Browse Source

Merge pull request #94 from priseborough/pr-sensorPosComp

Add compensation for EKF sensor position offsets
Paul Riseborough 9 years ago
  1. 20
  2. 112
  3. 10
  4. 38
  5. 7
  6. 29
  7. 8
  8. 29
  9. 6
  10. 4


@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ typedef matrix::Matrix<float, 3, 3> Matrix3f; @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ typedef matrix::Matrix<float, 3, 3> Matrix3f;
struct flow_message {
uint8_t quality; // Quality of Flow data
Vector2f flowdata; // Flow data received
Vector2f gyrodata; // Gyro data from flow sensor
Vector3f gyrodata; // Gyro data from flow sensor
uint32_t dt; // integration time of flow samples
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ struct flowSample { @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ struct flowSample {
uint8_t quality; // quality indicator between 0 and 255
Vector2f flowRadXY; // measured delta angle of the image about the X and Y body axes (rad), RH rotaton is positive
Vector2f flowRadXYcomp; // measured delta angle of the image about the X and Y body axes after removal of body rotation (rad), RH rotation is positive
Vector2f gyroXY; // measured delta angle of the inertial frame about the X and Y body axes obtained from rate gyro measurements (rad), RH rotation is positive
Vector3f gyroXYZ; // measured delta angle of the inertial frame about the body axes obtained from rate gyro measurements (rad), RH rotation is positive
float dt; // amount of integration time (sec)
uint64_t time_us; // timestamp in microseconds of the integration period mid-point
@ -223,6 +223,12 @@ struct parameters { @@ -223,6 +223,12 @@ struct parameters {
float req_hdrift; // maximum acceptable horizontal drift speed
float req_vdrift; // maximum acceptable vertical drift speed
// XYZ offset of sensors in body axes (m)
Vector3f imu_pos_body; // xyz position of IMU in body frame (m)
Vector3f gps_pos_body; // xyz position of the GPS antenna in body frame (m)
Vector3f rng_pos_body; // xyz position of range sensor in body frame (m)
Vector3f flow_pos_body; // xyz position of range sensor focal point in body frame (m)
// Initialize parameter values. Initialization must be accomplished in the constructor to allow C99 compiler compatibility.
@ -235,8 +241,8 @@ struct parameters { @@ -235,8 +241,8 @@ struct parameters {
baro_delay_ms = 0.0f;
gps_delay_ms = 200.0f;
airspeed_delay_ms = 200.0f;
flow_delay_ms = 60.0f;
range_delay_ms = 200.0f;
flow_delay_ms = 5.0f;
range_delay_ms = 5.0f;
// input noise
gyro_noise = 6.0e-2f;
@ -296,6 +302,12 @@ struct parameters { @@ -296,6 +302,12 @@ struct parameters {
req_gdop = 2.0f;
req_hdrift = 0.3f;
req_vdrift = 0.5f;
// XYZ offset of sensors in body axes (m)
imu_pos_body = {0};
gps_pos_body = {0};
rng_pos_body = {0};
flow_pos_body = {0};


@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Ekf::Ekf(): @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Ekf::Ekf():
_state = {};
_R_prev = matrix::Dcm<float>();
_R_to_earth = matrix::Dcm<float>();
memset(_vel_pos_innov, 0, sizeof(_vel_pos_innov));
memset(_mag_innov, 0, sizeof(_mag_innov));
memset(_flow_innov, 0, sizeof(_flow_innov));
@ -217,7 +217,12 @@ bool Ekf::update() @@ -217,7 +217,12 @@ bool Ekf::update()
// determine if range finder data has fallen behind the fusin time horizon fuse it if we are
// not tilted too much to use it
if (_range_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_range_sample_delayed)
&& (_R_prev(2, 2) > 0.7071f)) {
&& (_R_to_earth(2, 2) > 0.7071f)) {
// correct the range data for position offset relative to the IMU
Vector3f pos_offset_body = _params.rng_pos_body - _params.imu_pos_body;
Vector3f pos_offset_earth = _R_to_earth * pos_offset_body;
_range_sample_delayed.rng += pos_offset_earth(2) / _R_to_earth(2, 2);
// if we have range data we always try to estimate terrain height
_fuse_hagl_data = true;
@ -257,6 +262,20 @@ bool Ekf::update() @@ -257,6 +262,20 @@ bool Ekf::update()
