@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import sys
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import sys
px4_tools_dir = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) )
sys . path . append ( px4_tools_dir + " /genmsg/src " )
sys . path . append ( px4_tools_dir + " /gencpp/src " )
px4_msg_dir = os . path . join ( px4_tools_dir , " ../msg " )
try :
import em
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ __email__ = "thomasgubler@gmail.com"
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ __email__ = "thomasgubler@gmail.com"
TEMPLATE_FILE = [ ' msg.h.template ' , ' msg.cpp.template ' ]
TOPICS_LIST_TEMPLATE_FILE = ' uORBTopics.cpp.template '
OUTPUT_FILE_EXT = [ ' .h ' , ' .cpp ' ]
INCL_DEFAULT = [ ' std_msgs:./msg/std_msgs ' ]
INCL_DEFAULT = [ ' std_msgs:./msg/std_msgs ' , ' px4: %s ' % ( px4_msg_dir ) ]
PACKAGE = ' px4 '
@ -146,6 +147,11 @@ def generate_by_template(output_file, template_file, em_globals):
@@ -146,6 +147,11 @@ def generate_by_template(output_file, template_file, em_globals):
Invokes empy intepreter to geneate output_file by the
given template_file and predefined em_globals dict
# check if folder exists:
folder_name = os . path . dirname ( output_file )
if not os . path . exists ( folder_name ) :
os . makedirs ( folder_name )
ofile = open ( output_file , ' w ' )
# todo, reuse interpreter
interpreter = em . Interpreter ( output = ofile , globals = em_globals , options = { em . RAW_OPT : True , em . BUFFERED_OPT : True } )
@ -171,7 +177,7 @@ def convert_dir(format_idx, inputdir, outputdir, templatedir):
@@ -171,7 +177,7 @@ def convert_dir(format_idx, inputdir, outputdir, templatedir):
if os . path . isfile ( fni ) :
it = os . path . getmtime ( fni )
if it > maxinputtime :
maxinputtime = it ;
maxinputtime = it
# Find the most recent modification time in output dir
maxouttime = 0
@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ def convert_dir(format_idx, inputdir, outputdir, templatedir):
@@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ def convert_dir(format_idx, inputdir, outputdir, templatedir):
if os . path . isfile ( fni ) :
it = os . path . getmtime ( fni )
if it > maxouttime :
maxouttime = it ;
maxouttime = it
# Do not generate if nothing changed on the input
if ( maxinputtime != 0 and maxouttime != 0 and maxinputtime < maxouttime ) :
@ -257,7 +263,15 @@ def generate_topics_list_file(msgdir, outputdir, templatedir):
@@ -257,7 +263,15 @@ def generate_topics_list_file(msgdir, outputdir, templatedir):
tl_template_file = os . path . join ( templatedir , TOPICS_LIST_TEMPLATE_FILE )
tl_out_file = os . path . join ( outputdir , TOPICS_LIST_TEMPLATE_FILE . replace ( " .template " , " " ) )
generate_by_template ( tl_out_file , tl_template_file , tl_globals )
def generate_topics_list_file_from_files ( files , outputdir , templatedir ) :
# generate cpp file with topics list
filenames = [ os . path . basename ( p ) for p in files if os . path . basename ( p ) . endswith ( " .msg " ) ]
tl_globals = { " msgs " : filenames }
tl_template_file = os . path . join ( templatedir , TOPICS_LIST_TEMPLATE_FILE )
tl_out_file = os . path . join ( outputdir , TOPICS_LIST_TEMPLATE_FILE . replace ( " .template " , " " ) )
generate_by_template ( tl_out_file , tl_template_file , tl_globals )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser (
description = ' Convert msg files to uorb headers/sources ' )
@ -290,12 +304,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -290,12 +304,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
else :
print ( ' Error: either --headers or --sources must be specified ' )
exit ( - 1 )
if args . file is not None :
for f in args . file :
generate_output_from_file ( generate_idx , f , args . output dir, args . templatedir , INCL_DEFAULT )
generate_output_from_file ( generate_idx , f , args . temporary dir, args . templatedir , INCL_DEFAULT )
if generate_idx == 1 :
generate_topics_list_file ( args . dir , args . outputdir , args . templatedir )
generate_topics_list_file_from_files ( args . file , args . outputdir , args . templatedir )
copy_changed ( args . temporarydir , args . outputdir , args . prefix , args . quiet )
elif args . dir is not None :
convert_dir_save (
generate_idx ,