@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Copyright ( c ) 2020 , 2021 PX4 Development Team . All rights reserved .
* Copyright ( c ) 2020 - 2021 PX4 Development Team . All rights reserved .
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
* modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ void GyroFFT::VehicleIMUStatusUpdate(bool force)
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ void GyroFFT::VehicleIMUStatusUpdate(bool force)
// helper function used for frequency estimation
static float tau ( float x )
static inline float tau ( float x )
// tau(x) = 1/4 * log(3x^2 + 6x + 1) – sqrt(6)/24 * log((x + 1 – sqrt(2/3)) / (x + 1 + sqrt(2/3)))
float p1 = logf ( 3.f * powf ( x , 2.f ) + 6.f * x + 1.f ) ;
@ -323,6 +323,9 @@ void GyroFFT::Run()
@@ -323,6 +323,9 @@ void GyroFFT::Run()
const bool selection_updated = SensorSelectionUpdate ( ) ;
VehicleIMUStatusUpdate ( selection_updated ) ;
// reset
_fft_updated = false ;
if ( _gyro_fifo ) {
// run on sensor gyro fifo updates
sensor_gyro_fifo_s sensor_gyro_fifo ;
@ -378,21 +381,18 @@ void GyroFFT::Run()
@@ -378,21 +381,18 @@ void GyroFFT::Run()
if ( _publish ) {
Publish ( ) ;
_publish = false ;
perf_end ( _cycle_perf ) ;
void GyroFFT : : Update ( const hrt_abstime & timestamp_sample , int16_t * input [ ] , uint8_t N )
float * peak_frequencies_publish [ ] { _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_x , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_y , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_z } ;
float * peak_snr_publish [ ] { _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_snr_x , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_snr_y , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_snr_z } ;
bool publish = false ;
bool fft_updated = false ;
const float resolution_hz = _gyro_sample_rate_hz / _imu_gyro_fft_len ;
q15_t * gyro_data_buffer [ ] { _gyro_data_buffer_x , _gyro_data_buffer_y , _gyro_data_buffer_z } ;
static constexpr float MIN_SNR_PUBLISH = 10.f ; // TODO: configurable?
for ( int axis = 0 ; axis < 3 ; axis + + ) {
int & buffer_index = _fft_buffer_index [ axis ] ;
@ -404,206 +404,241 @@ void GyroFFT::Update(const hrt_abstime ×tamp_sample, int16_t *input[], uint
@@ -404,206 +404,241 @@ void GyroFFT::Update(const hrt_abstime ×tamp_sample, int16_t *input[], uint
// if we have enough samples begin processing, but only one FFT per cycle
if ( ( buffer_index > = _imu_gyro_fft_len ) & & ! fft_updated ) {
if ( ( buffer_index > = _imu_gyro_fft_len ) & & ! _ fft_updated) {
perf_begin ( _fft_perf ) ;
arm_mult_q15 ( gyro_data_buffer [ axis ] , _hanning_window , _fft_input_buffer , _imu_gyro_fft_len ) ;
arm_rfft_q15 ( & _rfft_q15 , _fft_input_buffer , _fft_outupt_buffer ) ;
fft_updated = true ;
_ fft_updated = true ;
// sum total energy across all used buckets for SNR
float bin_mag_sum = 0 ;
FindPeaks ( timestamp_sample , axis , _fft_outupt_buffer ) ;
for ( uint16_t bucket_index = 2 ; bucket_index < ( _imu_gyro_fft_len - 1 ) ; bucket_index = bucket_index + 2 ) {
const float real = _fft_outupt_buffer [ bucket_index ] ;
const float imag = _fft_outupt_buffer [ bucket_index + 1 ] ;
// reset
// shift buffer (3/4 overlap)
const int overlap_start = _imu_gyro_fft_len / 4 ;
