@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Github: https://github.com/baumanta
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Github: https://github.com/baumanta
Description :
Computes linear coefficients for mag compensation from thrust and current
Usage :
python mag_compensation . py / path / to / log / logfile . ulg
python mag_compensation . py / path / to / log / logfile . ulg current - - instance 1
Remark :
If your logfile does not contain some of the topics , e . g . battery_status / current_a
@ -24,19 +24,26 @@ from pyulog.px4 import PX4ULog
@@ -24,19 +24,26 @@ from pyulog.px4 import PX4ULog
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import textwrap as tw
import sys
import argparse
arguments = len ( sys . argv ) - 1
if arguments < 1 :
print ( " Give logfile name as argument " )
sys . exit ( - 1 )
log_name = sys . argv [ 1 ]
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Calculate compensation parameters from ulog ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' logfile ' , type = str , nargs = ' ? ' , default = [ ] ,
help = ' full path to ulog file ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' type ' , type = str , nargs = ' ? ' , choices = [ ' current ' , ' thrust ' ] , default = [ ] ,
help = ' Power signal used for compensation, supported is " current " or " thrust " . ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --instance ' , type = int , nargs = ' ? ' , default = 0 ,
help = ' instance of the current or thrust signal to use (0 or 1) ' )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
log_name = args . logfile
comp_type = args . type
comp_instance = args . instance
#Load the log data (produced by pyulog)
log = ULog ( log_name )
pxlog = PX4ULog ( log ) ;
pxlog = PX4ULog ( log )
def get_data ( topic_name , variable_name , index ) :
try :
@ -46,7 +53,7 @@ def get_data(topic_name, variable_name, index):
@@ -46,7 +53,7 @@ def get_data(topic_name, variable_name, index):
return [ ]
def ms2s_list ( time_ms_list ) :
if ( len ( time_ms_list ) > 0 ) :
if len ( time_ms_list ) > 0 :
return 1e-6 * time_ms_list
else :
return time_ms_list
@ -55,12 +62,26 @@ def ms2s_list(time_ms_list):
@@ -55,12 +62,26 @@ def ms2s_list(time_ms_list):
armed = get_data ( ' vehicle_status ' , ' arming_state ' , 0 )
t_armed = ms2s_list ( get_data ( ' vehicle_status ' , ' timestamp ' , 0 ) )
thrust_z = get_data ( ' vehicle_rates_setpoint ' , ' thrust_body[2] ' , 0 )
t_thrust = ms2s_list ( get_data ( ' vehicle_rates_setpoint ' , ' timestamp ' , 0 ) )
current = get_data ( ' battery_status ' , ' current_a ' , 0 )
current = np . true_divide ( current , 1000 ) #kA
t_current = ms2s_list ( get_data ( ' battery_status ' , ' timestamp ' , 0 ) )
if comp_type == " thrust " :
power = get_data ( ' vehicle_rates_setpoint ' , ' thrust_body[2] ' , comp_instance )
power_t = ms2s_list ( get_data ( ' vehicle_rates_setpoint ' , ' timestamp ' , comp_instance ) )
comp_type_param = 1
factor = 1
unit = " [G] "
elif comp_type == " current " :
power = get_data ( ' battery_status ' , ' current_a ' , comp_instance )
power = np . true_divide ( power , 1000 ) #kA
power_t = ms2s_list ( get_data ( ' battery_status ' , ' timestamp ' , comp_instance ) )
comp_type_param = 2 + comp_instance
factor = - 1
unit = " [G/kA] "
else :
print ( " unknown compensation type {} . Supported is either ' thrust ' or ' current ' . " . format ( comp_type ) )
sys . exit ( 1 )
if len ( power ) == 0 :
print ( " could not retrieve power signal from log, zero data points " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
mag0X_body = get_data ( ' sensor_mag ' , ' x ' , 0 )
mag0Y_body = get_data ( ' sensor_mag ' , ' y ' , 0 )
@ -166,131 +187,86 @@ for idx in range(n_mag):
@@ -166,131 +187,86 @@ for idx in range(n_mag):
#resample data
thrust_resampled = [ ]
current_resampled = [ ]
power_resampled = [ ]
for idx in range ( n_mag ) :
thrust_resampled . append ( interp ( t_mag [ idx ] , t_thrust , thrust_z ) )
current_resampled . append ( np . interp ( t_mag [ idx ] , t_current , current ) )
power_resampled . append ( interp ( t_mag [ idx ] , power_t , power ) )
#fit linear to get coefficients
px_th = [ ]
py_th = [ ]
pz_th = [ ]
px_curr = [ ]
py_curr = [ ]
pz_curr = [ ]
px = [ ]
py = [ ]
pz = [ ]
for idx in range ( n_mag ) :
px_th_t emp , res_x_th , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( thrust _resampled[ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