_fuse_pos = true;
_fuse_vert_vel = true;
_fuse_hor_vel = true;
// correct velocity for offset relative to IMU
Vector3f ang_rate = _imu_sample_delayed.delta_ang * (1.0f/_imu_sample_delayed.delta_ang_dt);
Vector3f pos_offset_body = _params.gps_pos_body - _params.imu_pos_body;
Vector3f vel_offset_body = cross_product(ang_rate,pos_offset_body);
Vector3f vel_offset_earth = _R_to_earth * vel_offset_body;
_gps_sample_delayed.vel -= vel_offset_earth;
// correct position and height for offset relative to IMU
Vector3f pos_offset_earth = _R_to_earth * pos_offset_body;
_gps_sample_delayed.pos(0) -= pos_offset_earth(0);
_gps_sample_delayed.pos(1) -= pos_offset_earth(1);
_gps_sample_delayed.hgt += pos_offset_earth(2);
// only use gps height observation in the main filter if specifically enabled
@ -269,7 +288,7 @@ bool Ekf::update() @@ -269,7 +288,7 @@ bool Ekf::update()
// If we are using optical flow aiding and data has fallen behind the fusion time horizon, then fuse it
if (_flow_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_flow_sample_delayed)
&& _control_status.flags.opt_flow && (_time_last_imu - _time_last_optflow) < 2e5
&& (_R_prev(2, 2) > 0.7071f)) {
&& (_R_to_earth(2, 2) > 0.7071f)) {
_fuse_flow = true;
@ -431,6 +450,9 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void) @@ -431,6 +450,9 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
_state.quat_nominal = Quaternion(euler_init);
_output_new.quat_nominal = _state.quat_nominal;
// update transformation matrix from body to world frame
_R_to_earth = quat_to_invrotmat(_state.quat_nominal);
// initialise the filtered alignment error estimate to a larger starting value
_tilt_err_length_filt = 1.0f;
@ -472,26 +494,42 @@ void Ekf::predictState() @@ -472,26 +494,42 @@ void Ekf::predictState()
// attitude error state prediction
matrix::Dcm<float> R_to_earth(_state.quat_nominal); // transformation matrix from body to world frame
Vector3f corrected_delta_ang = _imu_sample_delayed.delta_ang - _R_prev * _earth_rate_NED *
// correct delta angles for earth rotation rate
Vector3f corrected_delta_ang = _imu_sample_delayed.delta_ang - _R_to_earth.transpose() * _earth_rate_NED *
Quaternion dq; // delta quaternion since last update
// convert the delta angle to a delta quaternion
Quaternion dq;
// rotate the previous quaternion by the delta quaternion using a quaternion multiplication
_state.quat_nominal = dq * _state.quat_nominal;
_R_prev = R_to_earth.transpose();
// quaternions must be normalised whenever they are modified
// save the previous value of velocity so we can use trapzoidal integration
Vector3f vel_last = _state.vel;
// predict velocity states
_state.vel += R_to_earth * _imu_sample_delayed.delta_vel;
_state.vel(2) += 9.81f * _imu_sample_delayed.delta_vel_dt;
// calculate the increment in velocity using the previous orientation
Vector3f delta_vel_earth_1 = _R_to_earth * _imu_sample_delayed.delta_vel;
// update the rotation matrix and calculate the increment in velocity using the current orientation
_R_to_earth = quat_to_invrotmat(_state.quat_nominal);
Vector3f delta_vel_earth_2 = _R_to_earth * _imu_sample_delayed.delta_vel;
// Update the velocity assuming constant angular rate and acceleration across the same delta time interval
_state.vel += (delta_vel_earth_1 + delta_vel_earth_2) * 0.5f;
// compensate for acceleration due to gravity
_state.vel(2) += _gravity_mss * _imu_sample_delayed.delta_vel_dt;
// predict position states via trapezoidal integration of velocity
_state.pos += (vel_last + _state.vel) * _imu_sample_delayed.delta_vel_dt * 0.5f;
// update transformation matrix from body to world frame
_R_to_earth = quat_to_invrotmat(_state.quat_nominal);
@ -543,66 +581,102 @@ bool Ekf::collect_imu(imuSample &imu) @@ -543,66 +581,102 @@ bool Ekf::collect_imu(imuSample &imu)
return false;
* Implement a strapdown INS algorithm using the latest IMU data at the current time horizon.
