Note that the release consists of two tarballs: <code>nuttx-6.19.tar.gz</code> and <code>apps-6.19.tar.gz</code>.
Note that the release consists of two tarballs: <code>nuttx-6.20.tar.gz</code> and <code>apps-6.20.tar.gz</code>.
Both may be needed (see the top-level <code>nuttx/README.txt</code> file for build information)
The change log associated with the release is available <ahref="#currentrelease">here</a>.
Unreleased changes after this release are available in SVN.
These unreleased changes are also listed <ahref="#pendingchanges">here</a>.
<p><b>NFS client</b>.
This release features new support for a Network File System (NFS) client.
This feature allows a tiny, embedded MCU to mount a remote file system exported by an NFS server and then to access the file system as it would any local file system.
Then the tiny MCU can effectively have terabyte of storage!
This might be useful for data collection, for MCU configuration information, for software updates, for providing modular, loadable code modes, controlling a "farm" of MCUs ... there are many possibilities and opportunities for innovation!
The NuttShell (NSH) now supports the following command:
That command will mount the remote NFS server directory <remote-path> at <mount-point> on the target machine.
<server-address> is the IP address of the remote server.
This release corresponds with SVN release number: r4937
The NFS development was the graduation project of Jose Pablo Rojas V. who is a student at the <i>Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica</i> (ITCR, or TEC).
A lot of effort went into understanding what a tiny, embedded NFS client should do and getting the target resource usage to a bare minimum.
Only around a kilobyte or so of memory is required to run the NFS client (and most of that for I/O buffers).
Jose Pablo has spent several months living with NFS and should be congratulated for his success.
<b>Additional new features and extended functionality</b>
<p><b>Additional new features and extended functionality</b>.</p>
SSD1289 LCD driver, MIO283QT2 LCD driver
<li><b>Power Management</b>
An evolving power management example is being created by Diego Sanchez.
This effort currently involves on the STM32 F1 but clearly demonstrates the NuttX power management system which will automatically drive the system to lower power usage states due to lack of use.
Additional register definition header files (contributed by Max Neklyudov).
Added a driver for the SST 25 SPI-based FLASH parts.
<li><b>STM32 Boards</b>:
The STM32F4Discovery will now support an SSD1289 LCD, STM3220G-EVAL
board support is now equivalent to the STM3240G-EVAL board support.
Added support for the PIC32MX1 and PIC32MX2 families.
Added support for the microchipOpen and Pinguino toolchains.
<li><b>PIC32 Boards</b>:
The Mikroelektronika PIC32MX7 MMB board port is now functional, very complete, and stable.
<li><b>NXP LPC43XX</b>
Added support for the entire LPC43xx family
The NxConsole will now take keyboard input from the NX graphics subsystem.
This means that if there are multiple NxConsole windows, only the top instance that has focus will receive the keyboard input.
<li><b>PIC32 boards</b>
Added support for the DTX1-4000L "Mirtoo" module/
See the <ahref="">Dimitech</a> website for further information.
Add the capability to use an arbitrary USB device as the console (not necessarily <code>/dev/console</code>).
Additional enhancements for USB consoles.
Added the <code>mv</code> command.
<li><b>NXP LPC43XX Boards</b>
Added support for <ahref="">NGX Technologies</a> LPC4330-Xplorer board.
<li><b>NXP LPC17XX Boards</b>
Added support for <ahref="">Micromint</a> Lincoln60 board (LPC1769).
<li><b>LM3S Boards</b>
Add a configuration to support the TI/Stellaris EKK-LM3S3B96 development board.
Contributed by Jose Pablo Rojas V.
NuttX now supports platform-specific stdarg.h header files.
It is nearly code-complete and almost ready to begin test.
I hope to have the basic port to this board complete and available in the NuttX-6.20 release.
The basic port is complete.
The OS test configuration and the basic NSH configurations are present and fully verified.
This includes verified support for: SYSTICK system time, pin and GPIO configuration, and a serial console.
Several drivers have been coped from the related LPC17xx port but require integration into the LPC43xx: ADC, DAC, GPDMA, I2C, SPI, and SSP.
The registers for these blocks are the same in both the LPC43xx and the LPC17xx and they should integrate into the LPC43xx very easily by simply adapting the clocking and pin configuration logic.
Other LPC17xx drivers were not brought into the LPC43xx port because these peripherals have been completely redesigned: CAN, Ethernet, USB device, and USB host.
So then there is no support for the following LPC43xx peripherals: SD/MMC, EMC, USB0,USB1, Ethernet, LCD, SCT, Timers 0-3, MCPWM, QEI, Alarm timer, WWDT, RTC, Event monitor, and CAN.
Some of these can be leveraged from other MCUs that appear to support the same peripheral IP:
USB0 appears to be the same as the USB OTG peripheral for the LPC31xx.
It should be possible to drop in the LPC31xx driver with a small porting effort.
The Ethernet block looks to be based on the same IP as the STM32 Ethernet and, as a result, it should be possible to leverage the NuttX STM32 Ethernet driver with a little more effort.
1) Linux with native Linux GNU toolchain, 2) Cygwin with Cygwin GNU Cortex-M3 or 4toolchain, or 3) Cygwin with Windows native GNU Cortex-M3 or M4 toolchain (CodeSourcery or devkitARM). A DIY toolchain for Linux or Cygwin is provided by the NuttX
The basic port is code complete but development is ongoing and many features have not yet been verified.
The basic port is code complete.
Two configurations are available:
An OS test configuration and a that support the NuttShell (NSH).
The OS test configuration is fully functional and proves that we have a basically healthy NuttX port to the Mirtoo.
This includes support for the SST25 serial FLASH on board the module.
See the <ahref="">NSH User Guide</a> for further information about NSH.
There are some remaining issues to be resolved with the NSH configuration but, with any luck, the verified port should be available with the NuttX 6.20 release.
@ -2950,140 +2979,86 @@ Other memory:
@@ -2950,140 +2979,86 @@ Other memory: