@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ static constexpr float POS_RESET_THRESHOLD = 5.0f; ///< Seconds before we sig
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ static constexpr float POS_RESET_THRESHOLD = 5.0f; ///< Seconds before we sig
staticconstexprunsignedMAG_SWITCH_HYSTERESIS=10;///< Ignore the first few mag failures (which amounts to a few milliseconds)
staticconstexprunsignedGYRO_SWITCH_HYSTERESIS=5;///< Ignore the first few gyro failures (which amounts to a few milliseconds)
staticconstexprunsignedACCEL_SWITCH_HYSTERESIS=5;///< Ignore the first few accel failures (which amounts to a few milliseconds)