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FlightTaskAuto: move in helper methods from FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel

Matthias Grob 3 years ago
  1. 259
  2. 26
  3. 262
  4. 32


@ -512,3 +512,262 @@ bool FlightTaskAuto::_compute_heading_from_2D_vector(float &heading, Vector2f v)
// heading unknown and therefore do not change heading // heading unknown and therefore do not change heading
return false; return false;
} }
* EKF reset handling functions
* Those functions are called by the base FlightTask in
* case of an EKF reset event
void FlightTaskAuto::_ekfResetHandlerPositionXY(const matrix::Vector2f &delta_xy)
_position_smoothing.forceSetPosition({_position(0), _position(1), NAN});
void FlightTaskAuto::_ekfResetHandlerVelocityXY(const matrix::Vector2f &delta_vxy)
_position_smoothing.forceSetVelocity({_velocity(0), _velocity(1), NAN});
void FlightTaskAuto::_ekfResetHandlerPositionZ(float delta_z)
_position_smoothing.forceSetPosition({NAN, NAN, _position(2)});
void FlightTaskAuto::_ekfResetHandlerVelocityZ(float delta_vz)
_position_smoothing.forceSetVelocity({NAN, NAN, _velocity(2)});
void FlightTaskAuto::_ekfResetHandlerHeading(float delta_psi)
_yaw_sp_prev += delta_psi;
void FlightTaskAuto::_generateSetpoints()
Vector3f waypoints[] = {_prev_wp, _position_setpoint, _next_wp};
if (isTargetModified()) {
// In case object avoidance has injected a new setpoint, we take this as the next waypoints
waypoints[2] = _position_setpoint;
const bool should_wait_for_yaw_align = _param_mpc_yaw_mode.get() == 4 && !_yaw_sp_aligned;
PositionSmoothing::PositionSmoothingSetpoints smoothed_setpoints;
_jerk_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.jerk;
_acceleration_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.acceleration;
_velocity_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.velocity;
_position_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.position;
_unsmoothed_velocity_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.unsmoothed_velocity;
_want_takeoff = smoothed_setpoints.unsmoothed_velocity(2) < -0.3f;
if (!PX4_ISFINITE(_yaw_setpoint) && !PX4_ISFINITE(_yawspeed_setpoint)) {
// no valid heading -> generate heading in this flight task
void FlightTaskAuto::_generateHeading()
// Generate heading along trajectory if possible, otherwise hold the previous yaw setpoint
if (!_generateHeadingAlongTraj()) {
_yaw_setpoint = _yaw_sp_prev;
void FlightTaskAuto::_checkEmergencyBraking()
if (!_is_emergency_braking_active) {
if (_position_smoothing.getCurrentVelocityZ() > (2.f * _param_mpc_z_vel_max_dn.get())) {
_is_emergency_braking_active = true;
} else {
if (fabsf(_position_smoothing.getCurrentVelocityZ()) < 0.01f) {
_is_emergency_braking_active = false;
bool FlightTaskAuto::_generateHeadingAlongTraj()
bool res = false;
Vector2f vel_sp_xy(_velocity_setpoint);
Vector2f traj_to_target = Vector2f(_target) - Vector2f(_position);
if ((vel_sp_xy.length() > .1f) &&
(traj_to_target.length() > 2.f)) {
// Generate heading from velocity vector, only if it is long enough
// and if the drone is far enough from the target
_compute_heading_from_2D_vector(_yaw_setpoint, vel_sp_xy);
res = true;
return res;
bool FlightTaskAuto::isTargetModified() const
const bool xy_modified = (_target - _position_setpoint).xy().longerThan(FLT_EPSILON);
const bool z_valid = PX4_ISFINITE(_position_setpoint(2));
const bool z_modified = z_valid && fabs((_target - _position_setpoint)(2)) > FLT_EPSILON;
return xy_modified || z_modified;
void FlightTaskAuto::_updateTrajConstraints()
// update params of the position smoothing
// Update the constraints of the trajectories
_position_smoothing.setMaxAccelerationXY(_param_mpc_acc_hor.get()); // TODO : Should be computed using heading
float max_jerk = _param_mpc_jerk_auto.get();
_position_smoothing.setMaxJerk({max_jerk, max_jerk, max_jerk}); // TODO : Should be computed using heading
if (_is_emergency_braking_active) {
// When initializing with large downward velocity, allow 1g of vertical
// acceleration for fast braking
// If the current velocity is beyond the usual constraints, tell
// the controller to exceptionally increase its saturations to avoid
// cutting out the feedforward
_constraints.speed_down = math::max(fabsf(_position_smoothing.getCurrentVelocityZ()), _param_mpc_z_vel_max_dn.get());
} else if (_unsmoothed_velocity_setpoint(2) < 0.f) { // up
float z_accel_constraint = _param_mpc_acc_up_max.get();
float z_vel_constraint = _param_mpc_z_vel_max_up.get();
// The constraints are broken because they are used as hard limits by the position controller, so put this here
// until the constraints don't do things like cause controller integrators to saturate. Once the controller
// doesn't use z speed constraints, this can go in _prepareTakeoffSetpoints(). Accel limit is to
// emulate the motor ramp (also done in the controller) so that the controller can actually track the setpoint.
