@ -838,43 +838,42 @@ hagl_max : Maximum height above ground (meters). NaN when limiting is not needed
@@ -838,43 +838,42 @@ hagl_max : Maximum height above ground (meters). NaN when limiting is not needed
void Ekf : : get_ekf_ctrl_limits ( float * vxy_max , float * vz_max , float * hagl_min , float * hagl_max ) const
// Do not require limiting by default
* vxy_max = NAN ;
* vz_max = NAN ;
* hagl_min = NAN ;
* hagl_max = NAN ;
// Calculate range finder limits
const float rangefinder_hagl_min = _range_sensor . getValidMinVal ( ) ;
// Allow use of 75% of rangefinder maximum range to allow for angular motion
const float rangefinder_hagl_max = 0.75f * _range_sensor . getValidMaxVal ( ) ;
// Calculate optical flow limits
// Allow ground relative velocity to use 50% of available flow sensor range to allow for angular motion
const float flow_vxy_max = fmaxf ( 0.5f * _flow_max_rate * ( _terrain_vpos - _state . pos ( 2 ) ) , 0.0f ) ;
const float flow_hagl_min = _flow_min_distance ;
const float flow_hagl_max = _flow_max_distance ;
// TODO : calculate visual odometry limits
const bool relying_on_rangefinder = _control_status . flags . rng_hgt & & ! _params . range_aid ;
const bool relying_on_optical_flow = isOnlyActiveSourceOfHorizontalAiding ( _control_status . flags . opt_flow ) ;
// Do not require limiting by default
* vxy_max = NAN ;
* vz_max = NAN ;
* hagl_min = NAN ;
* hagl_max = NAN ;
// Keep within range sensor limit when using rangefinder as primary height source
if ( relying_on_rangefinder ) {
* vxy_max = NAN ;
* vz_max = NAN ;
* hagl_min = rangefinder_hagl_min ;
* hagl_max = rangefinder_hagl_max ;
// Keep within flow AND range sensor limits when exclusively using optical flow
if ( relying_on_optical_flow ) {
// Calculate optical flow limits
const float flow_hagl_min = fmaxf ( rangefinder_hagl_min , _flow_min_distance ) ;
const float flow_hagl_max = fminf ( rangefinder_hagl_max , _flow_max_distance ) ;
const float flow_constrained_height = math : : constrain ( _terrain_vpos - _state . pos ( 2 ) , flow_hagl_min , flow_hagl_max ) ;
// Allow ground relative velocity to use 50% of available flow sensor range to allow for angular motion
const float flow_vxy_max = 0.5f * _flow_max_rate * flow_constrained_height ;
* vxy_max = flow_vxy_max ;
* vz_max = NAN ;
* hagl_min = fmaxf ( rangefinder_hagl_min , flow_hagl_min ) ;
* hagl_max = fminf ( rangefinder_hagl_max , flow_hagl_max ) ;
* hagl_min = flow_hagl_min ;
* hagl_max = flow_hagl_max ;