@ -145,34 +145,35 @@ AirspeedValidator::check_airspeed_innovation(uint64_t time_now, float estimator_
@@ -145,34 +145,35 @@ AirspeedValidator::check_airspeed_innovation(uint64_t time_now, float estimator_
// reset states if we are not flying or wind estimator was just initialized/reset
if ( ! _in_fixed_wing_flight | | ( time_now - _time_wind_estimator_initialized ) < 10 _s ) {
if ( ! _in_fixed_wing_flight | | ( time_now - _time_wind_estimator_initialized ) < 10 _s
| | _tas_innov_integ_threshold < = 0.f ) {
_innovations_check_failed = false ;
_time_last_tas_pass = time_now ;
_apsd_innov_integ_state = 0.f ;
} else if ( estimator_status_vel_test_ratio > 1.f | | estimator_status_mag_test_ratio > 1.f ) {
//nav velocity data is likely not good
//don't run the test but don't reset the check if it had previously failed when nav velocity data was still likely good
_time_last_tas_pass = time_now ;
_apsd_innov_integ_state = 0.f ;
} else {
// nav velocity data is likely good so airspeed innovations are able to be used
// compute the ratio of innovation to gate size
const float dt_s = math : : constrain ( ( time_now - _time_last_aspd_innov_check ) / 1e6 f , 0.01f , 0.2f ) ; // limit to [100,5] Hz
const float tas_test_ratio = _wind_estimator . get_tas_innov ( ) * _wind_estimator . get_tas_innov ( )
/ ( fmaxf ( _tas_gate , 1.0f ) * fmaxf ( _tas_gate , 1.f ) * _wind_estimator . get_tas_innov_var ( ) ) ;
if ( ( estimator_status_vel_test_ratio < 1.f ) & & ( estimator_status_mag_test_ratio < 1.f ) ) {
// nav velocity data is likely good so airspeed innovations are able to be used
// compute the ratio of innovation to gate size
const float tas_test_ratio = _wind_estimator . get_tas_innov ( ) * _wind_estimator . get_tas_innov ( )
/ ( fmaxf ( _tas_gate , 1.0f ) * fmaxf ( _tas_gate , 1.f ) * _wind_estimator . get_tas_innov_var ( ) ) ;
if ( tas_test_ratio > _tas_innov_threshold ) {
_apsd_innov_integ_state + = dt_s * ( tas_test_ratio - _tas_innov_threshold ) ; // integrate exceedance
if ( tas_test_ratio > _tas_innov_threshold ) {
_apsd_innov_integ_state + = dt_s * ( tas_test_ratio - _tas_innov_threshold ) ; // integrate exceedance
} else {
// reset integrator used to trigger and record pass if integrator check is disabled
_apsd_innov_integ_state = 0.f ;
if ( _tas_innov_integ_threshold < = 0.f ) {
_time_last_tas_pass = time_now ;
} else {
// reset integrator used to trigger and record pass if integrator check is disabled
_apsd_innov_integ_state = 0.f ;
if ( _tas_innov_integ_threshold > 0.f & & _apsd_innov_integ_state < _tas_innov_integ_threshold ) {
_time_last_tas_pass = time_now ;
if ( _tas_innov_integ_threshold > 0.f & & _apsd_innov_integ_state < _tas_innov_integ_threshold ) {
_time_last_tas_pass = time_now ;
_innovations_check_failed = ( time_now - _time_last_tas_pass ) > TAS_INNOV_FAIL_DELAY ;