if (_type == WaypointType::takeoff && _dist_to_ground < _param_mpc_land_alt1.get()) {
z_vel_constraint = _param_mpc_tko_speed.get();
z_accel_constraint = math::min(z_accel_constraint, _param_mpc_tko_speed.get() / _param_mpc_tko_ramp_t.get());
// Keep the altitude setpoint at the current altitude
// to avoid having it going down into the ground during
// the initial ramp as the velocity does not start at 0
_position_smoothing.forceSetPosition({NAN, NAN, _position(2)});
} else { // down
void FlightTaskAuto::_prepareIdleSetpoints()
// Send zero thrust setpoint
_position_setpoint.setNaN(); // Don't require any position/velocity setpoints
_acceleration_setpoint = Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 100.f); // High downwards acceleration to make sure there's no thrust
void FlightTaskAuto::_prepareLandSetpoints()
_velocity_setpoint.setNaN(); // Don't take over any smoothed velocity setpoint
// Slow down automatic descend close to ground
float land_speed = math::gradual(_dist_to_ground,
_param_mpc_land_alt2.get(), _param_mpc_land_alt1.get(),
_param_mpc_land_speed.get(), _constraints.speed_down);
if (_type_previous != WaypointType::land) {
// initialize xy-position and yaw to waypoint such that home is reached exactly without user input
_land_position = Vector3f(_target(0), _target(1), NAN);
_land_heading = _yaw_setpoint;
_stick_acceleration_xy.resetPosition(Vector2f(_target(0), _target(1)));
// User input assisted landing
if (_param_mpc_land_rc_help.get() && _sticks.checkAndSetStickInputs()) {
// Stick full up -1 -> stop, stick full down 1 -> double the speed
land_speed *= (1 + _sticks.getPositionExpo()(2));
_stick_yaw.generateYawSetpoint(_yawspeed_setpoint, _land_heading,
_sticks.getPositionExpo()(3) * math::radians(_param_mpc_man_y_max.get()), _yaw, _deltatime);
_stick_acceleration_xy.generateSetpoints(_sticks.getPositionExpo().slice<2, 1>(0, 0), _yaw, _land_heading, _position,
_velocity_setpoint_feedback.xy(), _deltatime);
_stick_acceleration_xy.getSetpoints(_land_position, _velocity_setpoint, _acceleration_setpoint);
// Hack to make sure the MPC_YAW_MODE 4 alignment doesn't stop the vehicle from descending when there's yaw input
if (fabsf(_yawspeed_setpoint) > FLT_EPSILON) {
_yaw_sp_aligned = true;
} else {
// Make sure we have a valid land position even in the case we loose RC while amending it
if (!PX4_ISFINITE(_land_position(0))) {
_land_position.xy() = Vector2f(_position);
_position_setpoint = _land_position; // The last element of the land position has to stay NAN
_yaw_setpoint = _land_heading;
_velocity_setpoint(2) = land_speed;
_gear.landing_gear = landing_gear_s::GEAR_DOWN;
void FlightTaskAuto::_prepareTakeoffSetpoints()
// Takeoff is completely defined by target position
_position_setpoint = _target;
_velocity_setpoint = Vector3f(NAN, NAN, NAN);
_gear.landing_gear = landing_gear_s::GEAR_DOWN;
void FlightTaskAuto::_prepareVelocitySetpoints()
// XY Velocity waypoint
// TODO : Rewiew that. What is the expected behavior?
