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level calibration: speedup & check for motion

- instead of resetting existing calibration on start and having to wait
  until the estimator converges, keep existing calibration applied and
  subtract it.
- reduce calibration time from 5s to 500ms, and check for motion during
  that time.
- repeat if there was motion
- fix an uorb resource leak
Beat Küng 5 years ago committed by Daniel Agar
  1. 111


@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ @@ -151,6 +151,7 @@
#include <uORB/topics/sensor_correction.h>
#include <uORB/Subscription.hpp>
using namespace time_literals;
using namespace matrix;
static const char *sensor_name = "accel";
@ -796,14 +797,9 @@ calibrate_return calculate_calibration_values(unsigned sensor, @@ -796,14 +797,9 @@ calibrate_return calculate_calibration_values(unsigned sensor,
int do_level_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub)
const unsigned cal_time = 5;
const unsigned cal_hz = 100;
unsigned settle_time = 30;
bool success = false;
int att_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude));
struct vehicle_attitude_s att;
memset(&att, 0, sizeof(att));
vehicle_attitude_s att{};
calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_STARTED_MSG, "level");
@ -811,7 +807,7 @@ int do_level_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub) @@ -811,7 +807,7 @@ int do_level_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub)
param_t pitch_offset_handle = param_find("SENS_BOARD_Y_OFF");
param_t board_rot_handle = param_find("SENS_BOARD_ROT");
// save old values if calibration fails
// get old values
float roll_offset_current;
float pitch_offset_current;
int32_t board_rot_current = 0;
@ -819,67 +815,82 @@ int do_level_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub) @@ -819,67 +815,82 @@ int do_level_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub)
param_get(pitch_offset_handle, &pitch_offset_current);
param_get(board_rot_handle, &board_rot_current);
// give attitude some time to settle if there have been changes to the board rotation parameters
if (board_rot_current == 0 && fabsf(roll_offset_current) < FLT_EPSILON && fabsf(pitch_offset_current) < FLT_EPSILON) {
settle_time = 0;
float zero = 0.0f;
param_set_no_notification(roll_offset_handle, &zero);
param_set_no_notification(pitch_offset_handle, &zero);
Dcmf board_rotation_offset = Eulerf(
px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1];
fds[0].fd = att_sub;
fds[0].events = POLLIN;
float roll_mean = 0.0f;
float pitch_mean = 0.0f;
unsigned counter = 0;
bool had_motion = true;
int num_retries = 0;
while (had_motion && num_retries++ < 50) {
Vector2f min_angles{100.f, 100.f};
Vector2f max_angles{-100.f, -100.f};
roll_mean = 0.0f;
pitch_mean = 0.0f;
counter = 0;
int last_progress_report = -100;
const hrt_abstime calibration_duration = 500_ms;
const hrt_abstime start = hrt_absolute_time();
while (hrt_elapsed_time(&start) < calibration_duration) {
int pollret = px4_poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100);
if (pollret <= 0) {
// attitude estimator is not running
calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "attitude estimator not running - check system boot");
calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_FAILED_MSG, "level");
goto out;
// sleep for some time
hrt_abstime start = hrt_absolute_time();
int progress = 100 * hrt_elapsed_time(&start) / calibration_duration;
while (hrt_elapsed_time(&start) < settle_time * 1000000) {
calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG,
(int)(90 * hrt_elapsed_time(&start) / 1e6f / (float)settle_time));
px4_sleep(settle_time / 10);
if (progress >= last_progress_report + 20) {
calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG, progress);
last_progress_report = progress;
start = hrt_absolute_time();
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), att_sub, &att);
Eulerf att_euler = Quatf(att.q);
// average attitude for 5 seconds
while (hrt_elapsed_time(&start) < cal_time * 1000000) {
int pollret = px4_poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100);
// keep min + max angles
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (att_euler(i) < min_angles(i)) { min_angles(i) = att_euler(i); }
if (pollret <= 0) {
// attitude estimator is not running
calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "attitude estimator not running - check system boot");
calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_FAILED_MSG, "level");
goto out;
if (att_euler(i) > max_angles(i)) { max_angles(i) = att_euler(i); }
att_euler(2) = 0.f; // ignore yaw
att_euler = Eulerf(board_rotation_offset * Dcmf(att_euler)); // subtract existing board rotation
roll_mean += att_euler.phi();
pitch_mean += att_euler.theta();
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), att_sub, &att);
matrix::Eulerf euler = matrix::Quatf(att.q);
roll_mean += euler.phi();
pitch_mean += euler.theta();
// motion detection: check that (max-min angle) is within a threshold.
// The difference is typically <0.1 deg while at rest
if (max_angles(0) - min_angles(0) < math::radians(0.5f) &&
max_angles(1) - min_angles(1) < math::radians(0.5f)) {
had_motion = false;
calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG, 100);
if (counter > (cal_time * cal_hz / 2)) {
roll_mean /= counter;
pitch_mean /= counter;
roll_mean /= counter;
pitch_mean /= counter;
} else {
calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "not enough measurements taken");
success = false;
goto out;
if (had_motion) {
calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "motion during calibration");
if (fabsf(roll_mean) > 0.8f) {
} else if (fabsf(roll_mean) > 0.8f) {
calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "excess roll angle");
} else if (fabsf(pitch_mean) > 0.8f) {
@ -896,15 +907,13 @@ int do_level_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub) @@ -896,15 +907,13 @@ int do_level_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub)
if (success) {
calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_DONE_MSG, "level");
return 0;
} else {
// set old parameters
param_set_no_notification(roll_offset_handle, &roll_offset_current);
param_set_no_notification(pitch_offset_handle, &pitch_offset_current);
calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_FAILED_MSG, "level");
return 1;
