uint8_tquality;///< quality indicator between 0 and 255
Vector2fflowRadXY;///< measured delta angle of the image about the X and Y body axes (rad), RH rotation is positive
Vector3fgyroXYZ;///< measured delta angle of the inertial frame about the body axes obtained from rate gyro measurements (rad), RH rotation is positive
Vector2fflow_xy_rad;///< measured delta angle of the image about the X and Y body axes (rad), RH rotation is positive
Vector3fgyro_xyz;///< measured delta angle of the inertial frame about the body axes obtained from rate gyro measurements (rad), RH rotation is positive
floatdt;///< amount of integration time (sec)
uint64_ttime_us;///< timestamp of the integration period leading edge (uSec)
uint64_t_time_bad_motion_us{0};///< last system time that on-ground motion exceeded limits (uSec)
uint64_t_time_good_motion_us{0};///< last system time that on-ground motion was within limits (uSec)
bool_inhibit_flow_use{false};///< true when use of optical flow and range finder is being inhibited
Vector2f_flowRadXYcomp;///< measured delta angle of the image about the X and Y body axes after removal of body rotation (rad), RH rotation is positive
Vector2f_flow_compensated_XY_rad;///< measured delta angle of the image about the X and Y body axes after removal of body rotation (rad), RH rotation is positive
// if optical flow sensor gyro delta angles are not available, set gyroXYZ vector fields to NaN and the EKF will use its internal delta angle data instead
// if optical flow sensor gyro delta angles are not available, set gyro_xyz vector fields to NaN and the EKF will use its internal delta angle data instead