_position_setpoint = Vector3f(NAN, NAN, _position(2));
Vector2f vel_sp_xy = Vector2f(_velocity).unit_or_zero() * _mc_cruise_speed;
_velocity_setpoint = Vector3f(vel_sp_xy(0), vel_sp_xy(1), NAN);
void FlightTaskAuto::_preparePositionSetpoints()
// Simple waypoint navigation: go to xyz target, with standard limitations
_position_setpoint = _target;
_velocity_setpoint.setNaN(); // No special velocity limitations
bool FlightTaskAuto::_highEnoughForLandingGear()
// return true if altitude is above two meters
return _dist_to_ground > 2.0f;
void FlightTaskAuto::updateParams()
// make sure that alt1 is above alt2
_param_mpc_land_alt1.set(math::max(_param_mpc_land_alt1.get(), _param_mpc_land_alt2.get()));


@ -101,6 +101,32 @@ protected:
void _updateInternalWaypoints(); /**< Depending on state of vehicle, the internal waypoints might differ from target (for instance if offtrack). */ void _updateInternalWaypoints(); /**< Depending on state of vehicle, the internal waypoints might differ from target (for instance if offtrack). */
bool _compute_heading_from_2D_vector(float &heading, matrix::Vector2f v); /**< Computes and sets heading a 2D vector */ bool _compute_heading_from_2D_vector(float &heading, matrix::Vector2f v); /**< Computes and sets heading a 2D vector */
/** Reset position or velocity setpoints in case of EKF reset event */
void _ekfResetHandlerPositionXY(const matrix::Vector2f &delta_xy) override;
void _ekfResetHandlerVelocityXY(const matrix::Vector2f &delta_vxy) override;
void _ekfResetHandlerPositionZ(float delta_z) override;
void _ekfResetHandlerVelocityZ(float delta_vz) override;
void _ekfResetHandlerHeading(float delta_psi) override;
void _generateSetpoints(); /**< Generate setpoints along line. */
void _generateHeading();
void _checkEmergencyBraking();
bool _generateHeadingAlongTraj(); /**< Generates heading along trajectory. */
bool isTargetModified() const;
void _updateTrajConstraints();
/** determines when to trigger a takeoff (ignored in flight) */
bool _checkTakeoff() override { return _want_takeoff; };
void _prepareIdleSetpoints();
void _prepareLandSetpoints();
void _prepareVelocitySetpoints();
void _prepareTakeoffSetpoints();
void _preparePositionSetpoints();
bool _highEnoughForLandingGear(); /**< Checks if gears can be lowered. */
void updateParams() override; /**< See ModuleParam class */
matrix::Vector3f _prev_prev_wp{}; /**< Pre-previous waypoint (local frame). This will be used for smoothing trajectories -> not used yet. */ matrix::Vector3f _prev_prev_wp{}; /**< Pre-previous waypoint (local frame). This will be used for smoothing trajectories -> not used yet. */
matrix::Vector3f _prev_wp{}; /**< Previous waypoint (local frame). If no previous triplet is available, the prev_wp is set to current position. */ matrix::Vector3f _prev_wp{}; /**< Previous waypoint (local frame). If no previous triplet is available, the prev_wp is set to current position. */
bool _prev_was_valid{false}; bool _prev_was_valid{false};


@ -80,36 +80,6 @@ void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::reActivate()
_position_smoothing.reset({0.f, 0.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 0.f, 0.7f}, _position); _position_smoothing.reset({0.f, 0.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 0.f, 0.7f}, _position);
} }
* EKF reset handling functions
* Those functions are called by the base FlightTask in
* case of an EKF reset event
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_ekfResetHandlerPositionXY(const matrix::Vector2f &delta_xy)
_position_smoothing.forceSetPosition({_position(0), _position(1), NAN});
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_ekfResetHandlerVelocityXY(const matrix::Vector2f &delta_vxy)
_position_smoothing.forceSetVelocity({_velocity(0), _velocity(1), NAN});
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_ekfResetHandlerPositionZ(float delta_z)
_position_smoothing.forceSetPosition({NAN, NAN, _position(2)});
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_ekfResetHandlerVelocityZ(float delta_vz)
_position_smoothing.forceSetVelocity({NAN, NAN, _velocity(2)});
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_ekfResetHandlerHeading(float delta_psi)
_yaw_sp_prev += delta_psi;
