uint64_ttimestamp_position;/**< Timestamp for position information */
int32_tlat;/**< Latitude in 1E7 degrees */
int32_tlon;/**< Longitude in 1E7 degrees */
int32_talt;/**< Altitude in 1E3 meters (millimeters) above MSL */
uint64_ttimestamp_position;/**< Timestamp for position information */
int32_tlat;/**< Latitude in 1E7 degrees */
int32_tlon;/**< Longitude in 1E7 degrees */
int32_talt;/**< Altitude in 1E3 meters (millimeters) above MSL */
floats_variance_m_s;/**< speed accuracy estimate m/s */
floatp_variance_m;/**< position accuracy estimate m */
uint8_tfix_type;/**< 0-1: no fix, 2: 2D fix, 3: 3D fix. Some applications will not use the value of this field unless it is at least two, so always correctly fill in the fix. */
floatp_variance_m;/**< position accuracy estimate m */
floatc_variance_rad;/**< course accuracy estimate rad */
uint8_tfix_type;/**< 0-1: no fix, 2: 2D fix, 3: 3D fix. Some applications will not use the value of this field unless it is at least two, so always correctly fill in the fix. */
floateph_m;/**< GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position in m */
floatepv_m;/**< GPS VDOP horizontal dilution of position in m */
floateph_m;/**< GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position in m */
floatepv_m;/**< GPS VDOP horizontal dilution of position in m */
uint64_ttimestamp_velocity;/**< Timestamp for velocity informations */
floatvel_m_s;/**< GPS ground speed (m/s) */
floatvel_n_m_s;/**< GPS ground speed in m/s */
floatvel_e_m_s;/**< GPS ground speed in m/s */
floatvel_d_m_s;/**< GPS ground speed in m/s */
floatcog_rad;/**< Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement) in rad */
boolvel_ned_valid;/**< Flag to indicate if NED speed is valid */
uint64_ttimestamp_velocity;/**< Timestamp for velocity informations */
floatvel_m_s;/**< GPS ground speed (m/s) */
floatvel_n_m_s;/**< GPS ground speed in m/s */
floatvel_e_m_s;/**< GPS ground speed in m/s */
floatvel_d_m_s;/**< GPS ground speed in m/s */
floatcog_rad;/**< Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement) in rad, -PI..PI */
boolvel_ned_valid;/**< Flag to indicate if NED speed is valid */
uint64_ttimestamp_time;/**< Timestamp for time information */
uint64_ttime_gps_usec;/**< Timestamp (microseconds in GPS format), this is the timestamp which comes from the gps module */
uint64_ttimestamp_satellites;/**< Timestamp for sattelite information */
uint64_ttimestamp_satellites;/**< Timestamp for sattelite information */
uint8_tsatellites_visible;/**< Number of satellites visible. If unknown, set to 255 */
uint8_tsatellite_prn[20];/**< Global satellite ID */
uint8_tsatellite_used[20];/**< 0: Satellite not used, 1: used for localization */
uint8_tsatellite_elevation[20];/**< Elevation (0: right on top of receiver, 90: on the horizon) of satellite */
uint8_tsatellite_azimuth[20];/**< Direction of satellite, 0: 0 deg, 255: 360 deg. */
uint8_tsatellite_elevation[20];/**< Elevation (0: right on top of receiver, 90: on the horizon) of satellite */
uint8_tsatellite_azimuth[20];/**< Direction of satellite, 0: 0 deg, 255: 360 deg. */
uint8_tsatellite_snr[20];/**< Signal to noise ratio of satellite */
boolsatellite_info_available;/**< 0 for no info, 1 for info available */
boolsatellite_info_available;/**< 0 for no info, 1 for info available */