@ -116,24 +116,17 @@ public:
@@ -116,24 +116,17 @@ public:
virtual void getHaglInnovVar ( float & hagl_innov_var ) const = 0 ;
virtual void getHaglInnovRatio ( float & hagl_innov_ratio ) const = 0 ;
virtual void get_state_delayed ( float * state ) = 0 ;
virtual matrix : : Vector < float , 24 > getStateAtFusionHorizonAsVector ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual void get_wind_velocity ( float * wind ) = 0 ;
virtual Vector2f getWindVelocity ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual void get_wind_velocity_var ( float * wind_var ) = 0 ;
virtual Vector2f getWindVelocityVariance ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual void get_true_airspeed ( float * tas ) = 0 ;
// gets the variances for the NED velocity states
virtual void get_vel_var ( Vector3f & vel_var ) = 0 ;
// gets the variances for the NED position states
virtual void get_pos_var ( Vector3f & pos_var ) = 0 ;
// return an array containing the output predictor angular, velocity and position tracking
// error magnitudes (rad), (m/s), (m)
virtual void get_output_tracking_error ( float error [ 3 ] ) = 0 ;
virtual Vector3f getOutputTrackingError ( ) const = 0 ;
Returns following IMU vibration metrics in the following array locations
@ -141,7 +134,7 @@ public:
@@ -141,7 +134,7 @@ public:
1 : Gyro high frequency vibe = filtered length of ( delta_angle - prev_delta_angle )
2 : Accel high frequency vibe = filtered length of ( delta_velocity - prev_delta_velocity )
virtual void get_imu_vibe_metrics ( float vibe [ 3 ] ) = 0 ;
virtual Vector3f getImuVibrationMetrics ( ) const = 0 ;
First argument returns GPS drift metrics in the following array locations
@ -281,59 +274,48 @@ public:
@@ -281,59 +274,48 @@ public:
bool get_terrain_valid ( ) { return isTerrainEstimateValid ( ) ; }
// get the estimated terrain vertical position relative to the NED origin
virtual void getTerrainVertPos ( float * ret ) = 0 ;
//[[deprecated("Replaced by getTerrainVertPos")]]
void get_terrain_vert_pos ( float * ret ) { getTerrainVertPos ( ret ) ; }
virtual float getTerrainVertPos ( ) const = 0 ;
// return true if the local position estimate is valid
bool local_position_is_valid ( ) ;
const matrix : : Quatf & get_q uaternion( ) const { return _output_new . quat_nominal ; }
const matrix : : Quatf getQ uaternion( ) const { return _output_new . quat_nominal ; }
// return the quaternion defining the rotation from the EKF to the External Vision reference frame
virtual void get_ev2ekf_quaternion ( float * quat ) = 0 ;
virtual matrix : : Quatf getVisionAlignmentQuaternion ( ) const = 0 ;
// get the velocity of the body frame origin in local NED earth frame
void get_velocity ( float * vel )
Vector3f getVelocity ( ) const
Vector3f vel_earth = _output_new . vel - _vel_imu_rel_body_ned ;
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
vel [ i ] = vel_earth ( i ) ;
const Vector3f vel_earth = _output_new . vel - _vel_imu_rel_body_ned ;
return vel_earth ;
// get the NED velocity derivative in earth frame
void get_vel_deriv_ned ( float * vel_deriv )
virtual Vector3f getVelocityVariance ( ) const = 0 ;
// get the velocity derivative in earth frame
Vector3f getVelocityDerivative ( ) const
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
vel_deriv [ i ] = _vel_deriv_ned ( i ) ;
return _vel_deriv ;
// get the derivative of the vertical position of the body frame origin in local NED earth frame
void get_pos_d_deriv ( float * pos_d_deriv )
float getVerticalPositionDerivative ( ) const
float var = _output_vert_new . vel_d - _vel_imu_rel_body_ned ( 2 ) ;
* pos_d_deriv = var ;
return _output_vert_new . vel_d - _vel_imu_rel_body_ned ( 2 ) ;
// get the position of the body frame origin in local NED earth frame
void get_position ( float * pos )
// get the position of the body frame origin in local earth frame
Vector3f getPosition ( ) const
// rotate the position of the IMU relative to the boy origin into earth frame
Vector3f pos_offset_earth = _R_to_earth_now * _params . imu_pos_body ;
const Vector3f pos_offset_earth = _R_to_earth_now * _params . imu_pos_body ;
// subtract from the EKF position (which is at the IMU) to get position at the body origin
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
pos [ i ] = _output_new . pos ( i ) - pos_offset_earth ( i ) ;
void copy_timestamp ( uint64_t * time_us )
* time_us = _time_last_imu ;
return _output_new . pos - pos_offset_earth ;
virtual Vector3f getPositionVariance ( ) const = 0 ;
// Get the value of magnetic declination in degrees to be saved for use at the next startup
// Returns true when the declination can be saved
// At the next startup, set param.mag_declination_deg to the value saved
@ -349,8 +331,8 @@ public:
@@ -349,8 +331,8 @@ public:
virtual void get_accel_bias ( float bias [ 3 ] ) = 0 ;
virtual void get_gyro_bias ( float bias [ 3 ] ) = 0 ;
virtual Vector3f getAccelBias ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual Vector3f getGyroBias ( ) const = 0 ;
// get EKF mode status
void get_control_mode ( uint32_t * val )
@ -482,7 +464,7 @@ protected:
@@ -482,7 +464,7 @@ protected:
imuSample _newest_high_rate_imu_sample { } ; // imu sample capturing the newest imu data
Matrix3f _R_to_earth_now ; // rotation matrix from body to earth frame at current time
Vector3f _vel_imu_rel_body_ned ; // velocity of IMU relative to body origin in NED earth frame
Vector3f _vel_deriv_ned ; // velocity derivative at the IMU in NED earth frame (m/s/s)
Vector3f _vel_deriv ; // velocity derivative at the IMU in NED earth frame (m/s/s)
bool _imu_updated { false } ; // true if the ekf should update (completed downsampling process)
bool _initialised { false } ; // true if the ekf interface instance (data buffering) is initialized
@ -520,7 +502,7 @@ protected:
@@ -520,7 +502,7 @@ protected:
// IMU vibration and movement monitoring
Vector3f _delta_ang_prev ; // delta angle from the previous IMU measurement
Vector3f _delta_vel_prev ; // delta velocity from the previous IMU measurement
float _vibe_metrics [ 3 ] { } ; // IMU vibration metrics
Vector3f _vibe_metrics ; // IMU vibration metrics
// [0] Level of coning vibration in the IMU delta angles (rad^2)
// [1] high frequency vibration level in the IMU delta angle data (rad)
// [2] high frequency vibration level in the IMU delta velocity data (m/s)