bool FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::update() bool FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::update()
{ {
bool ret = FlightTaskAuto::update(); bool ret = FlightTaskAuto::update();
@ -173,235 +143,3 @@ bool FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::update()
return ret; return ret;
} }
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_generateSetpoints()
Vector3f waypoints[] = {_prev_wp, _position_setpoint, _next_wp};
if (isTargetModified()) {
// In case object avoidance has injected a new setpoint, we take this as the next waypoints
waypoints[2] = _position_setpoint;
const bool should_wait_for_yaw_align = _param_mpc_yaw_mode.get() == 4 && !_yaw_sp_aligned;
PositionSmoothing::PositionSmoothingSetpoints smoothed_setpoints;
_jerk_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.jerk;
_acceleration_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.acceleration;
_velocity_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.velocity;
_position_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.position;
_unsmoothed_velocity_setpoint = smoothed_setpoints.unsmoothed_velocity;
_want_takeoff = smoothed_setpoints.unsmoothed_velocity(2) < -0.3f;
if (!PX4_ISFINITE(_yaw_setpoint) && !PX4_ISFINITE(_yawspeed_setpoint)) {
// no valid heading -> generate heading in this flight task
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_checkEmergencyBraking()
if (!_is_emergency_braking_active) {
if (_position_smoothing.getCurrentVelocityZ() > (2.f * _param_mpc_z_vel_max_dn.get())) {
_is_emergency_braking_active = true;
} else {
if (fabsf(_position_smoothing.getCurrentVelocityZ()) < 0.01f) {
_is_emergency_braking_active = false;
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_generateHeading()
// Generate heading along trajectory if possible, otherwise hold the previous yaw setpoint
if (!_generateHeadingAlongTraj()) {
_yaw_setpoint = _yaw_sp_prev;
bool FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_generateHeadingAlongTraj()
bool res = false;
Vector2f vel_sp_xy(_velocity_setpoint);
Vector2f traj_to_target = Vector2f(_target) - Vector2f(_position);
if ((vel_sp_xy.length() > .1f) &&
(traj_to_target.length() > 2.f)) {
// Generate heading from velocity vector, only if it is long enough
// and if the drone is far enough from the target
_compute_heading_from_2D_vector(_yaw_setpoint, vel_sp_xy);
res = true;
return res;
bool FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::isTargetModified() const
const bool xy_modified = (_target - _position_setpoint).xy().longerThan(FLT_EPSILON);
const bool z_valid = PX4_ISFINITE(_position_setpoint(2));
const bool z_modified = z_valid && fabs((_target - _position_setpoint)(2)) > FLT_EPSILON;
return xy_modified || z_modified;
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_updateTrajConstraints()
// update params of the position smoothing
// Update the constraints of the trajectories
_position_smoothing.setMaxAccelerationXY(_param_mpc_acc_hor.get()); // TODO : Should be computed using heading
float max_jerk = _param_mpc_jerk_auto.get();
_position_smoothing.setMaxJerk({max_jerk, max_jerk, max_jerk}); // TODO : Should be computed using heading
if (_is_emergency_braking_active) {
// When initializing with large downward velocity, allow 1g of vertical
// acceleration for fast braking
// If the current velocity is beyond the usual constraints, tell
// the controller to exceptionally increase its saturations to avoid
// cutting out the feedforward
_constraints.speed_down = math::max(fabsf(_position_smoothing.getCurrentVelocityZ()), _param_mpc_z_vel_max_dn.get());
} else if (_unsmoothed_velocity_setpoint(2) < 0.f) { // up
float z_accel_constraint = _param_mpc_acc_up_max.get();
float z_vel_constraint = _param_mpc_z_vel_max_up.get();
// The constraints are broken because they are used as hard limits by the position controller, so put this here
// until the constraints don't do things like cause controller integrators to saturate. Once the controller
// doesn't use z speed constraints, this can go in _prepareTakeoffSetpoints(). Accel limit is to
// emulate the motor ramp (also done in the controller) so that the controller can actually track the setpoint.
