@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Data can be gathered using the following sequence:
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Data can be gathered using the following sequence:
1) Power up the board and set the TC_A_ENABLE, TC_B_ENABLE and TC_G_ENABLE parameters to 1 |
2) Set all CAL_GYR and CAL_ACC parameters to defaults |
3) Set the SDLOG_MODE parameter to 2, and SDLOG_PROFILE parameter to 4 to enable logging of sensor data for calibration and power off |
3) Set the parameter SDLOG_MODE to 2, and SDLOG_PROFILE "Thermal calibration" bit (2) to enable logging of sensor data for calibration and power off |
4) Cold soak the board for 30 minutes |
5) Move to a warm dry, still air, constant pressure environment. |
6) Apply power for 45 minutes, keeping the board still. |