@ -48,9 +48,8 @@
@@ -48,9 +48,8 @@
# include <stdbool.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <matrix/Matrix.hpp>
# include <mathlib/mathlib.h>
# include <drivers/drv_hrt.h>
# include <lib/mathlib/mathlib.h>
# include <lib/matrix/matrix/math.hpp>
static constexpr float CONSTANTS_ONE_G = 9.80665f ; // m/s^2
@ -164,11 +163,11 @@ class MapProjection final
@@ -164,11 +163,11 @@ class MapProjection final
private :
uint64_t _ref_timestamp { 0 } ;
double _ref_lat { 0.f } ;
double _ref_lon { 0.f } ;
double _ref_sin_lat { 0.f } ;
double _ref_cos_lat { 0.f } ;
bool _ref_init_done { false } ;
double _ref_lat { 0.0 } ;
double _ref_lon { 0.0 } ;
double _ref_sin_lat { 0.0 } ;
double _ref_cos_lat { 0.0 } ;
bool _ref_init_done { false } ;
public :
@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ public:
@@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ public:
MapProjection ( ) = default ;
* @ brief Construct and initializes a new Map Projection object
* @ brief Construct and initialize a new Map Projection object
MapProjection ( double lat_0 , double lon_0 )
@ -187,7 +186,7 @@ public:
@@ -187,7 +186,7 @@ public:
* @ brief Construct and initializes a new Map Projection object
* @ brief Construct and initialize a new Map Projection object
MapProjection ( double lat_0 , double lon_0 , uint64_t timestamp )
@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ public:
@@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ public:
* Initializes the map transformation
* Initialize the map transformation
* Initializes the transformation between the geographic coordinate system and
* the azimuthal equidistant plane
@ -205,10 +204,10 @@ public:
@@ -205,10 +204,10 @@ public:
void initReference ( double lat_0 , double lon_0 , uint64_t timestamp ) ;
* Initializes the map transformation
* Initialize the map transformation
* Initializes the transformation betwee n the geographic coordinate system and
* the azimuthal equidistant plane
* with reference coordinates o n the geographic coordinate system
* where the azimuthal equidistant plane ' s origin is located
* @ param lat in degrees ( 47.1234567 ° , not 471234567 ° )
* @ param lon in degrees ( 8.1234567 ° , not 81234567 ° )
@ -218,50 +217,37 @@ public:
@@ -218,50 +217,37 @@ public:
* @ brief Returns true , if the map reference has been initialized before
* @ return true , if the map reference has been initialized before
inline bool isInitialized ( ) const
return _ref_init_done ;
bool isInitialized ( ) const { return _ref_init_done ; } ;
* Get the timestamp of the map projection
* @ return the timestamp of the map_projection
* @ return the timestamp of the reference which the map projection was initialized with
inline uint64_t getProjectionReferenceTimestamp ( ) const
return _ref_timestamp ;
uint64_t getProjectionReferenceTimestamp ( ) const { return _ref_timestamp ; } ;
* @ brief Get the Projection R eference latitude in degrees
* @ return the projection reference latitude in degrees
inline double getProjectionReferenceLat ( ) const
return math : : degrees ( _ref_lat ) ;
double getProjectionReferenceLat ( ) const { return math : : degrees ( _ref_lat ) ; } ;
* @ brief Get the Projection R eference longitude in degrees
* @ return the projection reference longitude in degrees
inline double getProjectionReferenceLon ( ) const
return math : : degrees ( _ref_lon ) ;
double getProjectionReferenceLon ( ) const { return math : : degrees ( _ref_lon ) ; } ;
* Transforms a point in the geographic coordinate system to the local
* Transform a point in the geographic coordinate system to the local
* azimuthal equidistant plane using the projection
* @ param x north
* @ param y east
* @ param lat in degrees ( 47.1234567 ° , not 471234567 ° )
* @ param lon in degrees ( 8.1234567 ° , not 81234567 ° )
* @ param x north
* @ param y east
void project ( double lat , double lon , float & x , float & y ) const ;
* Transforms a point in the geographic coordinate system to the local
* Transform a point in the geographic coordinate system to the local
* azimuthal equidistant plane using the projection
* @ param lat in degrees ( 47.1234567 ° , not 471234567 ° )
* @ param lon in degrees ( 8.1234567 ° , not 81234567 ° )
@ -275,14 +261,13 @@ public:
@@ -275,14 +261,13 @@ public:
* Transforms a point in the local azimuthal equidistant plane to the
* Transform a point in the local azimuthal equidistant plane to the
* geographic coordinate system using the projection
* @ param x north
* @ param y east
* @ param lat in degrees ( 47.1234567 ° , not 471234567 ° )
* @ param lon in degrees ( 8.1234567 ° , not 81234567 ° )
* @ return 0 if map_projection_init was called before , - 1 else
void reproject ( float x , float y , double & lat , double & lon ) const ;
} ;