@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ Contents
@@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ Contents
PIC32MX795F512L Pin Out |
MEB Connector |
PICtail |
Toolchains |
Loading NuttX with PICkit2 |
Serial Console |
PIC32MX Configuration Options |
Configurations |
MEB Connector |
============= |
The following table summarizes how the pins brought the the MEB through the |
J2 on the Ethernet Starter Kit are mapped. This connect is J2 on the Ethernet |
Starter Kit and J3 on the MEB. |
J3 |
-------------------------- ------- ---------------------------------- |
PMPD0 pin 23 Graphics Controller (SSD1926) |
@ -320,6 +327,46 @@ U2TX pin 112 (see CPLD)
@@ -320,6 +327,46 @@ U2TX pin 112 (see CPLD)
~U2RTS pin 106 (see CPLD) |
~U2CTS pin 108 (see CPLD) |
PICtail |
======= |
The MEB brings many of the signals out via the PICtail (J5). J5 is |
a 28 pin connector bringing out signals as summarized here (J3 is the |
designation of the connection to the Ethernet starter kit on the |
MEB side): |
--- --- ------------------------ |
J3 J5 Table 2-1 |
PIN PIN Description |
--- --- ------------------------ |
1 3.3V |
2 I/O_4 (Test Point) |
76 3 SCL2 |
84 4 SCL1 |
74 5 SDA2 |
86 6 SDA1 |
47 7 SDI2/SDI2A/CN9/RG7 |
97 8 SS1, WFI_SDO |
49 9 SDO2/SDO2A |
10 WFI_SDI |
45 11 SCK2/SCK2A |
12 WFI_SCK |
51 13 SS2/SS2A/RG9 |
14 SS1/RB2 |
88 15 U1RX/SDI1A |
110 16 U2RX/SDI3A |
90 17 U1TX/RA10 |
112 18 U2TX/SDO3A |
92 19 U1RTS/C2OUT/AN9 |
106 20 U2RTS/SCK3A |
94 21 U1CTS/SDO1A |
108 22 U2CTS/SS3A/RF12 |
73 23 RB9/INT1/RE8 |
115 25 RA10/SCK1A |
26 3.3V |
85 27 INT1/SS1/RD14 |
28 GND |
Toolchains |
========== |
@ -424,6 +471,97 @@ Loading NuttX with PICkit2
@@ -424,6 +471,97 @@ Loading NuttX with PICkit2
# to the top-level build directory. It is the only |
# required input to mkpichex. |
Serial Console |
============== |
A serial console is not required to use NuttX. However, all of the |
Nuttx example code in the apps/examples assumes that you have a |
serial console. The Ethernet Starter Kit(even with the MEB) does not |
have any RS-232 connector needed to drive the serial console. |
Raw UART signals are available at the MEB's PICtail connector, however, |
and can be connected to an external MAX2232 board to get a serial console. |
The defconfig files are set up to use UART2. So the proper connections |
would be: |
PICtail |
-------- ----------- |
1 3.3V |
16 U2RX |
18 U2TX |
28 GND |
UART1 is also brought out on the PICtail and would be connected as: |
PICtail |
-------- ----------- |
1 3.3V |
15 U1RX |
17 U1TX |
28 GND |
Here is a summary of the tortuous routes taken by the PIC32MX UART pins: |
--- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- |
(Family Data Sheet Table 1-1) (Starter Kit User Guide) |
--- ---------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- |
39 AC1TX/RF13/SCK4/U2RTS/U5TX SCM3D/BCLK2/RF13 J2 pin 106 (UART2) |
40 AC1RX/RF12/SS4/U2CTS/U5RX SCM3C/RF12 J2 pin 108 (UART2) |
49 PMA9/CN17/RF4/SDA5/SDI4/U2RX PMPA9/SCM3A/CN17/RF4 J2 pin 109 (PMP address) |
J2 pin 110 (UART2) |
50 PMA8/CN18/RF5/SCL5/SDO4/U2TX PMPA8/SCM3B/CN18/RF5 J2 pin 111 (PMP address) |
J2 pin 112 (UART2) |
52 RF2/SDA3/SDI3/U1RX SCM1A/RF2 J2 pin 88 (UART1) |
53 RF8/SCL3/SDO3/U1TX SCM1B/RF8 J2 pin 90 (UART1) |
J2 is the connector at the bottom of the Ethernet start kit that |
mates the Ethernet Starter kit to the MEB. The MEB then makes the |
following signals available on the PICtail (J5): |
MEB Connector: |
-------------------------- ------- ---------------------------------- |
Signal J3 |
-------------------------- ------- |
U1RX pin 88 |
U1TX pin 90 |
~U1RTS pin 92 |
~U1CTS pin 94 |
U2RX pin 110 |
U2TX pin 112 |
~U2RTS pin 106 |
~U2CTS pin 108 |
-------------------------- ------- |
PICtail: |
The pins are labeled differently in Table 2-1 and in the schematic. This is |
confusing. I will trust Table 2-1. |
--- --- ------- --- --- ----------------- |
Table 2-1 Schematic |
J3 J5 J3 J5 |
PIN PIN NAME PIN PIN Description |
--- --- ------- ---- --- ------------ |
1 3.3V |
88 15 U1RX 88 15 SDI1A |
110 16 U2RX 110 16 SDI3A |
90 17 U1TX 17 RA10 |
90 SD01A |
112 18 U2TX 113 18 SDO3A |
92 19 U1RTS 19 C2OUT/AN9 |
92 SCK1A |
106 20 U2RTS 106 20 SCK3A |
94 21 U1CTS 21 SDO1A |
94 SS1/RD14 |
108 22 U2CTS 108 22 SS3A/RF12 |
26 3.3V |
28 GND |
PIC32MX Configuration Options |
============================= |
@ -625,9 +763,10 @@ PIC32MX Configuration Options
@@ -625,9 +763,10 @@ PIC32MX Configuration Options
CONFIG_PIC32MX_FCEPRIO - Flash Control Event |
PIC32MXx specific device driver settings. NOTE: For the Sure board, |
UART2 is brought out to the DB9 connector and serves as the serial |
console. |
PIC32MXx specific device driver settings. NOTE: For the Ethernet |
starter kit, there is no RS-232 connector (even with the MEB). See |
discussion above ("") for information about how you can configure |
an external MAX2232 board to get a serial console. |
CONFIG_UARTn_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the UARTn for the |
console and ttys0 (default is the UART0). |