//XXX resolve unclear naming of paramters: FW_P_P --> FW_PR_P
//xxx: update descriptions
// @DisplayName Attitude Time Constant
// @DisplayName Attitude Time Constant
// @Description This defines the latency between a step input and the achieved setpoint. Half a second is a good start value and fits for most average systems. Smaller systems may require smaller values, but as this will wear out servos faster, the value should only be decreased as needed.
// @Description This defines the latency between a step input and the achieved setpoint (inverse to a P gain). Half a second is a good start value and fits for most average systems. Smaller systems may require smaller values, but as this will wear out servos faster, the value should only be decreased as needed.
// @Range 0.4 to 1.0 seconds, in tens of seconds
// @Range 0.4 to 1.0 seconds, in tens of seconds
// @DisplayName Proportional gain.
// @DisplayName Pitch rate proportional gain.
// @Description This defines how much the elevator input will be commanded dependend on the current pitch error.
// @Description This defines how much the elevator input will be commanded depending on the current body angular rate error.
// @Range 10 to 200, 1 increments
// @Range 10 to 200, 1 increments
// @DisplayName Damping gain.
// @DisplayName Damping gain.
// @Description This gain damps the airframe pitch rate. In particular relevant for flying wings.
// @Description This gain damps the airframe pitch rate. In particular relevant for flying wings.
// @Range 0.0 to 10.0, 0.1 increments
// @Range 0.0 to 10.0, 0.1 increments
PARAM_DEFINE_FLOAT(FW_PR_D,0.0f);//xxx: remove
PARAM_DEFINE_FLOAT(FW_PR_D,0.0f);//xxx: remove
// @DisplayName Integrator gain.
// @DisplayName Pitch rate integrator gain.
// @Description This gain defines how much control response will result out of a steady state error. It trims any constant error.
// @Description This gain defines how much control response will result out of a steady state error. It trims any constant error.
// @Range 0 to 50.0
// @Range 0 to 50.0
// @DisplayName Maximum positive / up pitch rate.
// @DisplayName Maximum positive / up pitch rate.
// @Description This limits the maximum pitch up angular rate the controller will output (in degrees per second). Setting a value of zero disables the limit.
// @Description This limits the maximum pitch up angular rate the controller will output (in degrees per second). Setting a value of zero disables the limit.
// @Range 0 to 90.0 degrees per seconds, in 1 increments
// @Range 0 to 90.0 degrees per seconds, in 1 increments
// @DisplayName Maximum negative / down pitch rate.
// @DisplayName Maximum negative / down pitch rate.
// @Description This limits the maximum pitch down up angular rate the controller will output (in degrees per second). Setting a value of zero disables the limit.
// @Description This limits the maximum pitch down up angular rate the controller will output (in degrees per second). Setting a value of zero disables the limit.
// @Range 0 to 90.0 degrees per seconds, in 1 increments
// @Range 0 to 90.0 degrees per seconds, in 1 increments
// @DisplayName Pitch Integrator Anti-Windup
// @DisplayName Pitch rate integrator limit
// @Description This limits the range in degrees the integrator can wind up to.
// @Description The portion of the integrator part in the control surface deflection is limited to this value
// @Range 0.0 to 45.0
// @Range 0.0 to 1
// @Increment 1.0
// @Increment 0.1
// @DisplayName Roll feedforward gain.
// @DisplayName Roll to Pitch feedforward gain.
// @Description This compensates during turns and ensures the nose stays level.
// @Description This compensates during turns and ensures the nose stays level.
// @Range 0.5 2.0
// @Range 0.5 2.0
// @Increment 0.05
// @Increment 0.05
// @User User
// @User User
// @DisplayName Proportional Gain.
// @DisplayName Roll rate proportional Gain.
// @Description This gain controls the roll angle to roll actuator output.
// @Description This defines how much the aileron input will be commanded depending on the current body angular rate error.
// @Range 10.0 200.0
// @Range 10.0 200.0
// @Increment 10.0
// @Increment 10.0
// @User User
// @User User
// @DisplayName Damping Gain
// @DisplayName Damping Gain
// @Description Controls the roll rate to roll actuator output. It helps to reduce motions in turbulence.
// @Description Controls the roll rate to roll actuator output. It helps to reduce motions in turbulence.