@ -1,110 +1,150 @@
@@ -1,110 +1,150 @@
# Top-level Makefile for building PX4 firmware images.
# Note that this is a transitional process; the eventual goal is for this
# project to slim down and simply generate PX4 link kits via the NuttX
# 'make export' mechanism.
# Some useful paths.
export PX4BASE = $(realpath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
export NUTTX_SRC = $(PX4BASE)/nuttx
export NUTTX_APPS = $(PX4BASE)/apps
export MAVLINK_SRC = $(PX4BASE)/mavlink
export IMAGE_DIR = $(PX4BASE)/Images
export PX4_BASE = $(realpath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
export NUTTX_SRC = $(PX4_BASE)/nuttx
export NUTTX_APPS = $(PX4_BASE)/apps
export MAVLINK_SRC = $(PX4_BASE)/mavlink
export IMAGE_DIR = $(PX4_BASE)/Images
export BUILD_DIR = $(PX4_BASE)/Build
export ARCHIVE_DIR = $(PX4_BASE)/Archives
# Tools
MKFW = $(PX4BASE)/Tools/px_mkfw.py
UPLOADER = $(PX4BASE)/Tools/px_uploader.py
MKFW = $(PX4_BASE)/Tools/px_mkfw.py
UPLOADER = $(PX4_BASE)/Tools/px_uploader.py
COPY = cp
REMOVE = rm -f
RMDIR = rm -rf
# Canned firmware configurations that we build.
CONFIGS ?= px4fmu_default px4io_default
# What are we currently configured for?
# If the user has listed a config as a target, strip it out and override CONFIGS
CONFIGURED = $(PX4BASE)/.configured
ifneq ($(wildcard $(CONFIGURED)),) |
export TARGET := $(shell cat $(CONFIGURED))
ifneq ($(EXPLICIT_CONFIGS),) |
endif |
# What we will build
# Platforms (boards) that we build prelink kits for.
PLATFORMS = px4fmu px4io
# Some handy macros
PLATFORM_FROM_CONFIG = $(word 1,$(subst _, ,$1))
# Built products
FIRMWARES = $(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),$(IMAGE_DIR)/$(config).px4)
BINARIES = $(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),$(BUILD_DIR)/$(config).build/firmware.bin)
# Debugging
MQUIET = --no-print-directory
#MQUIET = --print-directory
ifeq ($(V),) |
Q = @
else |
Q =
endif |
all: $(FIRMWARES) |
#all: $(SYMBOLS)
# Generate a wrapped .px4 file from the built binary
@echo Generating $@
@$(MKFW) --prototype $(FIRMWARE_PROTOTYPE) \
--git_identity $(PX4BASE) \
--image $(FIRMWARE_BINARY) > $@
$(IMAGE_DIR)/%.px4: basepath = $(basename $(@)) |
$(IMAGE_DIR)/%.px4: config = $(notdir $(basepath)) |
$(IMAGE_DIR)/%.px4: platform = $(call PLATFORM_FROM_CONFIG,$(config)) |
$(FIRMWARES): $(IMAGE_DIR)/%.px4: $(BUILD_DIR)/%.build/firmware.bin |
@echo %% Generating $@ for $(config)
$(Q) $(MKFW) --prototype $(IMAGE_DIR)/$(platform).prototype \
--git_identity $(PX4_BASE) \
--image $< > $@
# Build the firmware binary.
# Generate the firmware executable
$(FIRMWARE_BINARY): setup_$(TARGET) configure-check |
@echo Building $@ for $(TARGET)
@make -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) all
@cp $(NUTTX_SRC)/nuttx.bin $@
# XXX pick the right build tool for the host OS - force it on the generation side too.
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.build/firmware.bin: config = $(patsubst $(BUILD_DIR)/%.build/firmware.bin,%,$@) |
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.build/firmware.bin: work_dir = $(BUILD_DIR)/$(config).build |
$(BINARIES): $(BUILD_DIR)/%.build/firmware.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(word 1,$(subst _, ,%)).build |
@echo %% Building $(config) in $(work_dir)
