@ -153,53 +153,53 @@ private:
@@ -153,53 +153,53 @@ private:
uORB : : SubscriptionCallbackWorkItem _global_pos_sub { this , ORB_ID ( vehicle_global_position ) } ;
uORB : : Subscription _control_mode_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_control_mode ) } ; ///< control mode subscription */
uORB : : Subscription _control_mode_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_control_mode ) } ; ///< control mode subscription
uORB : : Subscription _local_pos_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_local_position ) } ;
uORB : : Subscription _manual_control_sub { ORB_ID ( manual_control_setpoint ) } ; ///< notification of manual control updates */
uORB : : Subscription _parameter_update_sub { ORB_ID ( parameter_update ) } ; ///< notification of parameter updates */
uORB : : Subscription _manual_control_sub { ORB_ID ( manual_control_setpoint ) } ; ///< notification of manual control updates
uORB : : Subscription _parameter_update_sub { ORB_ID ( parameter_update ) } ; ///< notification of parameter updates
uORB : : Subscription _pos_sp_triplet_sub { ORB_ID ( position_setpoint_triplet ) } ;
uORB : : Subscription _sensor_baro_sub { ORB_ID ( sensor_baro ) } ;
uORB : : Subscription _vehicle_attitude_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_attitude ) } ; ///< vehicle attitude subscription */
uORB : : Subscription _vehicle_command_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_command ) } ; ///< vehicle command subscription */
uORB : : Subscription _vehicle_land_detected_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_land_detected ) } ; ///< vehicle land detected subscription */
uORB : : Subscription _vehicle_status_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_status ) } ; ///< vehicle status subscription */
uORB : : Subscription _vehicle_attitude_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_attitude ) } ; ///< vehicle attitude subscription
uORB : : Subscription _vehicle_command_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_command ) } ; ///< vehicle command subscription
uORB : : Subscription _vehicle_land_detected_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_land_detected ) } ; ///< vehicle land detected subscription
uORB : : Subscription _vehicle_status_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_status ) } ; ///< vehicle status subscription
uORB : : SubscriptionData < vehicle_angular_velocity_s > _vehicle_rates_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_angular_velocity ) } ;
orb_advert_t _attitude_sp_pub { nullptr } ; ///< attitude setpoint */
orb_advert_t _attitude_sp_pub { nullptr } ; ///< attitude setpoint
orb_id_t _attitude_setpoint_id { nullptr } ;
uORB : : Publication < position_controller_status_s > _pos_ctrl_status_pub { ORB_ID ( position_controller_status ) } ; ///< navigation capabilities publication */
uORB : : Publication < position_controller_landing_status_s > _pos_ctrl_landing_status_pub { ORB_ID ( position_controller_landing_status ) } ; ///< landing status publication */
uORB : : Publication < tecs_status_s > _tecs_status_pub { ORB_ID ( tecs_status ) } ; ///< TECS status publication */
manual_control_setpoint_s _manual { } ; ///< r/c channel data */
position_setpoint_triplet_s _pos_sp_triplet { } ; ///< triplet of mission items */
vehicle_attitude_s _att { } ; ///< vehicle attitude setpoint */
vehicle_attitude_setpoint_s _att_sp { } ; ///< vehicle attitude setpoint */
vehicle_command_s _vehicle_command { } ; ///< vehicle commands */
vehicle_control_mode_s _control_mode { } ; ///< control mode */
vehicle_global_position_s _global_pos { } ; ///< global vehicle position */
vehicle_local_position_s _local_pos { } ; ///< vehicle local position */
vehicle_land_detected_s _vehicle_land_detected { } ; ///< vehicle land detected */
vehicle_status_s _vehicle_status { } ; ///< vehicle status */
uORB : : Publication < position_controller_status_s > _pos_ctrl_status_pub { ORB_ID ( position_controller_status ) } ; ///< navigation capabilities publication
uORB : : Publication < position_controller_landing_status_s > _pos_ctrl_landing_status_pub { ORB_ID ( position_controller_landing_status ) } ; ///< landing status publication
uORB : : Publication < tecs_status_s > _tecs_status_pub { ORB_ID ( tecs_status ) } ; ///< TECS status publication
manual_control_setpoint_s _manual { } ; ///< r/c channel data
position_setpoint_triplet_s _pos_sp_triplet { } ; ///< triplet of mission items
vehicle_attitude_s _att { } ; ///< vehicle attitude setpoint
vehicle_attitude_setpoint_s _att_sp { } ; ///< vehicle attitude setpoint
