floatrange_aid_innov_gate{1.0f};///< gate size used for innovation consistency checks for range aid fusion
floatrange_valid_quality_s{1.0f};///< minimum duration during which the reported range finder signal quality needs to be non-zero in order to be declared valid (s)
floatrange_cos_max_tilt{0.7071f};///< cosine of the maximum tilt angle from the vertical that permits use of range finder and flow data
floatrange_kin_consistency_gate{0.2f};///< gate size used by the range finder kinematic consistency check
_param_ekf2_rng_a_igate,///< gate size used for innovation consistency checks for range aid fusion (STD)
_param_ekf2_rng_qlty_t,///< Minimum duration during which the reported range finder signal quality needs to be non-zero in order to be declared valid (s)
_param_ekf2_rng_k_gate,///< range finder kinematic consistency gate size (STD)