_deg > 50.f & & angle_deg < 230.f ) {
//THEN: if the resulting setpoint demands velocities bigger zero, it must lie inside the FOV
// THEN: inside the FOV the setpoint should be limited
float setpoint_length = modified_setpoint . norm ( ) ;
EXPECT_GT ( modified_setpoint . norm ( ) , 0.f ) ;
EXPECT_LT ( modified_setpoint . norm ( ) , 10.f ) ;
} else {
if ( setpoint_length > 0.f ) {
// THEN: outside the FOV the setpoint should be clamped to zero
matrix : : Vector2f setpoint_dir = modified_setpoint / setpoint_length ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( modified_setpoint . norm ( ) , 0.f ) ;
float sp_angle_body_frame = atan2 ( setpoint_dir ( 1 ) , setpoint_dir ( 0 ) ) ;
float sp_angle_deg = math : : degrees ( matrix : : wrap_2pi ( sp_angle_body_frame ) ) ;
EXPECT_GT ( sp_angle_deg , 45.f ) ;
EXPECT_LT ( sp_angle_deg , 225.f ) ;
orb_unadvertise ( obstacle_distance_pub ) ;
orb_unadvertise ( obstacle_distance_pub ) ;
@ -804,3 +814,249 @@ TEST_F(CollisionPreventionTest, addObstacleSensorData_resolution_offset)
cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ i ] = UINT16_MAX ;
cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ i ] = UINT16_MAX ;
TEST_F ( CollisionPreventionTest , adaptSetpointDirection_distinct_minimum )
// GIVEN: a vehicle attitude and obstacle distance message
TestCollisionPrevention cp ;
cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . increment = 10.f ;
obstacle_distance_s obstacle_msg { } ;
obstacle_msg . frame = obstacle_msg . MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL ; //north aligned
obstacle_msg . increment = 10.f ;
obstacle_msg . min_distance = 20 ;
obstacle_msg . max_distance = 2000 ;
obstacle_msg . angle_offset = 0.f ;
matrix : : Quaternion < float > vehicle_attitude ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; //unit transform
float vehicle_yaw_angle_rad = matrix : : Eulerf ( vehicle_attitude ) . psi ( ) ;
//obstacle at 0-30 deg world frame, distance 5 meters
memset ( & obstacle_msg . distances [ 0 ] , UINT16_MAX , sizeof ( obstacle_msg . distances ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i + + ) {
obstacle_msg . distances [ i ] = 500 ;
obstacle_msg . distances [ 2 ] = 1000 ;
//define setpoint
matrix : : Vector2f setpoint_dir ( 1 , 0 ) ;
float sp_angle_body_frame = atan2f ( setpoint_dir ( 1 ) , setpoint_dir ( 0 ) ) - vehicle_yaw_angle_rad ;
float sp_angle_with_offset_deg = matrix : : wrap ( math : : degrees ( sp_angle_body_frame ) - cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . angle_offset ,
0.f , 360.f ) ;
int sp_index = floor ( sp_angle_with_offset_deg / cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . increment ) ;
//set parameter
param_t param = param_handle ( px4 : : params : : MPC_COL_PREV_D ) ;
float value = 3 ; // try to keep 10m away from obstacles
param_set ( param , & value ) ;
cp . paramsChanged ( ) ;
//WHEN: we add distance sensor data
cp . test_addObstacleSensorData ( obstacle_msg , vehicle_attitude ) ;
cp . test_adaptSetpointDirection ( setpoint_dir , sp_index , vehicle_yaw_angle_rad ) ;
//THEN: the setpoint direction should be modified correctly
EXPECT_EQ ( sp_index , 2 ) ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( setpoint_dir ( 0 ) , 0.93969262 ) ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( setpoint_dir ( 1 ) , 0.34202012 ) ;
TEST_F ( CollisionPreventionTest , adaptSetpointDirection_flat_minimum )
// GIVEN: a vehicle attitude and obstacle distance message
TestCollisionPrevention cp ;
cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . increment = 10.f ;
obstacle_distance_s obstacle_msg { } ;
obstacle_msg . frame = obstacle_msg . MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL ; //north aligned
obstacle_msg . increment = 10.f ;
obstacle_msg . min_distance = 20 ;
obstacle_msg . max_distance = 2000 ;
obstacle_msg . angle_offset = 0.f ;
matrix : : Quaternion < float > vehicle_attitude ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; //unit transform
float vehicle_yaw_angle_rad = matrix : : Eulerf ( vehicle_attitude ) . psi ( ) ;
//obstacle at 0-30 deg world frame, distance 5 meters
memset ( & obstacle_msg . distances [ 0 ] , UINT16_MAX , sizeof ( obstacle_msg . distances ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i + + ) {
obstacle_msg . distances [ i ] = 500 ;
obstacle_msg . distances [ 1 ] = 1000 ;
obstacle_msg . distances [ 2 ] = 1000 ;
obstacle_msg . distances [ 3 ] = 1000 ;
//define setpoint
matrix : : Vector2f setpoint_dir ( 1 , 0 ) ;
float sp_angle_body_frame = atan2f ( setpoint_dir ( 1 ) , setpoint_dir ( 0 ) ) - vehicle_yaw_angle_rad ;