* Buffer the INS states and calculate the difference with the EKF states at the delayed fusion time horizon.
* Calculate delta angle, delta velocity and velocity corrections from the differences and apply them at the
* current time horizon so that the INS states track the EKF states at the delayed fusion time horizon.
* The inspiration for using a complementary filter to correct for time delays in the EKF
* is based on the work by A Khosravian:
* Recursive Attitude Estimation in the Presence of Multi-rate and Multi-delay Vector Measurements
* A Khosravian, J Trumpf, R Mahony, T Hamel, Australian National University
void Ekf::calculateOutputStates()
// use latest IMU data
imuSample imu_new = _imu_sample_new;
Vector3f delta_angle;
// Get the delta angle and velocity from the latest IMU data
// Note: We do no not need to consider any bias or scale correction here
// since the base class has already corrected the imu sample
Vector3f delta_angle;
delta_angle(0) = imu_new.delta_ang(0);
delta_angle(1) = imu_new.delta_ang(1);
delta_angle(2) = imu_new.delta_ang(2);
Vector3f delta_vel = imu_new.delta_vel;
// Apply corrections to the delta angle required to track the quaternion states at the EKF fusion time horizon
delta_angle += _delta_angle_corr;
// convert the delta angle to an equivalent delta quaternions
Quaternion dq;
// rotate the previous INS quaternion by the delta quaternions
_output_new.time_us = imu_new.time_us;
_output_new.quat_nominal = dq * _output_new.quat_nominal;
// the quaternions must always be normalised afer modification
matrix::Dcm<float> R_to_earth(_output_new.quat_nominal);
// calculate the rotation matrix from body to earth frame
_R_to_earth_now = quat_to_invrotmat(_output_new.quat_nominal);
Vector3f delta_vel_NED = R_to_earth * delta_vel + _delta_vel_corr;
delta_vel_NED(2) += 9.81f * imu_new.delta_vel_dt;
// rotate the delta velocity to earth frame
// apply a delta velocity correction required to track the velocity states at the EKF fusion time horizon
Vector3f delta_vel_NED = _R_to_earth_now * delta_vel + _delta_vel_corr;
// corrrect for measured accceleration due to gravity
delta_vel_NED(2) += _gravity_mss * imu_new.delta_vel_dt;
// save the previous velocity so we can use trapezidal integration
Vector3f vel_last = _output_new.vel;
// increment the INS velocity states by the measurement plus corrections
_output_new.vel += delta_vel_NED;
// use trapezoidal integration to calculate the INS position states
// apply a velocity correction required to track the position states at the EKF fusion time horizon
_output_new.pos += (_output_new.vel + vel_last) * (imu_new.delta_vel_dt * 0.5f) + _vel_corr * imu_new.delta_vel_dt;
// store INS states in a ring buffer that with the same length and time coordinates as the IMU data buffer
if (_imu_updated) {
_imu_updated = false;
// get the oldest INS state data from the ring buffer
// this data will be at the EKF fusion time horizon
_output_sample_delayed = _output_buffer.get_oldest();
// calculate the quaternion delta between the INS and EKF quaternions at the EKF fusion time horizon
Quaternion quat_inv = _state.quat_nominal.inversed();
Quaternion q_error = _output_sample_delayed.quat_nominal * quat_inv;
Vector3f delta_ang_error;
// convert the quaternion delta to a delta angle
Vector3f delta_ang_error;
float scalar;
if (q_error(0) >= 0.0f) {
scalar = -2.0f;
} else {
scalar = 2.0f;
