@ -415,6 +415,13 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
@@ -415,6 +415,13 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
if ( _ev_counter = = 0 & & _ev_sample_delayed . time_us ! = 0 ) {
// initialise the counter
_ev_counter = 1 ;
// set the height fusion mode to use external vision data when we start getting valid data from the buffer
if ( _primary_hgt_source = = VDIST_SENSOR_EV ) {
_control_status . flags . baro_hgt = false ;
_control_status . flags . gps_hgt = false ;
_control_status . flags . rng_hgt = false ;
_control_status . flags . ev_hgt = true ;
} else if ( _ev_counter ! = 0 ) {
// increment the sample count
_ev_counter + + ;
@ -426,6 +433,7 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
@@ -426,6 +433,7 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
_primary_hgt_source = _params . vdist_sensor_type ;
// accumulate enough height measurements to be confident in the qulaity of the data
if ( _primary_hgt_source = = VDIST_SENSOR_RANGE ) {
if ( _range_buffer . pop_first_older_than ( _imu_sample_delayed . time_us , & _range_sample_delayed ) ) {
if ( _hgt_counter = = 0 & & _range_sample_delayed . time_us ! = 0 ) {
@ -433,6 +441,7 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
@@ -433,6 +441,7 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
_control_status . flags . baro_hgt = false ;
_control_status . flags . gps_hgt = false ;
_control_status . flags . rng_hgt = true ;
_control_status . flags . ev_hgt = false ;
_rng_filt_state = _range_sample_delayed . rng ;
_hgt_counter = 1 ;
} else if ( _hgt_counter ! = 0 ) {
@ -442,8 +451,8 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
@@ -442,8 +451,8 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
} else if ( _primary_hgt_source = = VDIST_SENSOR_BARO | | _primary_hgt_source = = VDIST_SENSOR_GPS | | _primary_hgt_source = = VDIST_SENSOR_EV ) {
// if the user parameter specifies use of GPS or external vision (EV) for height we use baro height initially and switch to GPS or EV
} else if ( _primary_hgt_source = = VDIST_SENSOR_BARO | | _primary_hgt_source = = VDIST_SENSOR_GPS ) {
// if the user parameter specifies use of GPS for height we use baro height initially and switch to GPS
// later when it passes checks.
if ( _baro_buffer . pop_first_older_than ( _imu_sample_delayed . time_us , & _baro_sample_delayed ) ) {
if ( _hgt_counter = = 0 & & _baro_sample_delayed . time_us ! = 0 ) {
@ -460,14 +469,16 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
@@ -460,14 +469,16 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
} else if ( _primary_hgt_source = = VDIST_SENSOR_EV ) {
// do nothing becasue vision data is checked elsewhere
} else {
return false ;
// check to see if we have enough measurements and return false if not
bool hgt_count_fail = _hgt_counter < = 10 ;
bool mag_count_fail = _mag_counter < = 10 ;
bool ev_count_fail = ( ( _params . fusion_mode & MASK_USE_EVPOS ) | | ( _params . fusion_mode & MASK_USE_EVYAW ) ) & & ( _ev_counter < = 10 ) ;
bool hgt_count_fail = _hgt_counter < = OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH ;
bool mag_count_fail = _mag_counter < = OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH ;
bool ev_count_fail = ( ( _params . fusion_mode & MASK_USE_EVPOS ) | | ( _params . fusion_mode & MASK_USE_EVYAW ) ) & & ( _ev_counter < = OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH ) ;
if ( hgt_count_fail | | mag_count_fail | | ev_count_fail ) {
return false ;
@ -512,12 +523,18 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
@@ -512,12 +523,18 @@ bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
// calculate the initial magnetic field and yaw alignment
_control_status . flags . yaw_align = resetMagHeading ( mag_init ) ;
// if we are using the range finder as the primary source, then calculate the baro height at origin so we can use baro as a backup
// so it can be used as a backup ad set the initial height using the range finder
if ( _control_status . flags . rng_hgt ) {
// if we are using the range finder as the primary source, then calculate the baro height at origin so we can use baro as a backup
// so it can be used as a backup ad set the initial height using the range finder
baroSample baro_newest = _baro_buffer . get_newest ( ) ;
_baro_hgt_offset = baro_newest . hgt ;
_state . pos ( 2 ) = - math : : max ( _rng_filt_state * _R_to_earth ( 2 , 2 ) , _params . rng_gnd_clearance ) ;
} else if ( _control_status . flags . ev_hgt ) {
// if we are using external vision data for height, then the vertical position state needs to be reset
// because the initialisation position is not the zero datum
resetHeight ( ) ;
// initialise the state covariance matrix