memmove ( & gyro_data_buffer [ axis ] [ 0 ] , & gyro_data_buffer [ axis ] [ overlap_start ] , sizeof ( q15_t ) * overlap_start * 3 ) ;
buffer_index = overlap_start * 3 ;
const float fft_magnitude_squared = real * real + imag * imag ;
perf_end ( _fft_perf ) ;
bin_mag_sum + = fft_magnitude_squared ;
void GyroFFT : : FindPeaks ( const hrt_abstime & timestamp_sample , int axis , q15_t * fft_outupt_buffer )
const float resolution_hz = _gyro_sample_rate_hz / _imu_gyro_fft_len ;
// find raw peaks
int raw_peak_index [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
float raw_peak_magnitude [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
float raw_peak_snr [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
// sum total energy across all used buckets for SNR
float bin_mag_sum = 0 ;
// start at 2 to skip DC
// output is ordered [real[0], imag[0], real[1], imag[1], real[2], imag[2] ... real[(N/2)-1], imag[(N/2)-1]
for ( uint16_t bucket_index = 2 ; bucket_index < ( _imu_gyro_fft_len - 1 ) ; bucket_index = bucket_index + 2 ) {
const float freq_hz = ( bucket_index / 2 ) * resolution_hz ;
// find raw peaks
uint16_t raw_peak_index [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
float peak_magnitude [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
if ( ( freq_hz > = _param_imu_gyro_fft_max . get ( ) ) | | ( freq_hz > = ( _gyro_sample_rate_hz / 2.f ) ) ) {
break ;
// FFT output buffer is ordered [real[0], imag[0], real[1], imag[1], real[2], imag[2] ... real[(N/2)-1], imag[(N/2)-1]
for ( uint16_t bucket_index = 0 ; bucket_index < ( 2 * _imu_gyro_fft_len - 1 ) ; bucket_index = bucket_index + 2 ) {
const float real = fft_outupt_buffer [ bucket_index ] ;
const float imag = fft_outupt_buffer [ bucket_index + 1 ] ;
const float real = _fft_outupt_buffer [ bucket_index ] ;
const float imag = _fft_outupt_buffer [ bucket_index + 1 ] ;
const float fft_magnitude_squared = real * real + imag * imag ;
bin_mag_sum + = fft_magnitude_squared ;
const float fft_magnitude_squared = real * real + imag * imag ;
float snr = 10.f * log10f ( ( _imu_gyro_fft_len - 1 ) * fft_magnitude_squared / ( bin_mag_sum - fft_magnitude_squared ) ) ;
const float freq_hz = ( bucket_index / 2 ) * resolution_hz ;
if ( snr > ( MIN_SNR_PUBLISH / 2.f ) ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; i + + ) {
if ( fft_magnitude_squared > raw_peak_magnitude [ i ] ) {
raw_peak_magnitude [ i ] = fft_magnitude_squared ;
raw_peak_snr [ i ] = snr ;
raw_peak_index [ i ] = bucket_index ;
break ;
if ( ( bucket_index > 0 ) & & ( bucket_index < ( _imu_gyro_fft_len - 1 ) )
& & ( freq_hz > = _param_imu_gyro_fft_min . get ( ) )
& & ( freq_hz < = _param_imu_gyro_fft_max . get ( ) ) ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; i + + ) {
if ( fft_magnitude_squared > peak_magnitude [ i ] ) {
peak_magnitude [ i ] = fft_magnitude_squared ;
raw_peak_index [ i ] = bucket_index ;
break ;
int num_peaks_found = 0 ;
float peak_frequencies [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
float peak_snr [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
// keep if peak has been previously seen and SNR > MIN_SNR
// or
// peak has SNR > MIN_SNR_INITIAL
static constexpr float MIN_SNR_INITIAL = 15.f ; // TODO: configurable?
static constexpr float MIN_SNR = 1.f ; // TODO: configurable?