delta_ang_error(0) = scalar * q_error(1);
delta_ang_error(1) = scalar * q_error(2);
delta_ang_error(2) = scalar * q_error(3);
// calculate a corrrection to the delta angle
// that will cause the INS to track the EKF quaternions with a 1 sec time constant
_delta_angle_corr = delta_ang_error * imu_new.delta_ang_dt;
// calculate a correction to the delta velocity
// that will cause the INS to track the EKF velocity with a 1 sec time constant
_delta_vel_corr = (_state.vel - _output_sample_delayed.vel) * imu_new.delta_vel_dt;
// calculate a correction to the INS velocity
// that will cause the INS to track the EKF position with a 1 sec time constant
_vel_corr = (_state.pos - _output_sample_delayed.pos);


@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ public: @@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ public:
static const uint8_t _k_num_states = 24;
static constexpr float _k_earth_rate = 0.000072921f;
const float _k_earth_rate = 0.000072921f;
const float _gravity_mss = 9.80665f;
stateSample _state; // state struct of the ekf running at the delayed time horizon
@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ private: @@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ private:
Vector3f _earth_rate_NED; // earth rotation vector (NED) in rad/s
matrix::Dcm<float> _R_prev; // transformation matrix from earth frame to body frame of previous ekf step
matrix::Dcm<float> _R_to_earth; // transformation matrix from body frame to earth frame from last EKF predition
float P[_k_num_states][_k_num_states]; // state covariance matrix
float KH[_k_num_states][_k_num_states]; // intermediate variable for the covariance update
@ -173,8 +174,8 @@ private: @@ -173,8 +174,8 @@ private:
// optical flow processing
float _flow_innov[2]; // flow measurement innovation
float _flow_innov_var[2]; // flow innovation variance
Vector2f _flow_gyro_bias; // bias errors in optical flow sensor rate gyro outputs
Vector2f _imu_del_ang_of; // bias corrected XY delta angle measurements accumulated across the same time frame as the optical flow rates
Vector3f _flow_gyro_bias; // bias errors in optical flow sensor rate gyro outputs
Vector3f _imu_del_ang_of; // bias corrected delta angle measurements accumulated across the same time frame as the optical flow rates
float _delta_time_of; // time in sec that _imu_del_ang_of was accumulated over
float _mag_declination; // magnetic declination used by reset and fusion functions (rad)
@ -330,4 +331,5 @@ private: @@ -330,4 +331,5 @@ private:
// zero the specified range of columns in the state covariance matrix
void zeroCols(float (&cov_mat)[_k_num_states][_k_num_states], uint8_t first, uint8_t last);


@ -449,3 +449,41 @@ bool Ekf::global_position_is_valid() @@ -449,3 +449,41 @@ bool Ekf::global_position_is_valid()
// TODO implement proper check based on published GPS accuracy, innovation consistency checks and timeout status
return (_NED_origin_initialised && ((_time_last_imu - _time_last_gps) < 5e6) && _control_status.flags.gps);
// perform a vector cross product
Vector3f EstimatorInterface::cross_product(const Vector3f &vecIn1, const Vector3f &vecIn2)
Vector3f vecOut;
vecOut(0) = vecIn1(1)*vecIn2(2) - vecIn1(2)*vecIn2(1);
vecOut(1) = vecIn1(2)*vecIn2(0) - vecIn1(0)*vecIn2(2);
vecOut(2) = vecIn1(0)*vecIn2(1) - vecIn1(1)*vecIn2(0);
return vecOut;
// calculate the inverse rotation matrix from a quaternion rotation