float sp_angle_with_offset_deg = matrix : : wrap ( math : : degrees ( sp_angle_body_frame ) - cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . angle_offset ,
0.f , 360.f ) ;
int sp_index = floor ( sp_angle_with_offset_deg / cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . increment ) ;
//set parameter
param_t param = param_handle ( px4 : : params : : MPC_COL_PREV_D ) ;
float value = 3 ; // try to keep 10m away from obstacles
param_set ( param , & value ) ;
cp . paramsChanged ( ) ;
//WHEN: we add distance sensor data
cp . test_addObstacleSensorData ( obstacle_msg , vehicle_attitude ) ;
cp . test_adaptSetpointDirection ( setpoint_dir , sp_index , vehicle_yaw_angle_rad ) ;
//THEN: the setpoint direction should be modified correctly
EXPECT_EQ ( sp_index , 2 ) ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( setpoint_dir ( 0 ) , 0.93969262 ) ;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ ( setpoint_dir ( 1 ) , 0.34202012 ) ;
TEST_F ( CollisionPreventionTest , overlappingSensors )
// GIVEN: a simple setup condition
TestCollisionPrevention cp ;
matrix : : Vector2f original_setpoint ( 10 , 0 ) ;
float max_speed = 3 ;
matrix : : Vector2f curr_pos ( 0 , 0 ) ;
matrix : : Vector2f curr_vel ( 2 , 0 ) ;
vehicle_attitude_s attitude ;
attitude . timestamp = hrt_absolute_time ( ) ;
attitude . q [ 0 ] = 1.0f ;
attitude . q [ 1 ] = 0.0f ;
attitude . q [ 2 ] = 0.0f ;
attitude . q [ 3 ] = 0.0f ;
// AND: a parameter handle
param_t param = param_handle ( px4 : : params : : MPC_COL_PREV_D ) ;
float value = 10 ; // try to keep 10m distance
param_set ( param , & value ) ;
cp . paramsChanged ( ) ;
// AND: an obstacle message for a short range and a long range sensor
obstacle_distance_s short_range_msg , short_range_msg_no_obstacle , long_range_msg ;
memset ( & short_range_msg , 0xDEAD , sizeof ( short_range_msg ) ) ;
short_range_msg . frame = short_range_msg . MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL ; //north aligned
short_range_msg . angle_offset = 0 ;
short_range_msg . timestamp = hrt_absolute_time ( ) ;
int distances_array_size = sizeof ( short_range_msg . distances ) / sizeof ( short_range_msg . distances [ 0 ] ) ;
short_range_msg . increment = 360 / distances_array_size ;
long_range_msg = short_range_msg ;
long_range_msg . min_distance = 100 ;
long_range_msg . max_distance = 1000 ;
short_range_msg . min_distance = 20 ;
short_range_msg . max_distance = 200 ;
short_range_msg_no_obstacle = short_range_msg ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < distances_array_size ; i + + ) {
if ( i < 10 ) {
short_range_msg_no_obstacle . distances [ i ] = 201 ;
short_range_msg . distances [ i ] = 150 ;
long_range_msg . distances [ i ] = 500 ;
} else {
short_range_msg_no_obstacle . distances [ i ] = UINT16_MAX ;
short_range_msg . distances [ i ] = UINT16_MAX ;
long_range_msg . distances [ i ] = UINT16_MAX ;
// CASE 1
//WHEN: we publish the long range sensor message
orb_advert_t obstacle_distance_pub = orb_advertise ( ORB_ID ( obstacle_distance ) , & long_range_msg ) ;
orb_advert_t vehicle_attitude_pub = orb_advertise ( ORB_ID ( vehicle_attitude ) , & attitude ) ;
orb_publish ( ORB_ID ( obstacle_distance ) , obstacle_distance_pub , & long_range_msg ) ;
orb_publish ( ORB_ID ( vehicle_attitude ) , vehicle_attitude_pub , & attitude ) ;
matrix : : Vector2f modified_setpoint = original_setpoint ;
cp . modifySetpoint ( modified_setpoint , max_speed , curr_pos , curr_vel ) ;
// THEN: the internal map data should contain the long range measurement
EXPECT_EQ ( 500 , cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ 2 ] ) ;
// CASE 2
// WHEN: we publish the short range message followed by a long range message
short_range_msg . timestamp = hrt_absolute_time ( ) ;
orb_publish ( ORB_ID ( obstacle_distance ) , obstacle_distance_pub , & short_range_msg ) ;
cp . modifySetpoint ( modified_setpoint , max_speed , curr_pos , curr_vel ) ;
long_range_msg . timestamp = hrt_absolute_time ( ) ;
orb_publish ( ORB_ID ( obstacle_distance ) , obstacle_distance_pub , & long_range_msg ) ;
cp . modifySetpoint ( modified_setpoint , max_speed , curr_pos , curr_vel ) ;
// THEN: the internal map data should contain the short range measurement
EXPECT_EQ ( 150 , cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ 2 ] ) ;
// CASE 3
// WHEN: we publish the short range message with values out of range followed by a long range message
short_range_msg_no_obstacle . timestamp = hrt_absolute_time ( ) ;
orb_publish ( ORB_ID ( obstacle_distance ) , obstacle_distance_pub , & short_range_msg_no_obstacle ) ;
cp . modifySetpoint ( modified_setpoint , max_speed , curr_pos , curr_vel ) ;