py_th_t emp , res_y_th , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( thrust _resampled[ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
pz_th_t emp , res_z_th , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( thrust _resampled[ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
px_temp , res_x , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( power_resampled [ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
py_temp , res_y , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( power_resampled [ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
pz_temp , res_z , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( power _resampled[ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
px_curr_temp , res_x_curr , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( current_resampled [ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
py_curr_temp , res_y_curr , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( current_resampled [ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
pz_curr_temp , res_z_curr , _ , _ , _ = polyfit ( current_resampled [ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] , 1 , full = True )
px_th . append ( px_th_temp )
py_th . append ( py_th_temp )
pz_th . append ( pz_th_temp )
px_curr . append ( px_curr_temp )
py_curr . append ( py_curr_temp )
pz_curr . append ( pz_curr_temp )
px . append ( px_temp )
py . append ( py_temp )
pz . append ( pz_temp )
#print to console
for idx in range ( n_mag ) :
print ( ' Mag {} device ID {} (calibration instance {} ) ' . format ( idx , mag_id [ idx ] , calibration_instance [ idx ] ) )
print ( ' \033 [91m \n thrust-based compensation: \033 [0m ' )
print ( ' \n param set CAL_MAG_COMP_TYP 1 ' )
for idx in range ( n_mag ) :
print ( ' \n param set CAL_MAG {} _XCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , px_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
print ( ' param set CAL_MAG {} _YCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , py_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
print ( ' param set CAL_MAG {} _ZCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , pz_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
print ( ' \n \033 [91mcurrent-based compensation: \033 [0m ' )
print ( ' \n param set CAL_MAG_COMP_TYP 2 ' )
print ( ' \033 [91m \n {} -based compensation: \033 [0m ' . format ( comp_type ) )
print ( ' \n param set CAL_MAG_COMP_TYP {} ' . format ( comp_type_param ) )
for idx in range ( n_mag ) :
print ( ' \n param set CAL_MAG {} _XCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , - px_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
print ( ' param set CAL_MAG {} _YCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , - py_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
print ( ' param set CAL_MAG {} _ZCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , - pz_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
print ( ' \n param set CAL_MAG {} _XCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , factor * px [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
print ( ' param set CAL_MAG {} _YCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , factor * py [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
print ( ' param set CAL_MAG {} _ZCOMP {:.3f} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , factor * pz [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) )
#plot data
for idx in range ( n_mag ) :
fig = plt . figure ( num = None , figsize = ( 25 , 14 ) , dpi = 80 , facecolor = ' w ' , edgecolor = ' k ' )
fig . suptitle ( ' Thrust and Current Compensation Parameter Fit \n {} \n mag {} ID: {} (calibration instance {} ) ' . format ( log_name , idx , mag_id [ idx ] , calibration_instance [ idx ] ) , fontsize = 14 , fontweight = ' bold ' )
fig . suptitle ( ' Compensation Parameter Fit \n {} \n mag {} ID: {} (calibration instance {} ) ' . format ( log_name , idx , mag_id [ idx ] , calibration_instance [ idx ] ) , fontsize = 14 , fontweight = ' bold ' )
plt . subplot ( 2 , 3 , 1 )
plt . plot ( current _resampled[ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , current _resampled[ idx ] , px_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] * current _resampled[ idx ] + px_curr [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 3 , 1 )
