when the vertical pos or vel innov ratio is above the threshold, the
other one needs to be significant too and not just positive to trigger
the failure
floatmcoef{0.1f};///< rotor momentum drag coefficient for the X and Y axes (1/s)
floatmcoef{0.1f};///< rotor momentum drag coefficient for the X and Y axes (1/s)
// control of accel error detection and mitigation (IMU clipping)
// control of accel error detection and mitigation (IMU clipping)
constfloatvert_innov_test_lim{3.0f};///< Number of standard deviations allowed before the combined vertical velocity and position test is declared as failed
constfloatvert_innov_test_lim{3.0f};///< Number of standard deviations of vertical vel/pos innovations allowed before triggering a vertical acceleration failure
constfloatvert_innov_test_min{1.0f};///< Minimum number of standard deviations of vertical vel/pos innovations required to trigger a vertical acceleration failure
constintbad_acc_reset_delay_us{500000};///< Continuous time that the vertical position and velocity innovation test must fail before the states are reset (uSec)
constintbad_acc_reset_delay_us{500000};///< Continuous time that the vertical position and velocity innovation test must fail before the states are reset (uSec)