Browse Source

fw_pos_ctrl_l1 move landing to control_landing()

Daniel Agar 7 years ago
  1. 472
  2. 3


@ -802,230 +802,7 @@ FixedwingPositionControl::control_position(const math::Vector<2> &curr_pos, cons @@ -802,230 +802,7 @@ FixedwingPositionControl::control_position(const math::Vector<2> &curr_pos, cons
} else if (pos_sp_curr.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_LAND) {
// apply full flaps for landings. this flag will also trigger the use of flaperons
// if they have been enabled using the corresponding parameter
_att_sp.apply_flaps = true;
// save time at which we started landing and reset abort_landing
if (_time_started_landing == 0) {
_time_started_landing = hrt_absolute_time();
_fw_pos_ctrl_status.abort_landing = false;
float bearing_lastwp_currwp = get_bearing_to_next_waypoint(prev_wp(0), prev_wp(1), curr_wp(0), curr_wp(1));
float bearing_airplane_currwp = get_bearing_to_next_waypoint(curr_pos(0), curr_pos(1), curr_wp(0), curr_wp(1));
/* Horizontal landing control */
/* switch to heading hold for the last meters, continue heading hold after */
float wp_distance = get_distance_to_next_waypoint(curr_pos(0), curr_pos(1), curr_wp(0), curr_wp(1));
/* calculate a waypoint distance value which is 0 when the aircraft is behind the waypoint */
float wp_distance_save = wp_distance;
if (fabsf(bearing_airplane_currwp - bearing_lastwp_currwp) >= radians(90.0f)) {
wp_distance_save = 0.0f;
// we want the plane to keep tracking the desired flight path until we start flaring
// if we go into heading hold mode earlier then we risk to be pushed away from the runway by cross winds
if ((_parameters.land_heading_hold_horizontal_distance > 0.0f) && !_land_noreturn_horizontal &&
((wp_distance < _parameters.land_heading_hold_horizontal_distance) || _land_noreturn_vertical)) {
if (pos_sp_prev.valid) {
/* heading hold, along the line connecting this and the last waypoint */
_target_bearing = bearing_lastwp_currwp;
} else {
_target_bearing = _yaw;
_land_noreturn_horizontal = true;
mavlink_log_info(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Landing, heading hold");
if (_land_noreturn_horizontal) {
// heading hold
_l1_control.navigate_heading(_target_bearing, _yaw, nav_speed_2d);
} else {
// normal navigation
_l1_control.navigate_waypoints(prev_wp, curr_wp, curr_pos, nav_speed_2d);
_att_sp.roll_body = _l1_control.nav_roll();
_att_sp.yaw_body = _l1_control.nav_bearing();
if (_land_noreturn_horizontal) {
/* limit roll motion to prevent wings from touching the ground first */
_att_sp.roll_body = constrain(_att_sp.roll_body, radians(-10.0f), radians(10.0f));
/* Vertical landing control */
/* apply minimum pitch (flare) and limit roll if close to touch down, altitude error is negative (going down) */
float throttle_land = _parameters.throttle_min + (_parameters.throttle_max - _parameters.throttle_min) * 0.1f;
float airspeed_land = _parameters.land_airspeed_scale * _parameters.airspeed_min;
float airspeed_approach = _parameters.land_airspeed_scale * _parameters.airspeed_min;
// default to no terrain estimation, just use landing waypoint altitude
float terrain_alt = pos_sp_curr.alt;
if (_parameters.land_use_terrain_estimate == 1) {
if (_global_pos.terrain_alt_valid) {
// all good, have valid terrain altitude
terrain_alt = _global_pos.terrain_alt;
_t_alt_prev_valid = terrain_alt;
_time_last_t_alt = hrt_absolute_time();
} else if (_time_last_t_alt == 0) {
// we have started landing phase but don't have valid terrain
// wait for some time, maybe we will soon get a valid estimate
// until then just use the altitude of the landing waypoint
if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_started_landing) < 10 * 1000 * 1000) {
terrain_alt = pos_sp_curr.alt;
} else {
// still no valid terrain, abort landing
terrain_alt = pos_sp_curr.alt;
_fw_pos_ctrl_status.abort_landing = true;
} else if ((!_global_pos.terrain_alt_valid && hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_t_alt) < T_ALT_TIMEOUT * 1000 * 1000)
|| _land_noreturn_vertical) {
// use previous terrain estimate for some time and hope to recover
// if we are already flaring (land_noreturn_vertical) then just
// go with the old estimate
terrain_alt = _t_alt_prev_valid;
} else {
// terrain alt was not valid for long time, abort landing
terrain_alt = _t_alt_prev_valid;
_fw_pos_ctrl_status.abort_landing = true;