plt . plot ( power _resampled[ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , power _resampled[ idx ] , px [ idx ] [ 0 ] * power _resampled[ idx ] + px [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' current [kA] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' mag X [G] ' )
plt . subplot ( 2 , 3 , 2 )
plt . plot ( current _resampled[ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , current _resampled[ idx ] , py_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] * current _resampled[ idx ] + py_curr [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 3 , 2 )
plt . plot ( power _resampled[ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , power _resampled[ idx ] , py [ idx ] [ 0 ] * power _resampled[ idx ] + py [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' current [kA] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' mag Y [G] ' )
plt . subplot ( 2 , 3 , 3 )
plt . plot ( current_resampled [ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , current_resampled [ idx ] , pz_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] * current_resampled [ idx ] + pz_curr [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 3 , 3 )
plt . plot ( power_resampled [ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , power_resampled [ idx ] , pz [ idx ] [ 0 ] * power_resampled [ idx ] + pz [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' current [kA] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' mag Z [G] ' )
plt . subplot ( 2 , 3 , 4 )
plt . plot ( thrust_resampled [ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , thrust_resampled [ idx ] , px_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] * thrust_resampled [ idx ] + px_th [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' thrust [] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' mag X [G] ' )
plt . subplot ( 2 , 3 , 5 )
plt . plot ( thrust_resampled [ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , thrust_resampled [ idx ] , py_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] * thrust_resampled [ idx ] + py_th [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' thrust [] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' mag Y [G] ' )
plt . subplot ( 2 , 3 , 6 )
plt . plot ( thrust_resampled [ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] , ' yo ' , thrust_resampled [ idx ] , pz_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] * thrust_resampled [ idx ] + pz_th [ idx ] [ 1 ] , ' --k ' )
plt . xlabel ( ' thrust [] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' mag Z [G] ' )
# display results
plt . figtext ( 0.24 , 0.03 , ' Thrust CAL_MAG {} _XCOMP: {:.3f} [G] \n Current CAL_MAG {} _XCOMP: {:.3f} [G/kA] ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , px_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] , calibration_instance [ idx ] , - px_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) , horizontalalignment = ' center ' , fontsize = 12 , multialignment = ' left ' , bbox = dict ( boxstyle = " round " , facecolor = ' #D8D8D8 ' , ec = " 0.5 " , pad = 0.5 , alpha = 1 ) , fontweight = ' bold ' )
plt . figtext ( 0.51 , 0.03 , ' Thrust CAL_MAG {} _YCOMP: {:.3f} [G] \n Current CAL_MAG {} _YCOMP: {:.3f} [G/kA] ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , py_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] , calibration_instance [ idx ] , - py_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) , horizontalalignment = ' center ' , fontsize = 12 , multialignment = ' left ' , bbox = dict ( boxstyle = " round " , facecolor = ' #D8D8D8 ' , ec = " 0.5 " , pad = 0.5 , alpha = 1 ) , fontweight = ' bold ' )
plt . figtext ( 0.79 , 0.03 , ' Thrust CAL_MAG {} _ZCOMP: {:.3f} [G] \n Current CAL_MAG {} _ZCOMP: {:.3f} [G/kA] ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , pz_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] , calibration_instance [ idx ] , - pz_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) , horizontalalignment = ' center ' , fontsize = 12 , multialignment = ' left ' , bbox = dict ( boxstyle = " round " , facecolor = ' #D8D8D8 ' , ec = " 0.5 " , pad = 0.5 , alpha = 1 ) , fontweight = ' bold ' )
plt . figtext ( 0.24 , 0.03 , ' CAL_MAG {} _XCOMP: {:.3f} {} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , factor * px [ idx ] [ 0 ] , unit ) , horizontalalignment = ' center ' , fontsize = 12 , multialignment = ' left ' , bbox = dict ( boxstyle = " round " , facecolor = ' #D8D8D8 ' , ec = " 0.5 " , pad = 0.5 , alpha = 1 ) , fontweight = ' bold ' )
