@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ uint16 solution_status_flags # Bitmask indicating which filter kinematic state o
@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ uint16 solution_status_flags # Bitmask indicating which filter kinematic state o
# 10 - True if the EKF has detected a GPS glitch
# 11 - True if the EKF has detected bad accelerometer data
uint8 reset_count_vel_ne # number of horizontal position reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)
uint8 reset_count_vel_d # number of vertical velocity reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)
uint8 reset_count_pos_ne # number of horizontal position reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)
uint8 reset_count_pod_d # number of vertical position reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)
uint8 reset_count_quat # number of quaternion reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)
float32 time_slip # cumulative amount of time in seconds that the EKF inertial calculation has slipped relative to system time