@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
# include <mathlib/mathlib.h>
void Ekf : : fuseMag ( )
void Ekf : : fuseMag ( const Vector3f & mag )
// assign intermediate variables
const float & q0 = _state . quat_nominal ( 0 ) ;
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void Ekf::fuseMag()
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void Ekf::fuseMag()
const Vector3f mag_I_rot = R_to_body * _state . mag_I ;
// compute magnetometer innovations
_mag_innov = mag_I_rot + _state . mag_B - _mag_sample_delayed . mag ;
_mag_innov = mag_I_rot + _state . mag_B - mag ;
// do not use the synthesized measurement for the magnetomter Z component for 3D fusion
if ( _control_status . flags . synthetic_mag_z ) {
@ -714,149 +714,62 @@ void Ekf::updateQuaternion(const float innovation, const float variance, const f
@@ -714,149 +714,62 @@ void Ekf::updateQuaternion(const float innovation, const float variance, const f
void Ekf : : fuseHeading ( )
void Ekf : : fuseHeading ( float measured_hdg , float obs_var )
Vector3f mag_earth_pred ;
float measured_hdg ;
// Calculate the observation variance
float R_YAW ;
if ( _control_status . flags . mag_hdg ) {
// using magnetic heading tuning parameter
R_YAW = sq ( _params . mag_heading_noise ) ;
} else if ( _control_status . flags . ev_yaw ) {
// using error estimate from external vision data
R_YAW = _ev_sample_delayed . angVar ;
} else {
// default value
R_YAW = 0.01f ;
// observation variance
float R_YAW = PX4_ISFINITE ( obs_var ) ? obs_var : 0.01f ;
// update transformation matrix from body to world frame using the current state estimate
_R_to_earth = Dcmf ( _state . quat_nominal ) ;
if ( shouldUse321RotationSequence ( _R_to_earth ) ) {
const float predicted_hdg = getEuler321Yaw ( _R_to_earth ) ;
if ( _control_status . flags . mag_hdg ) {
// Rotate the measurements into earth frame using the zero yaw angle
const Dcmf R_to_earth = updateEuler321YawInRotMat ( 0.f , _R_to_earth ) ;
mag_earth_pred = R_to_earth * ( _mag_sample_delayed . mag - _state . mag_B ) ;
// the angle of the projection onto the horizontal gives the yaw angle
measured_hdg = - atan2f ( mag_earth_pred ( 1 ) , mag_earth_pred ( 0 ) ) + getMagDeclination ( ) ;
} else if ( _control_status . flags . ev_yaw ) {
measured_hdg = getEuler321Yaw ( _ev_sample_delayed . quat ) ;
} else {
measured_hdg = predicted_hdg ;
// handle special case where yaw measurement is unavailable
bool fuse_zero_innov = false ;
if ( _is_yaw_fusion_inhibited ) {
// The yaw measurement cannot be trusted but we need to fuse something to prevent a badly
// conditioned covariance matrix developing over time.
if ( ! _control_status . flags . vehicle_at_rest ) {
// Vehicle is not at rest so fuse a zero innovation if necessary to prevent
// unconstrained quaternion variance growth and record the predicted heading
// to use as an observation when movement ceases.
// TODO a better way of determining when this is necessary
const float sumQuatVar = P ( 0 , 0 ) + P ( 1 , 1 ) + P ( 2 , 2 ) + P ( 3 , 3 ) ;
const bool use_321_rotation_seq = shouldUse321RotationSequence ( _R_to_earth ) ;
if ( sumQuatVar > _params . quat_max_variance ) {
fuse_zero_innov = true ;
R_YAW = 0.25f ;
const float predicted_hdg = use_321_rotation_seq ? getEuler321Yaw ( _R_to_earth ) : getEuler312Yaw ( _R_to_earth ) ;
_last_static_yaw = predicted_hdg ;
} else {
// Vehicle is at rest so use the last moving prediction as an observation
// to prevent the heading from drifting and to enable yaw gyro bias learning
// before takeoff.
