Browse Source

Merge branch 'master' of

Lorenz Meier 12 years ago
  1. 342
  2. 39


@ -4,162 +4,232 @@ close all
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %
% All measurements in NED frame % //All measurements in NED frame
% %
% uint64_t timestamp; % uint64_t timestamp; //[us]
% float gyro[3]; in rad/s % float gyro[3]; //[rad/s]
% float accel[3]; in m/s^2 % float accel[3]; //[m/s^2]
% float mag[3]; in Gauss % float mag[3]; //[gauss]
% float baro; pressure in millibar % float baro; //pressure [millibar]
% float baro_alt; altitude above MSL in meters % float baro_alt; //altitude above MSL [meter]
% float baro_temp; in degrees celcius % float baro_temp; //[degree celcius]
% float control[4]; roll, pitch, yaw [-1..1], thrust [0..1] % float control[4]; //roll, pitch, yaw [-1..1], thrust [0..1]
% float actuators[8]; motor 1-8, in motor units (PWM: 1000-2000, % float actuators[8]; //motor 1-8, in motor units (PWM: 1000-2000,AR.Drone: 0-512)
% AR.Drone: 0-512 % float vbat; //battery voltage in [volt]
% float vbat; battery voltage in volt % float adc[3]; //remaining auxiliary ADC ports [volt]
% float adc[3]; remaining auxiliary ADC ports in volt % float local_position[3]; //tangent plane mapping into x,y,z [m]
% float local_position % int32_t gps_raw_position[3]; //latitude [degrees] north, longitude [degrees] east, altitude above MSL [millimeter]
% int32 gps_raw_position % float attitude[3]; //pitch, roll, yaw [rad]
% float rotMatrix[9]; //unitvectors
if exist('sysvector.bin', 'file') %myPath = '..\LOG30102012\session0002\'; %set relative path here
% Read actuators file myPath = '.\';
myFile ='sysvector.bin') myFile = 'sysvector.bin';
fileSize = length(myFile) filePath = strcat(myPath,myFile);
fid = fopen('sysvector.bin', 'r'); if exist(filePath, 'file')
elements = int64(fileSize./(8+(3+3+3+1+1+1+4+8+4+3+3)*4)); fileInfo = dir(filePath);
fileSize = fileInfo.bytes;
fid = fopen(filePath, 'r');
elements = int64(fileSize./(16*4+8))/4
for i=1:elements for i=1:elements
% timestamp % timestamp
sysvector(i,1) = double(fread(fid, 1, '*uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64')); sensors(i,1) = double(fread(fid, 1, '*uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64'));
% actuators 1-16
% quadrotor: motor 1-4 on the first four positions
sysvector(i, 2:32) = fread(fid, 28+3, 'float', 'ieee-le');
sysvector(i,33:35) = fread(fid, 3, 'int32', 'ieee-le');
sysvector_interval_seconds = (sysvector(end,1) - sysvector(1:1)) / 1000000
sysvector_minutes = sysvector_interval_seconds / 60
% Normalize time % gyro (3 channels)
sysvector(:,1) = (sysvector(:,1) - sysvector(1,1)) / 1000000; sensors(i,2:4) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% Create some basic plots % accelerometer (3 channels)
sensors(i,5:7) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% Remove zero rows from GPS % mag (3 channels)
gps = sysvector(:,33:35); sensors(i,8:10) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
gps(~any(gps,2), :) = [];
all_data = figure('Name', 'GPS RAW'); % baro pressure
gps_position = plot3(gps(:,1), gps(:,2), gps(:,3)); sensors(i,11) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% baro alt
sensors(i,12) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
all_data = figure('Name', 'Complete Log Data (exc. GPS)'); % baro temp
plot(sysvector(:,1), sysvector(:,2:32)); sensors(i,13) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
actuator_inputs = figure('Name', 'Attitude controller outputs'); % actuator control (4 channels)
plot(sysvector(:,1), sysvector(:,14:17)); sensors(i,14:17) = fread(fid, 4, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
legend('roll motor setpoint', 'pitch motor setpoint', 'yaw motor setpoint', 'throttle motor setpoint');
actuator_outputs = figure('Name', 'Actuator outputs'); % actuator outputs (8 channels)
plot(sysvector(:,1), sysvector(:,18:25)); sensors(i,18:25) = fread(fid, 8, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
legend('actuator 0', 'actuator 1', 'actuator 2', 'actuator 3', 'actuator 4', 'actuator 5', 'actuator 6', 'actuator 7');
