@ -496,12 +496,91 @@ MissionFeasibilityChecker::checkFixedWingLanding(const mission_s &mission, bool
@@ -496,12 +496,91 @@ MissionFeasibilityChecker::checkFixedWingLanding(const mission_s &mission, bool
} |
if (MissionBlock::item_contains_position(missionitem_previous)) { |
// exact handling of the previous waypoint is currently done in the fixed-wing
// position control module and primarily supports approach entrances from
// orbit-to-alt mission items. Behavior with other entrance waypoint types, e.g.
// plain position setpoints is not guaranteed. it is the user's responsibility to
// appropriately plan the entrance point if not using orbit-to-alt until extended
// functionality is implemented.
const float land_alt_amsl = missionitem.altitude_is_relative ? missionitem.altitude + |
_navigator->get_home_position()->alt : missionitem.altitude; |
const float entrance_alt_amsl = missionitem_previous.altitude_is_relative ? missionitem_previous.altitude + |
_navigator->get_home_position()->alt : missionitem_previous.altitude; |
const float relative_approach_altitude = entrance_alt_amsl - land_alt_amsl; |
if (relative_approach_altitude < FLT_EPSILON) { |
mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_log_pub(), |
"Mission rejected: the approach waypoint must be above the landing point.\t"); |
events::send(events::ID("navigator_mis_approach_wp_below_land"), {events::Log::Error, events::LogInternal::Info}, |
"Mission rejected: the approach waypoint must be above the landing point"); |
return false; |
} |
float landing_approach_distance; |
if (missionitem_previous.nav_cmd == NAV_CMD_LOITER_TO_ALT) { |
// assume this is a fixed-wing landing pattern with orbit to alt followed
// by tangent exit to landing approach and touchdown at landing waypoint
const float distance_orbit_center_to_land = get_distance_to_next_waypoint(missionitem_previous.lat, |
missionitem_previous.lon, missionitem.lat, missionitem.lon); |
const float orbit_radius = fabsf(missionitem_previous.loiter_radius); |
if (distance_orbit_center_to_land <= orbit_radius) { |
mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_log_pub(), |
"Mission rejected: the landing point must be outside the orbit radius.\t"); |
events::send(events::ID("navigator_mis_land_wp_inside_orbit_radius"), {events::Log::Error, events::LogInternal::Info}, |
"Mission rejected: the landing point must be outside the orbit radius"); |
return false; |
} |
landing_approach_distance = sqrtf(distance_orbit_center_to_land * distance_orbit_center_to_land - orbit_radius * |
orbit_radius); |
} else if (missionitem_previous.nav_cmd == NAV_CMD_WAYPOINT) { |
// approaching directly from waypoint position
const float waypoint_distance = get_distance_to_next_waypoint(missionitem_previous.lat, missionitem_previous.lon, |
missionitem.lat, missionitem.lon); |
landing_approach_distance = waypoint_distance; |
} else { |
mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_log_pub(), |
"Mission rejected: unsupported landing approach entrance waypoint type. Only ORBIT_TO_ALT or WAYPOINT allowed.\t"); |
events::send(events::ID("navigator_mis_unsupported_landing_approach_wp"), {events::Log::Error, events::LogInternal::Info}, |
"Mission rejected: unsupported landing approach entrance waypoint type. Only ORBIT_TO_ALT or WAYPOINT allowed"); |
return false; |
} |
const float glide_slope = relative_approach_altitude / landing_approach_distance; |
// respect user setting as max glide slope, but account for floating point
// rounding on next check with small (arbitrary) 0.1 deg buffer, as the
// landing angle parameter is what is typically used for steepest glide
// in landing config
const float max_glide_slope = tanf(math::radians(_param_fw_lnd_ang.get() + 0.1f)); |
if (glide_slope > max_glide_slope) { |
const uint8_t land_angle_left_of_decimal = (uint8_t)_param_fw_lnd_ang.get(); |
const uint8_t land_angle_first_after_decimal = (uint8_t)((_param_fw_lnd_ang.get() - floorf( |
_param_fw_lnd_ang.get())) * 10.0f); |
mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_log_pub(), |
"Mission rejected: the landing glide slope is steeper than the vehicle setting of %d.%d degrees.\t", |
(int)land_angle_left_of_decimal, (int)land_angle_first_after_decimal); |
events::send<uint8_t, uint8_t>(events::ID("navigator_mis_glide_slope_too_steep"), {events::Log::Error, events::LogInternal::Info}, |
"Mission rejected: the landing glide slope is steeper than the vehicle setting of {1}.{2} degrees", |
land_angle_left_of_decimal, land_angle_first_after_decimal); |
const uint32_t acceptable_entrance_alt = (uint32_t)(max_glide_slope * landing_approach_distance); |
const uint32_t acceptable_landing_dist = (uint32_t)ceilf(relative_approach_altitude / max_glide_slope); |
mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_log_pub(), |
"Reduce the glide slope, lower the entrance altitude %d meters, or increase the landing approach distance %d meters.\t", |
(int)acceptable_entrance_alt, (int)acceptable_landing_dist); |
events::send<uint32_t, uint32_t>(events::ID("navigator_mis_correct_glide_slope"), {events::Log::Error, events::LogInternal::Info}, |
"Reduce the glide slope, lower the entrance altitude {1} meters, or increase the landing approach distance {2} meters", |
acceptable_entrance_alt, acceptable_landing_dist); |
return false; |
} |
landing_valid = true; |
} else { |