if ( ! PX4_ISFINITE ( measured_hdg ) ) {
measured_hdg = predicted_hdg ;
if ( ! PX4_ISFINITE ( _last_static_yaw ) ) {
_last_static_yaw = predicted_hdg ;
// handle special case where yaw measurement is unavailable
bool fuse_zero_innov = false ;
measured_hdg = _last_static_yaw ;
if ( _is_yaw_fusion_inhibited ) {
// The yaw measurement cannot be trusted but we need to fuse something to prevent a badly
// conditioned covariance matrix developing over time.
if ( ! _control_status . flags . vehicle_at_rest ) {
// Vehicle is not at rest so fuse a zero innovation if necessary to prevent
// unconstrained quaternion variance growth and record the predicted heading
// to use as an observation when movement ceases.
// TODO a better way of determining when this is necessary
const float sumQuatVar = P ( 0 , 0 ) + P ( 1 , 1 ) + P ( 2 , 2 ) + P ( 3 , 3 ) ;
if ( sumQuatVar > _params . quat_max_variance ) {
fuse_zero_innov = true ;
R_YAW = 0.25f ;
} else {
_last_static_yaw = predicted_hdg ;
fuseYaw321 ( measured_hdg , R_YAW , fuse_zero_innov ) ;
} else {
const float predicted_hdg = getEuler312Yaw ( _R_to_earth ) ;
if ( _control_status . flags . mag_hdg ) {
// rotate the magnetometer measurements into earth frame using a zero yaw angle
const Dcmf R_to_earth = updateEuler312YawInRotMat ( 0.f , _R_to_earth ) ;
mag_earth_pred = R_to_earth * ( _mag_sample_delayed . mag - _state . mag_B ) ;
// the angle of the projection onto the horizontal gives the yaw angle
measured_hdg = - atan2f ( mag_earth_pred ( 1 ) , mag_earth_pred ( 0 ) ) + getMagDeclination ( ) ;
} else if ( _control_status . flags . ev_yaw ) {
measured_hdg = getEuler312Yaw ( _ev_sample_delayed . quat ) ;
} else {
measured_hdg = predicted_hdg ;
// handle special case where yaw measurement is unavailable
bool fuse_zero_innov = false ;
if ( _is_yaw_fusion_inhibited ) {
// The yaw measurement cannot be trusted but we need to fuse something to prevent a badly
// conditioned covariance matrix developing over time.
if ( ! _control_status . flags . vehicle_at_rest ) {
// Vehicle is not at rest so fuse a zero innovation if necessary to prevent
// unconstrained quaterniion variance growth and record the predicted heading
// to use as an observation when movement ceases.
// TODO a better way of determining when this is necessary
const float sumQuatVar = P ( 0 , 0 ) + P ( 1 , 1 ) + P ( 2 , 2 ) + P ( 3 , 3 ) ;
if ( sumQuatVar > _params . quat_max_variance ) {
fuse_zero_innov = true ;
R_YAW = 0.25f ;
// Vehicle is at rest so use the last moving prediction as an observation
// to prevent the heading from drifting and to enable yaw gyro bias learning
// before takeoff.
if ( ! PX4_ISFINITE ( _last_static_yaw ) ) {
_last_static_yaw = predicted_hdg ;
} else {
// Vehicle is at rest so use the last moving prediction as an observation
// to prevent the heading from drifting and to enable yaw gyro bias learning
// before takeoff.
if ( ! PX4_ISFINITE ( _last_static_yaw ) ) {
_last_static_yaw = predicted_hdg ;
measured_hdg = _last_static_yaw ;
} else {
_last_static_yaw = predicted_hdg ;
measured_hdg = _last_static_yaw ;
fuseYaw312 ( measured_hdg , R_YAW , fuse_zero_innov ) ;
} else {
_last_static_yaw = predicted_hdg ;
if ( use_321_rotation_seq ) {
fuseYaw321 ( measured_hdg , R_YAW , fuse_zero_innov ) ;
} else {
fuseYaw312 ( measured_hdg , R_YAW , fuse_zero_innov ) ;