Matrix3f EstimatorInterface::quat_to_invrotmat(const Quaternion quat)
float q00 = quat(0) * quat(0);
float q11 = quat(1) * quat(1);
float q22 = quat(2) * quat(2);
float q33 = quat(3) * quat(3);
float q01 = quat(0) * quat(1);
float q02 = quat(0) * quat(2);
float q03 = quat(0) * quat(3);
float q12 = quat(1) * quat(2);
float q13 = quat(1) * quat(3);
float q23 = quat(2) * quat(3);
Matrix3f dcm;
dcm(0,0) = q00 + q11 - q22 - q33;
dcm(1,1) = q00 - q11 + q22 - q33;
dcm(2,2) = q00 - q11 - q22 + q33;
dcm(0,1) = 2.0f * (q12 - q03);
dcm(0,2) = 2.0f * (q13 + q02);
dcm(1,0) = 2.0f * (q12 + q03);
dcm(1,2) = 2.0f * (q23 - q01);
dcm(2,0) = 2.0f * (q13 - q02);
dcm(2,1) = 2.0f * (q23 + q01);
return dcm;


@ -271,10 +271,11 @@ void EstimatorInterface::setOpticalFlowData(uint64_t time_usec, flow_message *fl @@ -271,10 +271,11 @@ void EstimatorInterface::setOpticalFlowData(uint64_t time_usec, flow_message *fl
// NOTE: the EKF uses the reverse sign convention to the flow sensor. EKF assumes positive LOS rate is produced by a RH rotation of the image about the sensor axis.
// copy the optical and gyro measured delta angles
optflow_sample_new.flowRadXY = - flow->flowdata;
optflow_sample_new.gyroXY = - flow->gyrodata;
optflow_sample_new.gyroXYZ = - flow->gyrodata;
// compensate for body motion to give a LOS rate
optflow_sample_new.flowRadXYcomp = optflow_sample_new.flowRadXY - optflow_sample_new.gyroXY;
// convert integraton interval to seconds
optflow_sample_new.flowRadXYcomp(0) = optflow_sample_new.flowRadXY(0) - optflow_sample_new.gyroXYZ(0);
optflow_sample_new.flowRadXYcomp(1) = optflow_sample_new.flowRadXY(1) - optflow_sample_new.gyroXYZ(1);
// convert integration interval to seconds
optflow_sample_new.dt = 1e-6f * (float)flow->dt;
_time_last_optflow = time_usec;
// push to buffer


@ -172,16 +172,30 @@ public: @@ -172,16 +172,30 @@ public:
quat[i] = _output_new.quat_nominal(i);
void copy_velocity(float *vel)
// get the velocity of the body frame origin in local NED earth frame
void get_velocity(float *vel)
// calculate the average angular rate across the last IMU update
Vector3f ang_rate = _imu_sample_new.delta_ang * (1.0f/_imu_sample_new.delta_ang_dt);
// calculate the velocity of the relative to the body origin
// Note % operator has been overloaded to performa cross product
Vector3f vel_imu_rel_body = cross_product(ang_rate , _params.imu_pos_body);
// rotate the relative velocty into earth frame and subtract from the EKF velocity
// (which is at the IMU) to get velocity of the body origin
Vector3f vel_earth = _output_new.vel - _R_to_earth_now * vel_imu_rel_body;
// copy to output
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
vel[i] = _output_new.vel(i);
vel[i] = vel_earth(i);
void copy_position(float *pos)
// get the position of the body frame origin in local NED earth frame
void get_position(float *pos)
// rotate the position of the IMU relative to the boy origin into earth frame
Vector3f pos_offset_earth = _R_to_earth_now * _params.imu_pos_body;
// subtract from the EKF position (which is at the IMU) to get position at the body origin
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
pos[i] = _output_new.pos(i);
pos[i] = _output_new.pos(i) - pos_offset_earth(i);
void copy_timestamp(uint64_t *time_us)
@ -218,6 +232,7 @@ protected: @@ -218,6 +232,7 @@ protected:
outputSample _output_sample_delayed; // filter output on the delayed time horizon