/* Calculate distance (to landing waypoint) and altitude of last ordinary waypoint L */
float L_altitude_rel = 0.0f;
if (pos_sp_prev.valid) {
L_altitude_rel = pos_sp_prev.alt - terrain_alt;
float landing_slope_alt_rel_desired = _landingslope.getLandingSlopeRelativeAltitudeSave(wp_distance,
bearing_lastwp_currwp, bearing_airplane_currwp);
/* Check if we should start flaring with a vertical and a
* horizontal limit (with some tolerance)
* The horizontal limit is only applied when we are in front of the wp
if (((_global_pos.alt < terrain_alt + _landingslope.flare_relative_alt()) &&
(wp_distance_save < _landingslope.flare_length() + 5.0f)) ||
_land_noreturn_vertical) { //checking for land_noreturn to avoid unwanted climb out
/* land with minimal speed */
/* force TECS to only control speed with pitch, altitude is only implicitly controlled now */
// _tecs.set_speed_weight(2.0f);
/* kill the throttle if param requests it */
throttle_max = _parameters.throttle_max;
/* enable direct yaw control using rudder/wheel */
if (_land_noreturn_horizontal) {
_att_sp.yaw_body = _target_bearing;
_att_sp.fw_control_yaw = true;
if (_global_pos.alt < terrain_alt + _landingslope.motor_lim_relative_alt() || _land_motor_lim) {
throttle_max = min(throttle_max, _parameters.throttle_land_max);
if (!_land_motor_lim) {
_land_motor_lim = true;
mavlink_log_info(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Landing, limiting throttle");
float flare_curve_alt_rel = _landingslope.getFlareCurveRelativeAltitudeSave(wp_distance, bearing_lastwp_currwp,
/* avoid climbout */
if ((_flare_curve_alt_rel_last < flare_curve_alt_rel && _land_noreturn_vertical) || _land_stayonground) {
flare_curve_alt_rel = 0.0f; // stay on ground
_land_stayonground = true;
tecs_update_pitch_throttle(terrain_alt + flare_curve_alt_rel,
_land_motor_lim ? radians(_parameters.land_flare_pitch_min_deg) : radians(_parameters.pitch_limit_min),
_land_motor_lim ? tecs_status_s::TECS_MODE_LAND_THROTTLELIM : tecs_status_s::TECS_MODE_LAND);
if (!_land_noreturn_vertical) {
// just started with the flaring phase
_att_sp.pitch_body = 0.0f;
_flare_height = _global_pos.alt - terrain_alt;
mavlink_log_info(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Landing, flaring");
_land_noreturn_vertical = true;
} else {
if (_global_pos.vel_d > 0.1f) {
_att_sp.pitch_body = radians(_parameters.land_flare_pitch_min_deg) *
constrain((_flare_height - (_global_pos.alt - terrain_alt)) / _flare_height, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// otherwise continue using previous _att_sp.pitch_body
_flare_curve_alt_rel_last = flare_curve_alt_rel;
} else {
/* intersect glide slope:
* minimize speed to approach speed
* if current position is higher than the slope follow the glide slope (sink to the
* glide slope)
* also if the system captures the slope it should stay
* on the slope (bool land_onslope)
* if current position is below the slope continue at previous wp altitude
* until the intersection with slope
* */
float altitude_desired_rel{0.0f};
if (_global_pos.alt > terrain_alt + landing_slope_alt_rel_desired || _land_onslope) {
/* stay on slope */
altitude_desired_rel = landing_slope_alt_rel_desired;
if (!_land_onslope) {
mavlink_log_info(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Landing, on slope");
_land_onslope = true;
} else {
/* continue horizontally */
if (pos_sp_prev.valid) {
altitude_desired_rel = L_altitude_rel;
} else {
altitude_desired_rel = _global_pos.alt - terrain_alt;
tecs_update_pitch_throttle(terrain_alt + altitude_desired_rel,
control_landing(curr_pos, ground_speed, pos_sp_prev, pos_sp_curr);
} else if (pos_sp_curr.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_TAKEOFF) {
@ -1427,6 +1204,253 @@ FixedwingPositionControl::control_position(const math::Vector<2> &curr_pos, cons @@ -1427,6 +1204,253 @@ FixedwingPositionControl::control_position(const math::Vector<2> &curr_pos, cons
return setpoint;
FixedwingPositionControl::control_landing(const math::Vector<2> &curr_pos, const math::Vector<2> &ground_speed,
const position_setpoint_s &pos_sp_prev, const position_setpoint_s &pos_sp_curr)
/* current waypoint (the one currently heading for) */
math::Vector<2> curr_wp((float), (float)pos_sp_curr.lon);
math::Vector<2> prev_wp{0.0f, 0.0f}; /* previous waypoint */
if (pos_sp_prev.valid) {
prev_wp(0) = (float);
prev_wp(1) = (float)pos_sp_prev.lon;
} else {
* No valid previous waypoint, go for the current wp.