long_range_msg . timestamp = hrt_absolute_time ( ) ;
orb_publish ( ORB_ID ( obstacle_distance ) , obstacle_distance_pub , & long_range_msg ) ;
cp . modifySetpoint ( modified_setpoint , max_speed , curr_pos , curr_vel ) ;
// THEN: the internal map data should contain the short range measurement
EXPECT_EQ ( 500 , cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ 2 ] ) ;
orb_unadvertise ( obstacle_distance_pub ) ;
orb_unadvertise ( vehicle_attitude_pub ) ;
TEST_F ( CollisionPreventionTest , enterData )
// GIVEN: a simple setup condition
TestCollisionPrevention cp ;
cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . increment = 10.f ;
matrix : : Quaternion < float > vehicle_attitude ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; //unit transform
//THEN: just after initialization all bins are at UINT16_MAX and any data should be accepted
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 2.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //shorter range, reading in range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 2.f , 3.f ) ) ; //shorter range, reading out of range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 20.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //same range, reading in range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 20.f , 21.f ) ) ; //same range, reading out of range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 30.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //longer range, reading in range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 30.f , 31.f ) ) ; //longer range, reading out of range
//WHEN: we add distance sensor data to the right with a valid reading
distance_sensor_s distance_sensor { } ;
distance_sensor . min_distance = 0.2f ;
distance_sensor . max_distance = 20.f ;
distance_sensor . orientation = distance_sensor_s : : ROTATION_RIGHT_FACING ;
distance_sensor . h_fov = math : : radians ( 19.99f ) ;
distance_sensor . current_distance = 5.f ;
cp . test_addDistanceSensorData ( distance_sensor , vehicle_attitude ) ;
//THEN: the internal map should contain the distance sensor readings
EXPECT_EQ ( 500 , cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ 8 ] ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 500 , cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ 9 ] ) ;
//THEN: bins 8 & 9 contain valid readings
// a valid reading should only be accepted from sensors with shorter or equal range
// a out of range reading should only be accepted from sensors with the same range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 2.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //shorter range, reading in range
EXPECT_FALSE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 2.f , 3.f ) ) ; //shorter range, reading out of range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 20.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //same range, reading in range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 20.f , 21.f ) ) ; //same range, reading out of range
EXPECT_FALSE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 30.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //longer range, reading in range
EXPECT_FALSE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 30.f , 31.f ) ) ; //longer range, reading out of range
//WHEN: we add distance sensor data to the right with an out of range reading
distance_sensor . current_distance = 21.f ;
cp . test_addDistanceSensorData ( distance_sensor , vehicle_attitude ) ;
//THEN: the internal map should contain the distance sensor readings
EXPECT_EQ ( 2000 , cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ 8 ] ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 2000 , cp . getObstacleMap ( ) . distances [ 9 ] ) ;
//THEN: bins 8 & 9 contain readings out of range
// a reading in range will be accepted in any case
// out of range readings will only be accepted from sensors with bigger or equal range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 2.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //shorter range, reading in range
EXPECT_FALSE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 2.f , 3.f ) ) ; //shorter range, reading out of range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 20.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //same range, reading in range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 20.f , 21.f ) ) ; //same range, reading out of range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 30.f , 1.5f ) ) ; //longer range, reading in range
EXPECT_TRUE ( cp . test_enterData ( 8 , 30.f , 31.f ) ) ; //longer range, reading out of range