end % vbat
sensors(i,26) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
if exist('actuator_outputs0.bin', 'file')
% Read actuators file
myFile ='actuator_outputs0.bin')
fileSize = length(myFile)
fid = fopen('actuator_outputs0.bin', 'r'); % adc voltage (3 channels)
elements = int64(fileSize./(16*4+8)) sensors(i,27:29) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
for i=1:elements % local position (3 channels)
% timestamp sensors(i,30:32) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
actuators(i,1) = double(fread(fid, 1, '*uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64'));
% actuators 1-16
% quadrotor: motor 1-4 on the first four positions
actuators(i, 2:17) = fread(fid, 16, 'float', 'ieee-le');
if exist('actuator_controls0.bin', 'file') % gps_raw_position (3 channels)
% Read actuators file sensors(i,33:35) = fread(fid, 3, 'uint32', 0, 'ieee-le');
myFile ='actuator_controls0.bin')
fileSize = length(myFile)
fid = fopen('actuator_controls0.bin', 'r'); % attitude (3 channels)
elements = int64(fileSize./(8*4+8)) sensors(i,36:38) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
for i=1:elements % RotMatrix (9 channels)
% timestamp sensors(i,39:47) = fread(fid, 9, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
actuator_controls(i,1) = fread(fid, 1, 'uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64');
% actuators 1-16
% quadrotor: motor 1-4 on the first four positions
actuator_controls(i, 2:9) = fread(fid, 8, 'float', 'ieee-le');
end end
time_us = sensors(elements,1) - sensors(1,1);
time_s = time_us*1e-6
time_m = time_s/60
disp(['end log2matlab conversion' char(10)]);
disp(['file: ' filePath ' does not exist' char(10)]);
end end
if exist('sensor_combined.bin', 'file') %% old version of reading in different files from sdlog.c
% Read sensor combined file % if exist('sysvector.bin', 'file')
% Type definition: Firmware/apps/uORB/topics/sensor_combined.h % % Read actuators file
% Struct: sensor_combined_s % myFile ='sysvector.bin')
fileInfo = dir('sensor_combined.bin'); % fileSize = length(myFile)
fileSize = fileInfo.bytes; %
% fid = fopen('sysvector.bin', 'r');
fid = fopen('sensor_combined.bin', 'r'); % elements = int64(fileSize./(8+(3+3+3+1+1+1+4+8+4+3+3)*4));
for i=1:elements % for i=1:elements
% timestamp % % timestamp
sensors(i,1) = double(fread(fid, 1, '*uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64')); % sysvector(i,1) = double(fread(fid, 1, '*uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64'));
% gyro raw % % actuators 1-16
sensors(i,2:4) = fread(fid, 3, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le'); % % quadrotor: motor 1-4 on the first four positions
% gyro counter % sysvector(i, 2:32) = fread(fid, 28+3, 'float', 'ieee-le');
sensors(i,5) = fread(fid, 1, 'uint16', 0, 'ieee-le'); % sysvector(i,33:35) = fread(fid, 3, 'int32', 'ieee-le');
% gyro in rad/s % end
sensors(i,6:8) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le'); %
% sysvector_interval_seconds = (sysvector(end,1) - sysvector(1:1)) / 1000000
% accelerometer raw % sysvector_minutes = sysvector_interval_seconds / 60
sensors(i,9:11) = fread(fid, 3, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le'); %
% padding bytes % % Normalize time
fread(fid, 1, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le'); % sysvector(:,1) = (sysvector(:,1) - sysvector(1,1)) / 1000000;
% accelerometer counter %
sensors(i,12) = fread(fid, 1, 'uint32', 0, 'ieee-le'); % % Create some basic plots
% accel in m/s2 %
sensors(i,13:15) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le'); % % Remove zero rows from GPS
% accel mode % gps = sysvector(:,33:35);
sensors(i,16) = fread(fid, 1, 'int32', 0, 'ieee-le'); % gps(~any(gps,2), :) = [];
% accel range %
sensors(i,17) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le'); % all_data = figure('Name', 'GPS RAW');
% gps_position = plot3(gps(:,1), gps(:,2), gps(:,3));
% mag raw %
sensors(i,18:20) = fread(fid, 3, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le'); %