if (_type == WaypointType::takeoff && _dist_to_ground < _param_mpc_land_alt1.get()) {
z_vel_constraint = _param_mpc_tko_speed.get();
z_accel_constraint = math::min(z_accel_constraint, _param_mpc_tko_speed.get() / _param_mpc_tko_ramp_t.get());
// Keep the altitude setpoint at the current altitude
// to avoid having it going down into the ground during
// the initial ramp as the velocity does not start at 0
_position_smoothing.forceSetPosition({NAN, NAN, _position(2)});
} else { // down
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_prepareIdleSetpoints()
// Send zero thrust setpoint
_position_setpoint.setNaN(); // Don't require any position/velocity setpoints
_acceleration_setpoint = Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 100.f); // High downwards acceleration to make sure there's no thrust
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_prepareLandSetpoints()
_velocity_setpoint.setNaN(); // Don't take over any smoothed velocity setpoint
// Slow down automatic descend close to ground
float land_speed = math::gradual(_dist_to_ground,
_param_mpc_land_alt2.get(), _param_mpc_land_alt1.get(),
_param_mpc_land_speed.get(), _constraints.speed_down);
if (_type_previous != WaypointType::land) {
// initialize xy-position and yaw to waypoint such that home is reached exactly without user input
_land_position = Vector3f(_target(0), _target(1), NAN);
_land_heading = _yaw_setpoint;
_stick_acceleration_xy.resetPosition(Vector2f(_target(0), _target(1)));
// User input assisted landing
if (_param_mpc_land_rc_help.get() && _sticks.checkAndSetStickInputs()) {
// Stick full up -1 -> stop, stick full down 1 -> double the speed
land_speed *= (1 + _sticks.getPositionExpo()(2));
_stick_yaw.generateYawSetpoint(_yawspeed_setpoint, _land_heading,
_sticks.getPositionExpo()(3) * math::radians(_param_mpc_man_y_max.get()), _yaw, _deltatime);
_stick_acceleration_xy.generateSetpoints(_sticks.getPositionExpo().slice<2, 1>(0, 0), _yaw, _land_heading, _position,
_velocity_setpoint_feedback.xy(), _deltatime);
_stick_acceleration_xy.getSetpoints(_land_position, _velocity_setpoint, _acceleration_setpoint);
// Hack to make sure the MPC_YAW_MODE 4 alignment doesn't stop the vehicle from descending when there's yaw input
if (fabsf(_yawspeed_setpoint) > FLT_EPSILON) {
_yaw_sp_aligned = true;
} else {
// Make sure we have a valid land position even in the case we loose RC while amending it
if (!PX4_ISFINITE(_land_position(0))) {
_land_position.xy() = Vector2f(_position);
_position_setpoint = _land_position; // The last element of the land position has to stay NAN
_yaw_setpoint = _land_heading;
_velocity_setpoint(2) = land_speed;
_gear.landing_gear = landing_gear_s::GEAR_DOWN;
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_prepareTakeoffSetpoints()
// Takeoff is completely defined by target position
_position_setpoint = _target;
_velocity_setpoint = Vector3f(NAN, NAN, NAN);
_gear.landing_gear = landing_gear_s::GEAR_DOWN;
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_prepareVelocitySetpoints()
// XY Velocity waypoint
// TODO : Rewiew that. What is the expected behavior?
_position_setpoint = Vector3f(NAN, NAN, _position(2));
Vector2f vel_sp_xy = Vector2f(_velocity).unit_or_zero() * _mc_cruise_speed;
_velocity_setpoint = Vector3f(vel_sp_xy(0), vel_sp_xy(1), NAN);
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_preparePositionSetpoints()
// Simple waypoint navigation: go to xyz target, with standard limitations
_position_setpoint = _target;
_velocity_setpoint.setNaN(); // No special velocity limitations
void FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::updateParams()
// make sure that alt1 is above alt2
_param_mpc_land_alt1.set(math::max(_param_mpc_land_alt1.get(), _param_mpc_land_alt2.get()));
bool FlightTaskAutoLineSmoothVel::_highEnoughForLandingGear()
// return true if altitude is above two meters
return _dist_to_ground > 2.0f;


@ -51,36 +51,4 @@ public:
bool activate(const vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s &last_setpoint) override; bool activate(const vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s &last_setpoint) override;
void reActivate() override; void reActivate() override;
bool update() override; bool update() override;
/** Reset position or velocity setpoints in case of EKF reset event */
void _ekfResetHandlerPositionXY(const matrix::Vector2f &delta_xy) override;
void _ekfResetHandlerVelocityXY(const matrix::Vector2f &delta_vxy) override;
void _ekfResetHandlerPositionZ(float delta_z) override;
void _ekfResetHandlerVelocityZ(float delta_vz) override;
void _ekfResetHandlerHeading(float delta_psi) override;
void _generateSetpoints(); /**< Generate setpoints along line. */
void _generateHeading();
void _checkEmergencyBraking();
bool _generateHeadingAlongTraj(); /**< Generates heading along trajectory. */
bool isTargetModified() const;
void _prepareSetpoints(); /**< Generate velocity target points for the trajectory generator. */
void _updateTrajConstraints();
/** determines when to trigger a takeoff (ignored in flight) */
bool _checkTakeoff() override { return _want_takeoff; };
void _prepareIdleSetpoints();
void _prepareLandSetpoints();
void _prepareVelocitySetpoints();
void _prepareTakeoffSetpoints();
void _preparePositionSetpoints();
bool _highEnoughForLandingGear(); /**< Checks if gears can be lowered. */
void updateParams() override; /**< See ModuleParam class */
}; };