// estimate adjusted frequency bin, magnitude, and SNR for the largest peaks found
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; i + + ) {
if ( raw_peak_index [ i ] > 0 ) {
const float adjusted_bin = EstimatePeakFrequencyBin ( _fft_outupt_buffer , raw_peak_index [ i ] ) ;
const float freq_adjusted = ( adjusted_bin / 2.f ) * resolution_hz ;
int num_peaks_found = 0 ;
float peak_frequencies [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
float peak_snr [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
if ( PX4_ISFINITE ( adjusted_bin ) & & PX4_ISFINITE ( freq_adjusted )
& & ( fabsf ( adjusted_bin - raw_peak_index [ i ] ) < 2.f )
& & ( freq_adjusted > _param_imu_gyro_fft_min . get ( ) )
& & ( freq_adjusted < _param_imu_gyro_fft_max . get ( ) ) ) {
float * peak_frequencies_publish [ ] { _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_x , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_y , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_z } ;
peak_frequencies [ num_peaks_found ] = freq_adjusted ;
peak_snr [ num_peaks_found ] = raw_peak_snr [ i ] ;
for ( int peak_new = 0 ; peak_new < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_new + + ) {
if ( raw_peak_index [ peak_new ] > 0 ) {
const float snr = 10.f * log10f ( ( _imu_gyro_fft_len - 1 ) * peak_magnitude [ peak_new ] /
( bin_mag_sum - peak_magnitude [ peak_new ] ) ) ;
if ( snr > MIN_SNR ) {
// estimate adjusted frequency bin, magnitude, and SNR for the largest peaks found
const float adjusted_bin = EstimatePeakFrequencyBin ( fft_outupt_buffer , raw_peak_index [ peak_new ] ) ;
const float freq_adjusted = ( adjusted_bin / 2.f ) * resolution_hz ;
if ( PX4_ISFINITE ( adjusted_bin ) & & PX4_ISFINITE ( freq_adjusted )
& & ( freq_adjusted > _param_imu_gyro_fft_min . get ( ) )
& & ( freq_adjusted < _param_imu_gyro_fft_max . get ( ) ) ) {
// only keep if we're already tracking this frequency or if the SNR is significant
for ( int peak_prev = 0 ; peak_prev < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_prev + + ) {
if ( ( snr > MIN_SNR_INITIAL )
| | ( fabsf ( freq_adjusted - peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] ) < ( resolution_hz * 0.5f ) ) ) {
// keep
peak_frequencies [ num_peaks_found ] = freq_adjusted ;
peak_snr [ num_peaks_found ] = snr ;
num_peaks_found + + ;
break ;
if ( num_peaks_found > 0 ) {
float peak_frequencies_diff [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] ;
if ( num_peaks_found > 0 ) {
UpdateOutput ( timestamp_sample , axis , peak_frequencies , peak_snr , num_peaks_found ) ;
for ( int peak_new = 0 ; peak_new < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_new + + ) {
// compute distance to previous peaks
for ( int peak_prev = 0 ; peak_prev < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_prev + + ) {
if ( ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] > 0 )
& & PX4_ISFINITE ( _peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] )
& & ( _peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] > 0 ) ) {
void GyroFFT : : UpdateOutput ( const hrt_abstime & timestamp_sample , int axis , float peak_frequencies [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] ,
float peak_snr [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] , int num_peaks_found )
float * peak_frequencies_publish [ ] { _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_x , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_y , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_frequencies_z } ;
float * peak_snr_publish [ ] { _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_snr_x , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_snr_y , _sensor_gyro_fft . peak_snr_z } ;
peak_frequencies_diff [ peak_new ] [ peak_prev ] = fabsf ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] -
_peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] ) ;
// new peak: r, old peak: c
float peak_frequencies_diff [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] ;
} else {
peak_frequencies_diff [ peak_new ] [ peak_prev ] = INFINITY ;
for ( int peak_new = 0 ; peak_new < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_new + + ) {
// compute distance to previous peaks
for ( int peak_prev = 0 ; peak_prev < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_prev + + ) {
if ( ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] > 0 )
& & ( peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] > 0 ) & & PX4_ISFINITE ( peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] )