outputSample _output_new; // filter output on the non-delayed time horizon
imuSample _imu_sample_new; // imu sample capturing the newest imu data
Matrix3f _R_to_earth_now; // rotation matrix from body to earth frame at current time
uint64_t _imu_ticks; // counter for imu updates
@ -273,4 +288,10 @@ protected: @@ -273,4 +288,10 @@ protected:
// this is the previous status of the filter control modes - used to detect mode transitions
filter_control_status_u _control_status_prev;
// perform a vector cross product
Vector3f cross_product(const Vector3f &vecIn1, const Vector3f &vecIn2);
// calculate the inverse rotation matrix from a quaternion rotation
Matrix3f quat_to_invrotmat(const Quaternion quat);


@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ void Ekf::fuseHeading() @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ void Ekf::fuseHeading()
matrix::Vector3f mag_earth_pred;
// determine if a 321 or 312 Euler sequence is best
if (fabsf(_R_prev(0, 2)) < fabsf(_R_prev(1, 2))) {
if (fabsf(_R_to_earth(2, 0)) < fabsf(_R_to_earth(2, 1))) {
// calculate observation jacobian when we are observing the first rotation in a 321 sequence
float t2 = q0 * q0;
float t3 = q1 * q1;
@ -584,9 +584,9 @@ void Ekf::fuseHeading() @@ -584,9 +584,9 @@ void Ekf::fuseHeading()
// Calculate the 312 sequence euler angles that rotate from earth to body frame
// See
Vector3f euler312;
euler312(0) = atan2f(-_R_prev(1, 0) , _R_prev(1, 1)); // first rotation (yaw)
euler312(1) = asinf(_R_prev(1, 2)); // second rotation (roll)
euler312(2) = atan2f(-_R_prev(0, 2) , _R_prev(2, 2)); // third rotation (pitch)
euler312(0) = atan2f(-_R_to_earth(0, 1) , _R_to_earth(1, 1)); // first rotation (yaw)
euler312(1) = asinf(_R_to_earth(2, 1)); // second rotation (roll)
euler312(2) = atan2f(-_R_to_earth(2, 0) , _R_to_earth(2, 2)); // third rotation (pitch)
predicted_hdg = euler312(0); // we will need the predicted heading to calculate the innovation


@ -87,8 +87,17 @@ void Ekf::fuseOptFlow() @@ -87,8 +87,17 @@ void Ekf::fuseOptFlow()
matrix::Dcm<float> earth_to_body(_state.quat_nominal);
earth_to_body = earth_to_body.transpose();
// rotate earth velocities into body frame
Vector3f vel_body = earth_to_body * _state.vel;
// calculate the sensor position relative to the IMU
Vector3f pos_offset_body = _params.flow_pos_body - _params.imu_pos_body;
// calculate the velocity of the sensor reelative to the imu in body frame
Vector3f vel_rel_imu_body = cross_product(_flow_sample_delayed.gyroXYZ , pos_offset_body);
// calculate the velocity of the sensor in the earth frame
Vector3f vel_rel_earth = _state.vel + _R_to_earth * vel_rel_imu_body;
// rotate into body frame
Vector3f vel_body = earth_to_body * vel_rel_earth;
// calculate range from focal point to centre of image
float range = heightAboveGndEst / earth_to_body(2, 2); // absolute distance to the frame region in view
@ -498,8 +507,7 @@ void Ekf::get_flow_innov_var(float flow_innov_var[2]) @@ -498,8 +507,7 @@ void Ekf::get_flow_innov_var(float flow_innov_var[2])
void Ekf::calcOptFlowBias()
// accumulate the bias corrected delta angles from the navigation sensor and lapsed time
_imu_del_ang_of(0) += _imu_sample_delayed.delta_ang(0);
_imu_del_ang_of(1) += _imu_sample_delayed.delta_ang(1);
_imu_del_ang_of += _imu_sample_delayed.delta_ang;
_delta_time_of += _imu_sample_delayed.delta_ang_dt;
// reset the accumulators if the time interval is too large
