@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ extern orb_advert_t mavlink_log_pub;
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ extern orb_advert_t mavlink_log_pub;
// required number of samples for sensor
// to initialize
static const uint32_t REQ_FLOW_INIT_COUNT = 10; |
static const uint32_t FLOW_TIMEOUT = 1000000; // 1 s
static const uint32_t FLOW_TIMEOUT = 1000000; // 1 s
// minimum flow altitude
static const float flow_min_agl = 0.05; |
@ -67,8 +67,9 @@ int BlockLocalPositionEstimator::flowMeasure(Vector<float, n_y_flow> &y)
@@ -67,8 +67,9 @@ int BlockLocalPositionEstimator::flowMeasure(Vector<float, n_y_flow> &y)
float d = agl() * cosf(_sub_att.get().roll) * cosf(_sub_att.get().pitch); |
// optical flow in x, y axis
float flow_x_rad = _sub_flow.get().pixel_flow_x_integral; |
float flow_y_rad = _sub_flow.get().pixel_flow_y_integral; |
// TODO consider making flow scale a states of the kalman filter
float flow_x_rad = _sub_flow.get().pixel_flow_x_integral * _flow_scale.get(); |
float flow_y_rad = _sub_flow.get().pixel_flow_y_integral * _flow_scale.get(); |
float dt_flow = _sub_flow.get().integration_timespan / 1.0e6f; |
if (dt_flow > 0.5f || dt_flow < 1.0e-6f) { |
@ -127,13 +128,38 @@ void BlockLocalPositionEstimator::flowCorrect()
@@ -127,13 +128,38 @@ void BlockLocalPositionEstimator::flowCorrect()
SquareMatrix<float, n_y_flow> R; |
R.setZero(); |
float d = agl() * cosf(_sub_att.get().roll) * cosf(_sub_att.get().pitch); |
float rot_rate_norm = sqrtf(_sub_att.get().rollspeed * _sub_att.get().rollspeed |
+ _sub_att.get().pitchspeed * _sub_att.get().pitchspeed |
+ _sub_att.get().yawspeed * _sub_att.get().yawspeed); |
float flow_vxy_stddev = _flow_vxy_stddev.get() |
+ _flow_vxy_d_stddev.get() * d |
+ _flow_vxy_r_stddev.get() * rot_rate_norm; |
// polynomial noise model, found using least squares fit
// h, h**2, v, v*h, v*h**2
const float p[5] = {0.04005232f, -0.00656446f, -0.26265873f, 0.13686658f, -0.00397357f}; |
// prevent extrapolation past end of polynomial fit by bounding independent variables
float h = agl(); |
float v = y.norm(); |
const float h_min = 2.0f; |
const float h_max = 8.0f; |
const float v_min = 0.5f; |
const float v_max = 1.0f; |
if (h > h_max) { |
h = h_max; |
} |
if (h < h_min) { |
h = h_min; |
} |
if (v > v_max) { |
v = v_max; |
} |
if (v < v_min) { |
v = v_min; |
} |
// compute polynomial value
float flow_vxy_stddev = p[0] * h + p[1] * h * h + p[2] * v + p[3] * v * h + p[4] * v * h * h; |
R(Y_flow_vx, Y_flow_vx) = flow_vxy_stddev * flow_vxy_stddev; |
R(Y_flow_vy, Y_flow_vy) = R(Y_flow_vx, Y_flow_vx); |