% padding bytes % all_data = figure('Name', 'Complete Log Data (exc. GPS)');
fread(fid, 1, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le'); % plot(sysvector(:,1), sysvector(:,2:32));
% mag in Gauss %
sensors(i,21:23) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le'); % actuator_inputs = figure('Name', 'Attitude controller outputs');
% mag mode % plot(sysvector(:,1), sysvector(:,14:17));
sensors(i,24) = fread(fid, 1, 'int32', 0, 'ieee-le'); % legend('roll motor setpoint', 'pitch motor setpoint', 'yaw motor setpoint', 'throttle motor setpoint');
% mag range %
sensors(i,25) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le'); % actuator_outputs = figure('Name', 'Actuator outputs');
% mag cuttoff freq % plot(sysvector(:,1), sysvector(:,18:25));
sensors(i,26) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le'); % legend('actuator 0', 'actuator 1', 'actuator 2', 'actuator 3', 'actuator 4', 'actuator 5', 'actuator 6', 'actuator 7');
% mag counter %
sensors(i,27) = fread(fid, 1, 'int32', 0, 'ieee-le'); % end
% if exist('actuator_outputs0.bin', 'file')
% % Read actuators file
% myFile ='actuator_outputs0.bin')
% fileSize = length(myFile)
% fid = fopen('actuator_outputs0.bin', 'r');
% elements = int64(fileSize./(16*4+8))
% for i=1:elements
% % timestamp
% actuators(i,1) = double(fread(fid, 1, '*uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64'));
% % actuators 1-16
% % quadrotor: motor 1-4 on the first four positions
% actuators(i, 2:17) = fread(fid, 16, 'float', 'ieee-le');
% end
% end
% if exist('actuator_controls0.bin', 'file')
% % Read actuators file
% myFile ='actuator_controls0.bin')
% fileSize = length(myFile)
% fid = fopen('actuator_controls0.bin', 'r');
% elements = int64(fileSize./(8*4+8))
% for i=1:elements
% % timestamp
% actuator_controls(i,1) = fread(fid, 1, 'uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64');
% % actuators 1-16
% % quadrotor: motor 1-4 on the first four positions
% actuator_controls(i, 2:9) = fread(fid, 8, 'float', 'ieee-le');
% end
% end
% if exist('sensor_combined.bin', 'file')
% % Read sensor combined file
% % Type definition: Firmware/apps/uORB/topics/sensor_combined.h
% % Struct: sensor_combined_s
% fileInfo = dir('sensor_combined.bin');
% fileSize = fileInfo.bytes;
% fid = fopen('sensor_combined.bin', 'r');
% for i=1:elements
% % timestamp
% sensors(i,1) = double(fread(fid, 1, '*uint64', 0, 'ieee-le.l64'));
% % gyro raw
% sensors(i,2:4) = fread(fid, 3, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % gyro counter
% sensors(i,5) = fread(fid, 1, 'uint16', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % gyro in rad/s
% sensors(i,6:8) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % accelerometer raw
% sensors(i,9:11) = fread(fid, 3, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % padding bytes
% fread(fid, 1, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % accelerometer counter
% sensors(i,12) = fread(fid, 1, 'uint32', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % accel in m/s2
% sensors(i,13:15) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % accel mode
% sensors(i,16) = fread(fid, 1, 'int32', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % accel range
% sensors(i,17) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % mag raw
% sensors(i,18:20) = fread(fid, 3, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % padding bytes
% fread(fid, 1, 'int16', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % mag in Gauss
% sensors(i,21:23) = fread(fid, 3, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % mag mode
% sensors(i,24) = fread(fid, 1, 'int32', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % mag range
% sensors(i,25) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % mag cuttoff freq
% sensors(i,26) = fread(fid, 1, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % mag counter
% sensors(i,27) = fread(fid, 1, 'int32', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % baro pressure millibar
% % baro alt meter
% % baro temp celcius
% % battery voltage