@ -514,21 +522,20 @@ void Ekf::calcOptFlowBias() @@ -514,21 +522,20 @@ void Ekf::calcOptFlowBias()
if ((fabsf(_delta_time_of - _flow_sample_delayed.dt) < 0.05f) && (_delta_time_of > 0.01f)
&& (_flow_sample_delayed.dt > 0.01f)) {
// calculate a reference angular rate
Vector2f reference_body_rate;
reference_body_rate(0) = _imu_del_ang_of(0) / _delta_time_of;
reference_body_rate(1) = _imu_del_ang_of(1) / _delta_time_of;
Vector3f reference_body_rate;
reference_body_rate = _imu_del_ang_of * (1.0f / _delta_time_of);
// calculate the optical flow sensor measured body rate
Vector2f of_body_rate;
of_body_rate(0) = _flow_sample_delayed.gyroXY(0) / _flow_sample_delayed.dt;
of_body_rate(1) = _flow_sample_delayed.gyroXY(1) / _flow_sample_delayed.dt;
Vector3f of_body_rate;
of_body_rate = _flow_sample_delayed.gyroXYZ * (1.0f / _flow_sample_delayed.dt);
// calculate the bias estimate using a combined LPF and spike filter
_flow_gyro_bias(0) = 0.99f * _flow_gyro_bias(0) + 0.01f * math::constrain((of_body_rate(0) - reference_body_rate(0)),
-0.1f, 0.1f);
_flow_gyro_bias(1) = 0.99f * _flow_gyro_bias(1) + 0.01f * math::constrain((of_body_rate(1) - reference_body_rate(1)),
-0.1f, 0.1f);
_flow_gyro_bias(2) = 0.99f * _flow_gyro_bias(2) + 0.01f * math::constrain((of_body_rate(2) - reference_body_rate(2)),
-0.1f, 0.1f);
// reset the accumulators


@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ void Ekf::predictHagl() @@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ void Ekf::predictHagl()
void Ekf::fuseHagl()
// If the vehicle is excessively tilted, do not try to fuse range finder observations
if (_R_prev(2, 2) > 0.7071f) {
if (_R_to_earth(2, 2) > 0.7071f) {
// get a height above ground measurement from the range finder assuming a flat earth
float meas_hagl = _range_sample_delayed.rng * _R_prev(2, 2);
float meas_hagl = _range_sample_delayed.rng * _R_to_earth(2, 2);
// predict the hagl from the vehicle position and terrain height
float pred_hagl = _terrain_vpos - _state.pos(2);
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void Ekf::fuseHagl() @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void Ekf::fuseHagl()
_hagl_innov = pred_hagl - meas_hagl;
// calculate the observation variance adding the variance of the vehicles own height uncertainty and factoring in the effect of tilt on measurement error
float obs_variance = fmaxf(P[8][8], 0.0f) + sq(_params.range_noise / _R_prev(2, 2));
float obs_variance = fmaxf(P[8][8], 0.0f) + sq(_params.range_noise / _R_to_earth(2, 2));
// calculate the innovation variance - limiting it to prevent a badly conditioned fusion
_hagl_innov_var = fmaxf(_terrain_var + obs_variance, obs_variance);


@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ void Ekf::fuseVelPosHeight() @@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ void Ekf::fuseVelPosHeight()
// innovation gate size
gate_size[5] = fmaxf(_params.baro_innov_gate, 1.0f);
} else if (_control_status.flags.rng_hgt && (_R_prev(2, 2) > 0.7071f)) {
} else if (_control_status.flags.rng_hgt && (_R_to_earth(2, 2) > 0.7071f)) {
fuse_map[5] = true;
// use range finder with tilt correction
_vel_pos_innov[5] = _state.pos(2) - (-math::max(_range_sample_delayed.rng * _R_prev(2, 2),
_vel_pos_innov[5] = _state.pos(2) - (-math::max(_range_sample_delayed.rng * _R_to_earth(2, 2),
// observation variance - user parameter defined
R[5] = fmaxf(_params.range_noise, 0.01f);