) {
peak_frequencies_diff [ peak_new ] [ peak_prev ] = fabsf ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] -
peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] ) ;
// go through peak_frequencies_diff and find smallest diff (closest peaks)
// - copy new peak to old peak slot
// - exclude new peak (row) and old peak (column) in search
// - repeat
// - finally copy unmatched peaks to empty slots
bool peak_new_copied [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
bool peak_out_filled [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
for ( int new_peak = 0 ; new_peak < num_peaks_found ; new_peak + + ) {
// find new peak with smallest difference to old peak
float smallest_diff = INFINITY ;
int closest_new_peak = - 1 ;
int closest_prev_peak = - 1 ;
for ( int peak_new = 0 ; peak_new < num_peaks_found ; peak_new + + ) {
for ( int peak_prev = 0 ; peak_prev < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_prev + + ) {
if ( ! peak_new_copied [ peak_new ] & & ! peak_out_filled [ peak_prev ]
& & ( peak_frequencies_diff [ peak_new ] [ peak_prev ] < smallest_diff ) ) {
smallest_diff = peak_frequencies_diff [ peak_new ] [ peak_prev ] ;
closest_new_peak = peak_new ;
closest_prev_peak = peak_prev ;
} else {
peak_frequencies_diff [ peak_new ] [ peak_prev ] = INFINITY ;
// new peak: r, old peak: c
if ( PX4_ISFINITE ( smallest_diff ) & & ( smallest_diff > 0 ) ) {
// copy new peak
_peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = _median_filter [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] . apply (
peak_frequencies [ closest_new_peak ] ) ;
if ( _peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] > 0 & & peak_snr [ closest_new_peak ] > MIN_SNR_PUBLISH ) {
peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = _peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] ;
peak_snr_publish [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = peak_snr [ closest_new_peak ] ;
_last_update [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = timestamp_sample ;
publish = true ;
// clear
peak_frequencies [ closest_new_peak ] = NAN ;
peak_frequencies_diff [ closest_new_peak ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = NAN ;
peak_new_copied [ closest_new_peak ] = true ;
peak_out_filled [ closest_prev_peak ] = true ;
// go through peak_frequencies_diff and find smallest diff (closest peaks)
// - copy new peak to old peak slot
// - exclude new peak (row) and old peak (column) in search
// - repeat
// - finally copy unmatched peaks to empty slots
bool peak_new_copied [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
bool peak_out_filled [ MAX_NUM_PEAKS ] { } ;
int peaks_copied = 0 ;
for ( int new_peak = 0 ; new_peak < num_peaks_found ; new_peak + + ) {
float smallest_diff = INFINITY ;
int closest_new_peak = - 1 ;
int closest_prev_peak = - 1 ;
// find new peak with smallest difference to old peak
for ( int peak_new = 0 ; peak_new < num_peaks_found ; peak_new + + ) {
for ( int peak_prev = 0 ; peak_prev < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_prev + + ) {
if ( ! peak_new_copied [ peak_new ] & & ! peak_out_filled [ peak_prev ]
& & ( peak_frequencies_diff [ peak_new ] [ peak_prev ] < smallest_diff ) ) {
smallest_diff = peak_frequencies_diff [ peak_new ] [ peak_prev ] ;
closest_new_peak = peak_new ;
closest_prev_peak = peak_prev ;
// clear any stale entries
for ( int peak_out = 0 ; peak_out < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_out + + ) {
if ( timestamp_sample - _last_update [ axis ] [ peak_out ] > 100 _ms ) {
peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ peak_out ] = NAN ;
peak_snr_publish [ axis ] [ peak_out ] = NAN ;
_last_update [ axis ] [ peak_out ] = 0 ;
if ( PX4_ISFINITE ( smallest_diff ) & & ( smallest_diff > 0 ) ) {
// smallest diff found, copy newly found peak into same slot previously published
float peak_frequency = _median_filter [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] . apply ( peak_frequencies [ closest_new_peak ] ) ;
// copy any remaining new (unmatched) peaks to overwrite old or empty slots
for ( int peak_new = 0 ; peak_new < num_peaks_found ; peak_new + + ) {
if ( PX4_ISFINITE ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] ) & & ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] > 0 ) ) {
int oldest_slot = - 1 ;
hrt_abstime oldest = timestamp_sample ;
// find oldest slot and replace with new peak frequency
for ( int peak_prev = 0 ; peak_prev < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_prev + + ) {
