@ -352,6 +352,30 @@ uORB::DeviceNode::publish(const orb_metadata *meta, orb_advert_t handle, const v
@@ -352,6 +352,30 @@ uORB::DeviceNode::publish(const orb_metadata *meta, orb_advert_t handle, const v
return PX4_OK ;
int uORB : : DeviceNode : : unadvertise ( orb_advert_t handle )
if ( handle = = nullptr ) {
return - EINVAL ;
uORB : : DeviceNode * devnode = ( uORB : : DeviceNode * ) handle ;
* We are cheating a bit here . First , with the current implementation , we can only
* have multiple publishers for instance 0. In this case the caller will have
* instance = nullptr and _published has no effect at all . Thus no unadvertise is
* necessary .
* In case of multiple instances , we have at most 1 publisher per instance and
* we can signal an instance as ' free ' by setting _published to false .
* We never really free the DeviceNode , for this we would need reference counting
* of subscribers and publishers . But we also do not have a leak since future
* publishers reuse the same DeviceNode object .
devnode - > _published = false ;
return PX4_OK ;
uORB : : DeviceNode : : poll_state ( device : : file_t * filp )