% % adc voltage (3 channels)
% sensors(i,28:34) = fread(fid, 7, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % baro counter and battery counter
% sensors(i,35:36) = fread(fid, 2, 'uint32', 0, 'ieee-le');
% % battery voltage valid flag
% sensors(i,37) = fread(fid, 1, 'uint32', 0, 'ieee-le');
% end
% end
% baro pressure millibar
% baro alt meter
% baro temp celcius
% battery voltage
% adc voltage (3 channels)
sensors(i,28:34) = fread(fid, 7, 'float', 0, 'ieee-le');
% baro counter and battery counter
sensors(i,35:36) = fread(fid, 2, 'uint32', 0, 'ieee-le');
% battery voltage valid flag
sensors(i,37) = fread(fid, 1, 'uint32', 0, 'ieee-le');


@ -488,23 +488,25 @@ int sdlog_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), subs.gps_pos_sub, &buf.gps_pos); orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), subs.gps_pos_sub, &buf.gps_pos);
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), subs.local_pos_sub, &buf.local_pos); orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), subs.local_pos_sub, &buf.local_pos);
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), subs.global_pos_sub, &buf.global_pos); orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), subs.global_pos_sub, &buf.global_pos);
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), subs.att_sub, &buf.att);
#pragma pack(push, 1) #pragma pack(push, 1)
struct { struct {
uint64_t timestamp; uint64_t timestamp; //[us]
float gyro[3]; float gyro[3]; //[rad/s]
float accel[3]; float accel[3]; //[m/s^2]
float mag[3]; float mag[3]; //[gauss]
float baro; float baro; //pressure [millibar]
float baro_alt; float baro_alt; //altitude above MSL [meter]
float baro_temp; float baro_temp; //[degree celcius]
float control[4]; float control[4]; //roll, pitch, yaw [-1..1], thrust [0..1]
float actuators[8]; //motor 1-8, in motor units (PWM: 1000-2000,AR.Drone: 0-512)
float actuators[8]; float vbat; //battery voltage in [volt]
float vbat; float adc[3]; //remaining auxiliary ADC ports [volt]
float adc[3]; float local_position[3]; //tangent plane mapping into x,y,z [m]
float local_pos[3]; int32_t gps_raw_position[3]; //latitude [degrees] north, longitude [degrees] east, altitude above MSL [millimeter]
int32_t gps_pos[3]; float attitude[3]; //pitch, roll, yaw [rad]
float rotMatrix[9]; //unitvectors
} sysvector = { } sysvector = {
.timestamp = buf.raw.timestamp, .timestamp = buf.raw.timestamp,
.gyro = {buf.raw.gyro_rad_s[0], buf.raw.gyro_rad_s[1], buf.raw.gyro_rad_s[2]}, .gyro = {buf.raw.gyro_rad_s[0], buf.raw.gyro_rad_s[1], buf.raw.gyro_rad_s[2]},
@ -518,14 +520,16 @@ int sdlog_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
buf.act_outputs.output[4], buf.act_outputs.output[5], buf.act_outputs.output[6], buf.act_outputs.output[7]}, buf.act_outputs.output[4], buf.act_outputs.output[5], buf.act_outputs.output[6], buf.act_outputs.output[7]},
.vbat = buf.raw.battery_voltage_v, .vbat = buf.raw.battery_voltage_v,
.adc = {buf.raw.adc_voltage_v[0], buf.raw.adc_voltage_v[1], buf.raw.adc_voltage_v[2]}, .adc = {buf.raw.adc_voltage_v[0], buf.raw.adc_voltage_v[1], buf.raw.adc_voltage_v[2]},
.local_pos = {buf.local_pos.x, buf.local_pos.y, buf.local_pos.z}, .local_position = {buf.local_pos.x, buf.local_pos.y, buf.local_pos.z},
.gps_pos = {, buf.gps_pos.lon, buf.gps_pos.alt} .gps_raw_position = {, buf.gps_pos.lon, buf.gps_pos.alt},
.attitude = {buf.att.pitch, buf.att.roll, buf.att.yaw},
.rotMatrix = {buf.att.R[1][1], buf.att.R[1][2], buf.att.R[1][3], buf.att.R[2][1], buf.att.R[2][2], buf.att.R[2][3], buf.att.R[3][1], buf.att.R[3][2], buf.att.R[3][3]}
}; };
#pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(pop)
sysvector_bytes += write(sysvector_file, (const char*)&sysvector, sizeof(sysvector)); sysvector_bytes += write(sysvector_file, (const char*)&sysvector, sizeof(sysvector));
usleep(10000); usleep(10000); //10000 corresponds in reality to ca. 76 Hz
} }
fsync(sysvector_file); fsync(sysvector_file);
@ -602,3 +606,4 @@ int file_copy(const char* file_old, const char* file_new)
return ret; return ret;
} }