if ( _last_update [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] < oldest ) {
oldest_slot = peak_prev ;
oldest = _last_update [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] ;
if ( oldest_slot > = 0 ) {
// copy peak to output slot
_peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] = _median_filter [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] . apply ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] ) ;
if ( _peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] > 0 & & peak_snr [ peak_new ] > MIN_SNR_PUBLISH ) {
peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] = _peak_frequencies_prev [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] ;
peak_snr_publish [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] = peak_snr [ peak_new ] ;
_last_update [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] = timestamp_sample ;
publish = true ;
if ( peak_frequency > 0 ) {
peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = peak_frequency ;
peak_snr_publish [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = peak_snr [ closest_new_peak ] ;
peaks_copied + + ;
_last_update [ axis ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = timestamp_sample ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . timestamp_sample = timestamp_sample ;
_publish = true ;
// clear
peak_frequencies [ closest_new_peak ] = NAN ;
peak_frequencies_diff [ closest_new_peak ] [ closest_prev_peak ] = NAN ;
peak_new_copied [ closest_new_peak ] = true ;
peak_out_filled [ closest_prev_peak ] = true ;
if ( peaks_copied = = num_peaks_found ) {
break ;
// clear any stale entries
for ( int peak_out = 0 ; peak_out < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_out + + ) {
if ( timestamp_sample - _last_update [ axis ] [ peak_out ] > 500 _ms ) {
peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ peak_out ] = NAN ;
peak_snr_publish [ axis ] [ peak_out ] = NAN ;
_last_update [ axis ] [ peak_out ] = 0 ;
// copy any remaining new (unmatched) peaks to overwrite old or empty slots
if ( peaks_copied ! = num_peaks_found ) {
for ( int peak_new = 0 ; peak_new < num_peaks_found ; peak_new + + ) {
if ( PX4_ISFINITE ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] ) & & ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] > 0 ) ) {
int oldest_slot = - 1 ;
hrt_abstime oldest = timestamp_sample ;
// find oldest slot and replace with new peak frequency
for ( int peak_prev = 0 ; peak_prev < MAX_NUM_PEAKS ; peak_prev + + ) {
if ( _last_update [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] < oldest ) {
oldest_slot = peak_prev ;
oldest = _last_update [ axis ] [ peak_prev ] ;
// reset
// shift buffer (3/4 overlap)
const int overlap_start = _imu_gyro_fft_len / 4 ;
memmove ( & gyro_data_buffer [ axis ] [ 0 ] , & gyro_data_buffer [ axis ] [ overlap_start ] , sizeof ( q15_t ) * overlap_start * 3 ) ;
buffer_index = overlap_start * 3 ;
if ( oldest_slot > = 0 ) {
// copy peak to output slot
float peak_frequency = _median_filter [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] . apply ( peak_frequencies [ peak_new ] ) ;
perf_end ( _fft_perf ) ;
if ( peak_frequency > 0 ) {
peak_frequencies_publish [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] = peak_frequency ;
peak_snr_publish [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] = peak_snr [ peak_new ] ;
_last_update [ axis ] [ oldest_slot ] = timestamp_sample ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . timestamp_sample = timestamp_sample ;
_publish = true ;
if ( publish ) {
_sensor_gyro_fft . device_id = _selected_sensor_device_id ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . sensor_sample_rate_hz = _gyro_sample_rate_hz ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . resolution_hz = resolution_hz ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . timestamp_sample = timestamp_sample ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . timestamp = hrt_absolute_time ( ) ;
_sensor_gyro_fft_pub . publish ( _sensor_gyro_fft ) ;
void GyroFFT : : Publish ( )
_sensor_gyro_fft . device_id = _selected_sensor_device_id ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . sensor_sample_rate_hz = _gyro_sample_rate_hz ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . resolution_hz = _gyro_sample_rate_hz / _imu_gyro_fft_len ;
_sensor_gyro_fft . timestamp = hrt_absolute_time ( ) ;
_sensor_gyro_fft_pub . publish ( _sensor_gyro_fft ) ;
int GyroFFT : : task_spawn ( int argc , char * argv [ ] )