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quaternion exponential (#164)

romain-chiap 4 years ago committed by GitHub
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@ -325,6 +325,78 @@ public: @@ -325,6 +325,78 @@ public:
return v * q * Type(0.5);
* Computes the quaternion exponential of the 3D vector u
* as proposed in
* [1] Sveier A, Sjøberg AM, Egeland O. "Applied Runge–Kutta–Munthe-Kaas Integration
* for the Quaternion Kinematics".Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2019
* return a quaternion computed as
* expq(u)=[cos||u||, sinc||u||*u]
* sinc(x)=sin(x)/x in the sin cardinal function
* This can be used to update a quaternion from the body rates
* rather than using
* qk+1=qk+qk.derivative1(wb)*dt
* we can use
* qk+1=qk*expq(dt*wb/2)
* which is a more robust update.
* A re-normalization step might necessary with both methods.
* @param u 3D vector u
static Quaternion expq(const Vector3<Type> &u)
const Type tol = Type(0.2); // ensures an error < 10^-10
const Type c2 = Type(1.0 / 2.0); // 1 / 2!
const Type c3 = Type(1.0 / 6.0); // 1 / 3!
const Type c4 = Type(1.0 / 24.0); // 1 / 4!
const Type c5 = Type(1.0 / 120.0); // 1 / 5!
const Type c6 = Type(1.0 / 720.0); // 1 / 6!
const Type c7 = Type(1.0 / 5040.0); // 1 / 7!
Type u_norm = u.norm();
Type sinc_u, cos_u;
if (u_norm < tol) {
Type u2 = u_norm * u_norm;
Type u4 = u2 * u2;
Type u6 = u4 * u2;
// compute the first 4 terms of the Taylor serie
sinc_u = Type(1.0) - u2 * c3 + u4 * c5 - u6 * c7;
cos_u = Type(1.0) - u2 * c2 + u4 * c4 - u6 * c6;
} else {
sinc_u = Type(sin(u_norm) / u_norm);
cos_u = Type(cos(u_norm));
Vector<Type, 3> v = sinc_u * u;
return Quaternion<Type> (cos_u, v(0), v(1), v(2));
/** inverse right Jacobian of the quaternion logarithm u
* equation (20) in reference
* [1] Sveier A, Sjøberg AM, Egeland O. "Applied Runge–Kutta–Munthe-Kaas Integration
* for the Quaternion Kinematics".Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2019
* This can be used to update a quaternion kinematic cleanly
* with higher order integration methods (like RK4) on the quaternion logarithm u.
* @param u 3D vector u
static Dcm<Type> inv_r_jacobian (const Vector3<Type> &u)
const Type tol = Type(1.0e-4);
Type u_norm = u.norm();
Dcm<Type> u_hat = u.hat();
if (u_norm < tol) { // result smaller than O(||.||^3)
return Type(0.5) * (Dcm<Type>() + u_hat + (Type(1.0 / 3.0) + u_norm * u_norm / Type(45.0)) * u_hat * u_hat);
} else {
return Type(0.5) * (Dcm<Type>() + u_hat + (Type(1.0) - u_norm * Type(cos(u_norm) / sin(u_norm))) / (u_norm * u_norm) * u_hat * u_hat);
* Invert quaternion in place


@ -89,6 +89,52 @@ int main() @@ -89,6 +89,52 @@ int main()
q = Quatf();
TEST(isEqual(q, Quatf(1, 0, 0, 0)));
// quaternion exponential with v=0
v = Vector3f();
q = Quatf(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Dcmf M = Dcmf()*0.5f;
TEST(isEqual(q, Quatf::expq(v)));
TEST(isEqual(M, Quatf::inv_r_jacobian(v)));
// quaternion exponential with small v
v = Vector3f(0.001f,0.002f,-0.003f);
q = Quatf(0.999993000008167f, 0.000999997666668f,
0.001999995333337f, -0.002999993000005f);
float M_data[] = {
0.499997833331311f, 0.001500333333644f, 0.000999499999533f,
-0.001499666666356f, 0.499998333331778f, -0.000501000000933f,
-0.001000500000467f, 0.000498999999067f, 0.499999166665889f
M = Dcmf(M_data);
TEST(isEqual(q, Quatf::expq(v)));
TEST(isEqual(M, Quatf::inv_r_jacobian(v)));
// quaternion exponential with v
v = Vector3f(1.0f, -2.0f, 3.0f);
q = Quatf(-0.825299062075259f, -0.150921327219964f,
0.301842654439929f, -0.452763981659893f);
float M_data[] = {
2.574616981530584f, -1.180828156687602f, -1.478757764968596f,
1.819171843312398f, 2.095859216561988f, 0.457515529937193f,
0.521242235031404f, 1.457515529937193f, 1.297929608280994f
M = Dcmf(M_data);
TEST(isEqual(q, Quatf::expq(v)));
TEST(isEqual(M, Quatf::inv_r_jacobian(v)));
// quaternion kinematic update
q = Quatf();
float h=0.001f; // sampling time [s]
Vector3f w_B=Vector3f(0.1f,0.2f,0.3f); // body rate in body frame
Quatf qa=q+0.5f*h*q.derivative1(w_B);
Quatf qb=q*Quatf::expq(0.5f*h*w_B);
TEST(isEqual(qa, qb));
// euler to quaternion
q = Quatf(euler_check);
TEST(isEqual(q, q_check));