plt . figtext ( 0.51 , 0.03 , ' CAL_MAG {} _YCOMP: {:.3f} {} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , factor * py [ idx ] [ 0 ] , unit ) , horizontalalignment = ' center ' , fontsize = 12 , multialignment = ' left ' , bbox = dict ( boxstyle = " round " , facecolor = ' #D8D8D8 ' , ec = " 0.5 " , pad = 0.5 , alpha = 1 ) , fontweight = ' bold ' )
plt . figtext ( 0.79 , 0.03 , ' CAL_MAG {} _ZCOMP: {:.3f} {} ' . format ( calibration_instance [ idx ] , factor * pz [ idx ] [ 0 ] , unit ) , horizontalalignment = ' center ' , fontsize = 12 , multialignment = ' left ' , bbox = dict ( boxstyle = " round " , facecolor = ' #D8D8D8 ' , ec = " 0.5 " , pad = 0.5 , alpha = 1 ) , fontweight = ' bold ' )
#compensation comparison plots
for idx in range ( n_mag ) :
fig = plt . figure ( num = None , figsize = ( 25 , 14 ) , dpi = 80 , facecolor = ' w ' , edgecolor = ' k ' )
fig . suptitle ( ' Thrust vs. Current Compensation \n {} \n mag {} ID: {} (calibration instance {} ) ' . format ( log_name , idx , mag_id [ idx ] , calibration_instance [ idx ] ) , fontsize = 14 , fontweight = ' bold ' )
fig . suptitle ( ' Original Data vs. Compensation \n {} \n mag {} ID: {} (calibration instance {} ) ' . format ( log_name , idx , mag_id [ idx ] , calibration_instance [ idx ] ) , fontsize = 14 , fontweight = ' bold ' )
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 1 )
original_x , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] , label = ' original ' )
current_x , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] - px_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] * current_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' current compensated ' )
thrust_x , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] - px_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] * thrust_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' thrust compensated ' )
plt . legend ( handles = [ original_x , current_x , thrust_x ] )
power_x , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magX_body [ idx ] - px [ idx ] [ 0 ] * power_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' compensated ' )
plt . legend ( handles = [ original_x , power_x ] )
plt . xlabel ( ' Time [s] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Max X corrected[G] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Mag X corrected[G] ' )
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 2 )
original_y , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] , label = ' original ' )
current_y , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] - py_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] * current_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' current compensated ' )
thrust_y , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] - py_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] * thrust_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' thrust compensated ' )
plt . legend ( handles = [ original_y , current_y , thrust_y ] )
power_y , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magY_body [ idx ] - py [ idx ] [ 0 ] * power_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' compensated ' )
plt . legend ( handles = [ original_y , power_y ] )
plt . xlabel ( ' Time [s] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Max Y corrected[G] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Mag Y corrected[G] ' )
plt . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 3 )
original_z , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] , label = ' original ' )
current_z , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] - pz_curr [ idx ] [ 0 ] * current_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' current compensated ' )
thrust_z , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] - pz_th [ idx ] [ 0 ] * thrust_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' thrust compensated ' )
plt . legend ( handles = [ original_z , current_z , thrust_z ] )
power_z , = plt . plot ( t_mag [ idx ] , magZ_body [ idx ] - pz [ idx ] [ 0 ] * power_resampled [ idx ] , label = ' compensated ' )
plt . legend ( handles = [ original_z , power_z ] )
plt . xlabel ( ' Time [s] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Max Z corrected[G] ' )
plt . ylabel ( ' Mag Z corrected[G] ' )
plt . show ( )