* This is automatically handled by the L1 library.
prev_wp(0) = (float);
prev_wp(1) = (float)pos_sp_curr.lon;
// apply full flaps for landings. this flag will also trigger the use of flaperons
// if they have been enabled using the corresponding parameter
_att_sp.apply_flaps = true;
// save time at which we started landing and reset abort_landing
if (_time_started_landing == 0) {
_time_started_landing = hrt_absolute_time();
_fw_pos_ctrl_status.abort_landing = false;
float bearing_lastwp_currwp = get_bearing_to_next_waypoint(prev_wp(0), prev_wp(1), curr_wp(0), curr_wp(1));
float bearing_airplane_currwp = get_bearing_to_next_waypoint(curr_pos(0), curr_pos(1), curr_wp(0), curr_wp(1));
/* Horizontal landing control */
/* switch to heading hold for the last meters, continue heading hold after */
float wp_distance = get_distance_to_next_waypoint(curr_pos(0), curr_pos(1), curr_wp(0), curr_wp(1));
/* calculate a waypoint distance value which is 0 when the aircraft is behind the waypoint */
float wp_distance_save = wp_distance;
if (fabsf(bearing_airplane_currwp - bearing_lastwp_currwp) >= radians(90.0f)) {
wp_distance_save = 0.0f;
// we want the plane to keep tracking the desired flight path until we start flaring
// if we go into heading hold mode earlier then we risk to be pushed away from the runway by cross winds
if ((_parameters.land_heading_hold_horizontal_distance > 0.0f) && !_land_noreturn_horizontal &&
((wp_distance < _parameters.land_heading_hold_horizontal_distance) || _land_noreturn_vertical)) {
if (pos_sp_prev.valid) {
/* heading hold, along the line connecting this and the last waypoint */
_target_bearing = bearing_lastwp_currwp;
} else {
_target_bearing = _yaw;
_land_noreturn_horizontal = true;
mavlink_log_info(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Landing, heading hold");
if (_land_noreturn_horizontal) {
// heading hold
_l1_control.navigate_heading(_target_bearing, _yaw, ground_speed);
} else {
// normal navigation
_l1_control.navigate_waypoints(prev_wp, curr_wp, curr_pos, ground_speed);
_att_sp.roll_body = _l1_control.nav_roll();
_att_sp.yaw_body = _l1_control.nav_bearing();
if (_land_noreturn_horizontal) {
/* limit roll motion to prevent wings from touching the ground first */
_att_sp.roll_body = constrain(_att_sp.roll_body, radians(-10.0f), radians(10.0f));
/* Vertical landing control */
/* apply minimum pitch (flare) and limit roll if close to touch down, altitude error is negative (going down) */
float throttle_land = _parameters.throttle_min + (_parameters.throttle_max - _parameters.throttle_min) * 0.1f;
float airspeed_land = _parameters.land_airspeed_scale * _parameters.airspeed_min;
float airspeed_approach = _parameters.land_airspeed_scale * _parameters.airspeed_min;
// default to no terrain estimation, just use landing waypoint altitude
float terrain_alt = pos_sp_curr.alt;
if (_parameters.land_use_terrain_estimate == 1) {
if (_global_pos.terrain_alt_valid) {
// all good, have valid terrain altitude
terrain_alt = _global_pos.terrain_alt;
_t_alt_prev_valid = terrain_alt;
_time_last_t_alt = hrt_absolute_time();
} else if (_time_last_t_alt == 0) {
// we have started landing phase but don't have valid terrain
// wait for some time, maybe we will soon get a valid estimate
// until then just use the altitude of the landing waypoint
if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_started_landing) < 10 * 1000 * 1000) {
terrain_alt = pos_sp_curr.alt;
} else {
// still no valid terrain, abort landing
terrain_alt = pos_sp_curr.alt;
_fw_pos_ctrl_status.abort_landing = true;
} else if ((!_global_pos.terrain_alt_valid && hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_t_alt) < T_ALT_TIMEOUT * 1000 * 1000)
|| _land_noreturn_vertical) {
// use previous terrain estimate for some time and hope to recover
// if we are already flaring (land_noreturn_vertical) then just
// go with the old estimate
terrain_alt = _t_alt_prev_valid;
} else {
// terrain alt was not valid for long time, abort landing
terrain_alt = _t_alt_prev_valid;
