@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Ekf::Ekf():
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Ekf::Ekf():
_state = { } ;
_last_known_posNE . setZero ( ) ;
_earth_rate_NED . setZero ( ) ;
_R_prev = matrix : : Dcm < float > ( ) ;
_R_to_earth = matrix : : Dcm < float > ( ) ;
memset ( _vel_pos_innov , 0 , sizeof ( _vel_pos_innov ) ) ;
memset ( _mag_innov , 0 , sizeof ( _mag_innov ) ) ;
memset ( _flow_innov , 0 , sizeof ( _flow_innov ) ) ;
@ -217,7 +217,12 @@ bool Ekf::update()
@@ -217,7 +217,12 @@ bool Ekf::update()
// determine if range finder data has fallen behind the fusin time horizon fuse it if we are
// not tilted too much to use it
if ( _range_buffer . pop_first_older_than ( _imu_sample_delayed . time_us , & _range_sample_delayed )
& & ( _R_prev ( 2 , 2 ) > 0.7071f ) ) {
& & ( _R_to_earth ( 2 , 2 ) > 0.7071f ) ) {
// correct the range data for position offset relative to the IMU
Vector3f pos_offset_body = _params . rng_pos_body - _params . imu_pos_body ;
Vector3f pos_offset_earth = _R_to_earth * pos_offset_body ;
_range_sample_delayed . rng + = pos_offset_earth ( 2 ) / _R_to_earth ( 2 , 2 ) ;
// if we have range data we always try to estimate terrain height
_fuse_hagl_data = true ;
@ -257,6 +262,20 @@ bool Ekf::update()
@@ -257,6 +262,20 @@ bool Ekf::update()
_fuse_pos = true ;
_fuse_vert_vel = true ;
_fuse_hor_vel = true ;
// correct velocity for offset relative to IMU
Vector3f ang_rate = _imu_sample_delayed . delta_ang * ( 1.0f / _imu_sample_delayed . delta_ang_dt ) ;
Vector3f pos_offset_body = _params . gps_pos_body - _params . imu_pos_body ;
Vector3f vel_offset_body = cross_product ( ang_rate , pos_offset_body ) ;
Vector3f vel_offset_earth = _R_to_earth * vel_offset_body ;
_gps_sample_delayed . vel - = vel_offset_earth ;
// correct position and height for offset relative to IMU
Vector3f pos_offset_earth = _R_to_earth * pos_offset_body ;
_gps_sample_delayed . pos ( 0 ) - = pos_offset_earth ( 0 ) ;
_gps_sample_delayed . pos ( 1 ) - = pos_offset_earth ( 1 ) ;
_gps_sample_delayed . hgt + = pos_offset_earth ( 2 ) ;
// only use gps height observation in the main filter if specifically enabled
@ -269,7 +288,7 @@ bool Ekf::update()
@@ -269,7 +288,7 @@ bool Ekf::update()
// If we are using optical flow aiding and data has fallen behind the fusion time horizon, then fuse it
if ( _flow_buffer . pop_first_older_than ( _imu_sample_delayed . time_us , & _flow_sample_delayed )
& & _control_status . flags . opt_flow & & ( _time_last_imu - _time_last_optflow ) < 2e5
& & ( _R_prev ( 2 , 2 ) > 0.7071f ) ) {
& & ( _R_to_earth ( 2 , 2 ) > 0.7071f ) ) {
_fuse_flow = true ;
@ -431,6 +450,9 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
@@ -431,6 +450,9 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
_state . quat_nominal = Quaternion ( euler_init ) ;
_output_new . quat_nominal = _state . quat_nominal ;
// update transformation matrix from body to world frame
_R_to_earth = quat_to_invrotmat ( _state . quat_nominal ) ;
// initialise the filtered alignment error estimate to a larger starting value
_tilt_err_length_filt = 1.0f ;
@ -472,26 +494,42 @@ void Ekf::predictState()
@@ -472,26 +494,42 @@ void Ekf::predictState()
// attitude error state prediction
matrix : : Dcm < float > R_to_earth ( _state . quat_nominal ) ; // transformation matrix from body to world frame
Vector3f corrected_delta_ang = _imu_sample_delayed . delta_ang - _R_prev * _earth_rate_NED *
// correct delta angles for earth rotation rate
Vector3f corrected_delta_ang = _imu_sample_delayed . delta_ang - _R_to_earth . transpose ( ) * _earth_rate_NED *
_imu_sample_delayed . delta_ang_dt ;
Quaternion dq ; // delta quaternion since last update
// convert the delta angle to a delta quaternion
Quaternion dq ;
dq . from_axis_angle ( corrected_delta_ang ) ;
// rotate the previous quaternion by the delta quaternion using a quaternion multiplication
_state . quat_nominal = dq * _state . quat_nominal ;
_state . quat_nominal . normalize ( ) ;
_R_prev = R_to_earth . transpose ( ) ;
// quaternions must be normalised whenever they are modified
_state . quat_nominal . normalize ( ) ;
// save the previous value of velocity so we can use trapzoidal integration
Vector3f vel_last = _state . vel ;
// predict velocity states
_state . vel + = R_to_earth * _imu_sample_delayed . delta_vel ;
_state . vel ( 2 ) + = 9.81f * _imu_sample_delayed . delta_vel_dt ;
// calculate the increment in velocity using the previous orientation
Vector3f delta_vel_earth_1 = _R_to_earth * _imu_sample_delayed . delta_vel ;
// update the rotation matrix and calculate the increment in velocity using the current orientation
_R_to_earth = quat_to_invrotmat ( _state . quat_nominal ) ;
Vector3f delta_vel_earth_2 = _R_to_earth * _imu_sample_delayed . delta_vel ;
// Update the velocity assuming constant angular rate and acceleration across the same delta time interval
_state . vel + = ( delta_vel_earth_1 + delta_vel_earth_2 ) * 0.5f ;
// compensate for acceleration due to gravity
_state . vel ( 2 ) + = _gravity_mss * _imu_sample_delayed . delta_vel_dt ;
// predict position states via trapezoidal integration of velocity
_state . pos + = ( vel_last + _state . vel ) * _imu_sample_delayed . delta_vel_dt * 0.5f ;
// update transformation matrix from body to world frame
_R_to_earth = quat_to_invrotmat ( _state . quat_nominal ) ;
constrainStates ( ) ;
@ -543,66 +581,102 @@ bool Ekf::collect_imu(imuSample &imu)
@@ -543,66 +581,102 @@ bool Ekf::collect_imu(imuSample &imu)
return false ;
* Implement a strapdown INS algorithm using the latest IMU data at the current time horizon .