vehicle_command_s _vehicle_command { } ; ///< vehicle commands
vehicle_control_mode_s _control_mode { } ; ///< control mode
vehicle_global_position_s _global_pos { } ; ///< global vehicle position
vehicle_local_position_s _local_pos { } ; ///< vehicle local position
vehicle_land_detected_s _vehicle_land_detected { } ; ///< vehicle land detected
vehicle_status_s _vehicle_status { } ; ///< vehicle status
SubscriptionData < airspeed_validated_s > _airspeed_validated_sub { ORB_ID ( airspeed_validated ) } ;
SubscriptionData < vehicle_acceleration_s > _vehicle_acceleration_sub { ORB_ID ( vehicle_acceleration ) } ;
perf_counter_t _loop_perf ; ///< loop performance counter */
perf_counter_t _loop_perf ; ///< loop performance counter
float _hold_alt { 0.0f } ; ///< hold altitude for altitude mode */
float _takeoff_ground_alt { 0.0f } ; ///< ground altitude at which plane was launched */
float _hdg_hold_yaw { 0.0f } ; ///< hold heading for velocity mode */
bool _hdg_hold_enabled { false } ; ///< heading hold enabled */
bool _yaw_lock_engaged { false } ; ///< yaw is locked for heading hold */
float _althold_epv { 0.0f } ; ///< the position estimate accuracy when engaging alt hold */
bool _was_in_deadband { false } ; ///< wether the last stick input was in althold deadband */
float _hold_alt { 0.0f } ; ///< hold altitude for altitude mode
float _takeoff_ground_alt { 0.0f } ; ///< ground altitude at which plane was launched
float _hdg_hold_yaw { 0.0f } ; ///< hold heading for velocity mode
bool _hdg_hold_enabled { false } ; ///< heading hold enabled
bool _yaw_lock_engaged { false } ; ///< yaw is locked for heading hold
float _althold_epv { 0.0f } ; ///< the position estimate accuracy when engaging alt hold
bool _was_in_deadband { false } ; ///< wether the last stick input was in althold deadband
position_setpoint_s _hdg_hold_prev_wp { } ; ///< position where heading hold started */
position_setpoint_s _hdg_hold_curr_wp { } ; ///< position to which heading hold flies */
position_setpoint_s _hdg_hold_prev_wp { } ; ///< position where heading hold started
position_setpoint_s _hdg_hold_curr_wp { } ; ///< position to which heading hold flies
hrt_abstime _control_position_last_called { 0 } ; ///< last call of control_position */
hrt_abstime _control_position_last_called { 0 } ; ///< last call of control_position
/* Landing */
bool _land_noreturn_horizontal { false } ;
@ -211,18 +211,18 @@ private:
@@ -211,18 +211,18 @@ private:
Landingslope _landingslope ;
hrt_abstime _time_started_landing { 0 } ; ///< time at which landing started */
hrt_abstime _time_started_landing { 0 } ; ///< time at which landing started
float _t_alt_prev_valid { 0 } ; ///< last terrain estimate which was valid */
hrt_abstime _time_last_t_alt { 0 } ; ///< time at which we had last valid terrain alt */
float _t_alt_prev_valid { 0 } ; ///< last terrain estimate which was valid
hrt_abstime _time_last_t_alt { 0 } ; ///< time at which we had last valid terrain alt
float _flare_height { 0.0f } ; ///< estimated height to ground at which flare started */
float _flare_pitch_sp { 0.0f } ; ///< Current forced (i.e. not determined using TECS) flare pitch setpoint */
float _flare_height { 0.0f } ; ///< estimated height to ground at which flare started
float _flare_pitch_sp { 0.0f } ; ///< Current forced (i.e. not determined using TECS) flare pitch setpoint
float _flare_curve_alt_rel_last { 0.0f } ;
float _target_bearing { 0.0f } ; ///< estimated height to ground at which flare started */
float _target_bearing { 0.0f } ; ///< estimated height to ground at which flare started
bool _was_in_air { false } ; ///< indicated wether the plane was in the air in the previous interation*/
hrt_abstime _time_went_in_air { 0 } ; ///< time at which the plane went in the air */
hrt_abstime _time_went_in_air { 0 } ; ///< time at which the plane went in the air
/* Takeoff launch detection and runway */
LaunchDetector _launchDetector ;
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ private:
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ private:
float airspeed_trans ;
int32_t vtol_type ;
} _parameters { } ; ///< local copies of interesting parameters */
} _parameters { } ; ///< local copies of interesting parameters
struct {
param_t climbout_diff ;
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ private:
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ private:
param_t loiter_radius ;
param_t vtol_type ;
} _parameter_handles { } ; ///< handles for interesting parameters */
} _parameter_handles { } ; ///< handles for interesting parameters
( ParamFloat < px4 : : params : : FW_GND_SPD_MIN > ) _groundspeed_min