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matlab: add derivation for air data error equations

Paul Riseborough 8 years ago
  1. 89
      matlab/scripts/Inertial Nav EKF/Q_airdata.c
  2. 97
      matlab/scripts/Inertial Nav EKF/derive_air_data_errors.m

matlab/scripts/Inertial Nav EKF/Q_airdata.c

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
float t3 = ve-vwe;
float t4 = q0*q0;
float t5 = q1*q1;
float t6 = q2*q2;
float t7 = q3*q3;
float t8 = vd-vwd;
float t9 = q0*q1*2.0f;
float t10 = q2*q3*2.0f;
float t11 = vn-vwn;
float t13 = q0*q2*2.0f;
float t14 = q1*q3*2.0f;
float t18 = t4-t5-t6+t7;
float t19 = t8*t18;
float t20 = t9-t10;
float t21 = t3*t20;
float t22 = t13+t14;
float t23 = t11*t22;
float t2 = t19-t21+t23;
float t15 = q0*q3*2.0f;
float t16 = q1*q2*2.0f;
float t24 = t9+t10;
float t25 = t4-t5+t6-t7;
float t26 = t3*t25;
float t27 = t8*t24;
float t28 = t15-t16;
float t29 = t11*t28;
float t12 = t26+t27-t29;
float t30 = t13-t14;
float t31 = t4+t5-t6-t7;
float t32 = t11*t31;
float t33 = t8*t30;
float t34 = t15+t16;
float t35 = t3*t34;
float t17 = t32-t33+t35;
float t44 = t2*t18*2.0f;
float t45 = t12*t24*2.0f;
float t46 = t17*t30*2.0f;
float t36 = t44+t45-t46;
float t37 = t2*t2;
float t38 = t12*t12;
float t39 = t17*t17;
float t40 = t37+t38+t39;
float t41 = 1.0f/t40;
float t48 = t12*t25*2.0f;
float t49 = t2*t20*2.0f;
float t50 = t17*t34*2.0f;
float t42 = t48-t49+t50;
float t52 = t17*t31*2.0f;
float t53 = t2*t22*2.0f;
float t54 = t12*t28*2.0f;
float t43 = t52+t53-t54;
float t47 = t36*t36;
float t51 = t42*t42;
float t55 = t43*t43;
float t57 = 1.0f/(t17*t17);
float t58 = 1.0f/t17;
float t63 = t18*t58;
float t64 = t2*t30*t57;
float t56 = t63+t64;
float t66 = t22*t58;
float t67 = t2*t31*t57;
float t59 = t66-t67;
float t60 = t37*t57;
float t61 = t60+1.0f;
float t62 = 1.0f/(t61*t61);
float t65 = t56*t56;
float t68 = t59*t59;
float t70 = t20*t58;
float t71 = t2*t34*t57;
float t69 = t70+t71;
float t72 = t69*t69;
float t78 = t25*t58;
float t79 = t12*t34*t57;
float t73 = t78-t79;
float t81 = t28*t58;
float t82 = t12*t31*t57;
float t74 = t81+t82;
float t75 = t38*t57;
float t76 = t75+1.0f;
float t77 = 1.0f/(t76*t76);
float t80 = t73*t73;
float t83 = t74*t74;
float t85 = t24*t58;
float t86 = t12*t30*t57;
float t84 = t85+t86;
float t87 = t84*t84;
float tas_var = t41*t47*vd_var*0.25f+t41*t51*ve_var*0.25f+t41*t55*vn_var*0.25f+t41*t47*vwd_var*0.25f+t41*t51*vwe_var*0.25f+t41*t55*vwn_var*0.25f;
float aoa_var = t62*t65*vd_var+t62*t72*ve_var+t62*t68*vn_var+t62*t65*vwd_var+t62*t72*vwe_var+t62*t68*vwn_var;
float aos_var = t77*t87*vd_var+t77*t80*ve_var+t77*t83*vn_var+t77*t87*vwd_var+t77*t80*vwe_var+t77*t83*vwn_var;

matlab/scripts/Inertial Nav EKF/derive_air_data_errors.m

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
% This script generates c code required to calculate the variance of the
% TAS, AoA and AoS estimates calculated from the vehicle quaternions, NED
% velocity and NED wind velocity. Uncertainty in the quaternions is
% ignored. Variance in vehicle velocity and wind velocity is accounted for.
%% calculate TAS error terms
clear all;
syms vn ve vd 'real' % navigation frame NED velocity (m/s)
syms vwn vwe vwd 'real' % navigation frame NED wind velocity (m/s)
syms vn_var ve_var vd_var 'real' % navigation frame NED velocity variances (m/s)^2
syms vwn_var vwe_var vwd_var 'real' % navigation frame NED wind velocity variances (m/s)^2
syms q0 q1 q2 q3 'real' % quaternions defining rotation from navigation NED frame to body XYZ frame
quat = [q0;q1;q2;q3];
% rotation matrix from navigation to body frame
Tnb = transpose(Quat2Tbn(quat));
% crete velocity vectors
ground_velocity_truth = [vn;ve;vd];
wind_velocity_truth = [vwn;vwe;vwd];
% calcuate wind relative velocity
rel_vel_ef = ground_velocity_truth - wind_velocity_truth;
% rotate into body frame
rel_vel_bf = Tnb * rel_vel_ef;
% calculate the true airspeed
TAS = sqrt(rel_vel_bf(1)^2 + rel_vel_bf(2)^2 + rel_vel_bf(3)^2);
% derive the control(disturbance) influence matrix from velocity error to
% TAS error
G_TAS = jacobian(TAS, [ground_velocity_truth;wind_velocity_truth]);
% derive the error matrix
TAS_dist_matrix = diag([vn_var ve_var vd_var vwn_var vwe_var vwd_var]);
Q_TAS = G_TAS*TAS_dist_matrix*transpose(G_TAS);
% save as C code
save temp.mat;
%% calculate AoA error equations
clear all;
load temp.mat;
AoA = atan(rel_vel_bf(3) / rel_vel_bf(1));
% derive the control(disturbance) influence matrix from velocity error to
% AoA error
G_AoA = jacobian(AoA, [ground_velocity_truth;wind_velocity_truth]);
% derive the error matrix
AoA_dist_matrix = diag([vn_var ve_var vd_var vwn_var vwe_var vwd_var]);
Q_AoA = G_AoA*AoA_dist_matrix*transpose(G_AoA);
% save as C code
save temp.mat;
%% Calculate AoS error equations
clear all;
load temp.mat;
AoS = atan(rel_vel_bf(2) / rel_vel_bf(1));
% derive the control(disturbance) influence matrix from velocity error to
% AoS error
G_AoS = jacobian(AoS, [ground_velocity_truth;wind_velocity_truth]);
% derive the error matrix
AoS_dist_matrix = diag([vn_var ve_var vd_var vwn_var vwe_var vwd_var]);
Q_AoS = G_AoS*AoS_dist_matrix*transpose(G_AoS);
% save as C code
save temp.mat;
%% convert them combined to take advantage of shared terms in the optimiser
clear all;
load temp.mat;
% save as C code