* Buffer the INS states and calculate the difference with the EKF states at the delayed fusion time horizon .
* Calculate delta angle , delta velocity and velocity corrections from the differences and apply them at the
* current time horizon so that the INS states track the EKF states at the delayed fusion time horizon .
* The inspiration for using a complementary filter to correct for time delays in the EKF
* is based on the work by A Khosravian :
* “ Recursive Attitude Estimation in the Presence of Multi - rate and Multi - delay Vector Measurements ”
* A Khosravian , J Trumpf , R Mahony , T Hamel , Australian National University
void Ekf : : calculateOutputStates ( )
// use latest IMU data
imuSample imu_new = _imu_sample_new ;
Vector3f delta_angle ;
// Get the delta angle and velocity from the latest IMU data
// Note: We do no not need to consider any bias or scale correction here
// since the base class has already corrected the imu sample
Vector3f delta_angle ;
delta_angle ( 0 ) = imu_new . delta_ang ( 0 ) ;
delta_angle ( 1 ) = imu_new . delta_ang ( 1 ) ;
delta_angle ( 2 ) = imu_new . delta_ang ( 2 ) ;
Vector3f delta_vel = imu_new . delta_vel ;
// Apply corrections to the delta angle required to track the quaternion states at the EKF fusion time horizon
delta_angle + = _delta_angle_corr ;
// convert the delta angle to an equivalent delta quaternions
Quaternion dq ;
dq . from_axis_angle ( delta_angle ) ;
// rotate the previous INS quaternion by the delta quaternions
_output_new . time_us = imu_new . time_us ;
_output_new . quat_nominal = dq * _output_new . quat_nominal ;
// the quaternions must always be normalised afer modification
_output_new . quat_nominal . normalize ( ) ;
matrix : : Dcm < float > R_to_earth ( _output_new . quat_nominal ) ;
// calculate the rotation matrix from body to earth frame
_R_to_earth_now = quat_to_invrotmat ( _output_new . quat_nominal ) ;
Vector3f delta_vel_NED = R_to_earth * delta_vel + _delta_vel_corr ;
delta_vel_NED ( 2 ) + = 9.81f * imu_new . delta_vel_dt ;
// rotate the delta velocity to earth frame
// apply a delta velocity correction required to track the velocity states at the EKF fusion time horizon
Vector3f delta_vel_NED = _R_to_earth_now * delta_vel + _delta_vel_corr ;
// corrrect for measured accceleration due to gravity
delta_vel_NED ( 2 ) + = _gravity_mss * imu_new . delta_vel_dt ;
// save the previous velocity so we can use trapezidal integration
Vector3f vel_last = _output_new . vel ;
// increment the INS velocity states by the measurement plus corrections
_output_new . vel + = delta_vel_NED ;
// use trapezoidal integration to calculate the INS position states
// apply a velocity correction required to track the position states at the EKF fusion time horizon
_output_new . pos + = ( _output_new . vel + vel_last ) * ( imu_new . delta_vel_dt * 0.5f ) + _vel_corr * imu_new . delta_vel_dt ;
// store INS states in a ring buffer that with the same length and time coordinates as the IMU data buffer
if ( _imu_updated ) {
_output_buffer . push ( _output_new ) ;
_imu_updated = false ;
// get the oldest INS state data from the ring buffer
// this data will be at the EKF fusion time horizon
_output_sample_delayed = _output_buffer . get_oldest ( ) ;
// calculate the quaternion delta between the INS and EKF quaternions at the EKF fusion time horizon
Quaternion quat_inv = _state . quat_nominal . inversed ( ) ;
Quaternion q_error = _output_sample_delayed . quat_nominal * quat_inv ;
q_error . normalize ( ) ;
Vector3f delta_ang_error ;
// convert the quaternion delta to a delta angle
Vector3f delta_ang_error ;
float scalar ;
if ( q_error ( 0 ) > = 0.0f ) {
scalar = - 2.0f ;
} else {
scalar = 2.0f ;
delta_ang_error ( 0 ) = scalar * q_error ( 1 ) ;
delta_ang_error ( 1 ) = scalar * q_error ( 2 ) ;
delta_ang_error ( 2 ) = scalar * q_error ( 3 ) ;
// calculate a corrrection to the delta angle
// that will cause the INS to track the EKF quaternions with a 1 sec time constant
_delta_angle_corr = delta_ang_error * imu_new . delta_ang_dt ;
// calculate a correction to the delta velocity
// that will cause the INS to track the EKF velocity with a 1 sec time constant
_delta_vel_corr = ( _state . vel - _output_sample_delayed . vel ) * imu_new . delta_vel_dt ;
// calculate a correction to the INS velocity
// that will cause the INS to track the EKF position with a 1 sec time constant
_vel_corr = ( _state . pos - _output_sample_delayed . pos ) ;