$(Q) make -C $(work_dir) \
-f $(PX4_BASE)/makefiles/$(config).mk \
CONFIG=$(config) \
# The 'configure' targets select one particular firmware configuration
# and makes it current.
# Generate the config build directory.
configure_px4fmu: |
@echo Configuring for px4fmu
@make -C $(PX4BASE) distclean
@cd $(NUTTX_SRC)/tools && /bin/sh configure.sh px4fmu/nsh
@echo px4fmu > $(CONFIGURED)
configure_px4io: |
@echo Configuring for px4io
@make -C $(PX4BASE) distclean
@cd $(NUTTX_SRC)/tools && /bin/sh configure.sh px4io/io
@echo px4io > $(CONFIGURED)
configure-check: |
ifeq ($(wildcard $(CONFIGURED)),) |
@echo "Not configured - use 'make configure_px4fmu' or 'make configure_px4io' first"
@exit 1
endif |
BUILDAREAS = $(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),$(BUILD_DIR)/$(config).build)
.PHONY: buildareas |
buildareas: $(BUILDAREAS) |
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.build: config = $(notdir $(basename $@)) |
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.build: platform = $(call PLATFORM_FROM_CONFIG,$(config)) |
$(BUILDAREAS): $(BUILD_DIR)/%.build: |
@echo %% Setting up build environment for $(config)
$(Q) mkdir -p $@
$(Q) (cd $@ && $(RMDIR) nuttx-export && unzip -q $(ARCHIVE_DIR)/$(platform).export)
# Per-configuration additional targets
# Build the NuttX export archives.
# Note that there are no explicit dependencies extended from these
# archives. If NuttX is updated, the user is expected to rebuild the
# archives/build area manually.
# XXX Should support fetching/unpacking from a separate directory to permit
# downloads of the prebuilt archives as well...
.PHONY: px4fmu_setup |
setup_px4fmu: |
@echo Generating ROMFS
@make -C $(ROMFS_SRC) all
# XXX PX4IO config name is bad - we should just call them all "px4"
NUTTX_ARCHIVES = $(foreach platform,$(PLATFORMS),$(ARCHIVE_DIR)/$(platform).export)
.PHONY: archives |
archives: $(NUTTX_ARCHIVES) |
setup_px4io: |
$(ARCHIVE_DIR)/%.export: platform = $(notdir $(basename $@)) |
$(ARCHIVE_DIR)/%.export: config = $(if $(filter $(platform),px4io),io,nsh) |
@echo %% Configuring NuttX for $(platform)
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC) && $(RMDIR) nuttx-export)
$(Q) make -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) distclean
$(Q) (cd $(NUTTX_SRC)/tools && ./configure.sh $(platform)/$(config))
@echo Generating ROMFS for $(platform) XXX move this!
$(Q) make -C $(ROMFS_SRC) all
@echo %% Exporting NuttX for $(platform)
$(Q) make -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) export
$(Q) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(Q) $(COPY) $(NUTTX_SRC)/nuttx-export.zip $@
# fake target to make configure-check happy if TARGET is not set
setup_: |
setup_px4io: |
# Firmware uploading.
# Firmware upload.
# serial port defaults by operating system.
@ -129,10 +169,12 @@ ifeq ($(JTAGCONFIG),)
@@ -129,10 +169,12 @@ ifeq ($(JTAGCONFIG),)
endif |
upload-jtag-px4fmu: |
.PHONY: upload-jtag-px4fmu |
upload-jtag-px4fmu: all |
@echo Attempting to flash PX4FMU board via JTAG
@openocd -f $(JTAGCONFIG) -f ../Bootloader/stm32f4x.cfg -c init -c "reset halt" -c "flash write_image erase nuttx/nuttx" -c "flash write_image erase ../Bootloader/px4fmu_bl.elf" -c "reset run" -c shutdown
.PHONY: upload-jtag-px4io |
upload-jtag-px4io: all |
@echo Attempting to flash PX4IO board via JTAG
@openocd -f $(JTAGCONFIG) -f ../Bootloader/stm32f1x.cfg -c init -c "reset halt" -c "flash write_image erase nuttx/nuttx" -c "flash write_image erase ../Bootloader/px4io_bl.elf" -c "reset run" -c shutdown
@ -151,14 +193,17 @@ endif
@@ -151,14 +193,17 @@ endif
# a complete re-compilation, 'distclean' should remove everything
# that's generated leaving only files that are in source control.
.PHONY: clean upload-jtag-px4fmu |
.PHONY: clean |
clean: |
@make -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) distclean
@make -C $(ROMFS_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) clean
$(Q) $(RMDIR) $(BUILD_DIR)/*.build
$(Q) $(REMOVE) -f $(IMAGE_DIR)/*.bin
$(Q) $(REMOVE) -f $(IMAGE_DIR)/*.sym
$(Q) $(REMOVE) -f $(IMAGE_DIR)/*.px4
$(Q) make -C $(ROMFS_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) clean
.PHONY: distclean |
distclean: |
@rm -f $(CONFIGURED)
@make -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) distclean
@make -C $(ROMFS_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) distclean
distclean: clean |
$(Q) $(REMOVE) -f $(ARCHIVE_DIR)/*.export
$(Q) make -C $(NUTTX_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) distclean
$(Q) make -C $(ROMFS_SRC) -r $(MQUIET) distclean