_fw_pos_ctrl_status.abort_landing = true;
/* Calculate distance (to landing waypoint) and altitude of last ordinary waypoint L */
float L_altitude_rel = 0.0f;
if (pos_sp_prev.valid) {
L_altitude_rel = pos_sp_prev.alt - terrain_alt;
float landing_slope_alt_rel_desired = _landingslope.getLandingSlopeRelativeAltitudeSave(wp_distance,
bearing_lastwp_currwp, bearing_airplane_currwp);
/* Check if we should start flaring with a vertical and a
* horizontal limit (with some tolerance)
* The horizontal limit is only applied when we are in front of the wp
if (((_global_pos.alt < terrain_alt + _landingslope.flare_relative_alt()) &&
(wp_distance_save < _landingslope.flare_length() + 5.0f)) ||
_land_noreturn_vertical) { //checking for land_noreturn to avoid unwanted climb out
/* land with minimal speed */
/* force TECS to only control speed with pitch, altitude is only implicitly controlled now */
// _tecs.set_speed_weight(2.0f);
/* kill the throttle if param requests it */
float throttle_max = _parameters.throttle_max;
/* enable direct yaw control using rudder/wheel */
if (_land_noreturn_horizontal) {
_att_sp.yaw_body = _target_bearing;
_att_sp.fw_control_yaw = true;
if (_global_pos.alt < terrain_alt + _landingslope.motor_lim_relative_alt() || _land_motor_lim) {
throttle_max = min(throttle_max, _parameters.throttle_land_max);
if (!_land_motor_lim) {
_land_motor_lim = true;
mavlink_log_info(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Landing, limiting throttle");
float flare_curve_alt_rel = _landingslope.getFlareCurveRelativeAltitudeSave(wp_distance, bearing_lastwp_currwp,
/* avoid climbout */
if ((_flare_curve_alt_rel_last < flare_curve_alt_rel && _land_noreturn_vertical) || _land_stayonground) {
flare_curve_alt_rel = 0.0f; // stay on ground
_land_stayonground = true;
tecs_update_pitch_throttle(terrain_alt + flare_curve_alt_rel,
_land_motor_lim ? radians(_parameters.land_flare_pitch_min_deg) : radians(_parameters.pitch_limit_min),
_land_motor_lim ? tecs_status_s::TECS_MODE_LAND_THROTTLELIM : tecs_status_s::TECS_MODE_LAND);
if (!_land_noreturn_vertical) {
// just started with the flaring phase
_att_sp.pitch_body = 0.0f;
_flare_height = _global_pos.alt - terrain_alt;
mavlink_log_info(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Landing, flaring");
_land_noreturn_vertical = true;
} else {
if (_global_pos.vel_d > 0.1f) {
_att_sp.pitch_body = radians(_parameters.land_flare_pitch_min_deg) *
constrain((_flare_height - (_global_pos.alt - terrain_alt)) / _flare_height, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// otherwise continue using previous _att_sp.pitch_body
_flare_curve_alt_rel_last = flare_curve_alt_rel;
} else {
/* intersect glide slope:
* minimize speed to approach speed
* if current position is higher than the slope follow the glide slope (sink to the
* glide slope)
* also if the system captures the slope it should stay
* on the slope (bool land_onslope)
* if current position is below the slope continue at previous wp altitude
* until the intersection with slope
* */
float altitude_desired_rel{0.0f};
if (_global_pos.alt > terrain_alt + landing_slope_alt_rel_desired || _land_onslope) {
/* stay on slope */
altitude_desired_rel = landing_slope_alt_rel_desired;
if (!_land_onslope) {
mavlink_log_info(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Landing, on slope");
_land_onslope = true;
} else {
/* continue horizontally */
if (pos_sp_prev.valid) {
altitude_desired_rel = L_altitude_rel;
} else {
altitude_desired_rel = _global_pos.alt - terrain_alt;
tecs_update_pitch_throttle(terrain_alt + altitude_desired_rel,


@ -440,6 +440,9 @@ private: @@ -440,6 +440,9 @@ private:
bool control_position(const math::Vector<2> &curr_pos, const math::Vector<2> &ground_speed,
const position_setpoint_s &pos_sp_prev, const position_setpoint_s &pos_sp_curr);
void control_landing(const math::Vector<2> &curr_pos, const math::Vector<2> &ground_speed,
const position_setpoint_s &pos_sp_prev, const position_setpoint_s &pos_sp_curr);
float get_tecs_pitch();
float get_tecs_thrust();
