9 years ago
12 changed files with 242 additions and 165 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
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#include <cassert> |
#include <cstdio> |
#include "Quaternion.hpp" |
#include "Vector3.hpp" |
#include "matrix.hpp" |
using namespace matrix; |
template class Quaternion<float>; |
template class Euler<float>; |
template class Dcm<float>; |
int main() |
{ |
double eps = 1e-6; |
// check data
Eulerf euler_check(0.1, 0.2, 0.3); |
Quatf q_check(0.98334744, 0.0342708, 0.10602051, .14357218); |
float dcm_data[] = { |
0.93629336, -0.27509585, 0.21835066, |
0.28962948, 0.95642509, -0.03695701, |
-0.19866933, 0.0978434 , 0.97517033}; |
Dcmf dcm_check(dcm_data); |
// euler ctor
euler_check.T().print(); |
assert((euler_check - Vector3f(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)).norm() < eps); |
// quaternion ctor
Quatf q(1, 2, 3, 4); |
assert(q(0) == 1); |
assert(q(1) == 2); |
assert(q(2) == 3); |
assert(q(3) == 4); |
q.T().print(); |
q.normalize(); |
q.T().print(); |
assert((q - Quatf( |
0.18257419, 0.36514837, 0.54772256, 0.73029674) |
).norm() < eps); |
// euler to quaternion
q = Quatf(euler_check); |
q.T().print(); |
assert((q - q_check).norm() < eps); |
// euler to dcm
Dcmf dcm(euler_check); |
dcm.print(); |
assert((dcm - dcm_check).abs().max() < eps); |
// quaternion to euler
Eulerf e1(q_check); |
assert((e1 - euler_check).norm() < eps); |
// quaternion to dcm
Dcmf dcm1(q_check); |
assert((dcm1 - dcm_check).abs().max() < eps); |
// dcm to euler
Eulerf e2(dcm_check); |
assert((e2 - euler_check).norm() < eps); |
// dcm to quaterion
Quatf q2(dcm_check); |
assert((q2 - q_check).norm() < eps); |
} |
/* vim: set et fenc=utf-8 ff=unix sts=0 sw=4 ts=4 : */ |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#include <assert.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include "matrix.hpp" |
using namespace matrix; |
int main() |
{ |
Dcmf dcm; |
Quatf q(1,0,0,0); |
dcm = Dcmf(q); |
Matrix3f I = eye<float, 3>(); |
dcm = Dcmf(q); |
Eulerf e = Eulerf(dcm); |
return 0; |
}; |
/* vim: set et fenc=utf-8 ff=unix sts=0 sw=4 ts=4 : */ |
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
#include "Euler.hpp" |
#include "Scalar.hpp" |
#include <assert.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
using namespace matrix; |
int main() |
{ |
Eulerf e; |
float dp = Scalarf(e.T()*e); |
(void)dp; |
Dcmf dcm = Dcmf(e); |
Quatf q = Quatf(e); |
float n = e.norm(); |
(void)n; |
return 0; |
} |
/* vim: set et fenc=utf-8 ff=unix sts=0 sw=4 ts=4 : */ |
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
#include "Quaternion.hpp" |
#include <cassert> |
#include <cstdio> |
using namespace matrix; |
// instantiate so coverage works
template class Quaternion<float>; |
template class Euler<float>; |
template class Dcm<float>; |
int main() |
{ |
// test default ctor
Quatf q; |
assert(q(0) == 1); |
assert(q(1) == 0); |
assert(q(2) == 0); |
assert(q(3) == 0); |
q = Quatf(1,2,3,4); |
assert(q(0) == 1); |
assert(q(1) == 2); |
assert(q(2) == 3); |
assert(q(3) == 4); |
q = Quatf(0.1825742f, 0.3651484f, 0.5477226f, 0.7302967f); |
assert(q(0) == 0.1825742f); |
assert(q(1) == 0.3651484f); |
assert(q(2) == 0.5477226f); |
assert(q(3) == 0.7302967f); |
// test euler ctor
q = Quatf(Eulerf(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f)); |
assert((q - Quatf(0.983347f, 0.034271f, 0.106021f, 0.143572f)).norm() < 1e-5); |
// test dcm ctor
q = Quatf(Dcmf()); |
assert(q == Quatf(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); |
// TODO test derivative
// test accessors
q(0) = 0.1f; |
q(1) = 0.2f; |
q(2) = 0.3f; |
q(3) = 0.4f; |
assert(q == Quatf(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f)); |
return 0; |
} |
/* vim: set et fenc=utf-8 ff=unix sts=0 sw=4 ts=4 : */ |
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
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from __future__ import print_function |
from pylab import * |
from pprint import pprint |
# test cases, derived from doc/nasa_rotation_def.pdf |
#pylint: disable=all |
def euler_to_quat(phi, theta, psi): |
"Quaternion from (body 3(psi)-2(theta)-1(phi) euler angles" |
s1 = sin(psi/2) |
c1 = cos(psi/2) |
s2 = sin(theta/2) |
c2 = cos(theta/2) |
s3 = sin(phi/2) |
c3 = cos(phi/2) |
return array([ |
s1*s2*s3 + c1*c2*c3, |
-s1*s2*c3 + s3*c1*c2, |
s1*s3*c2 + s2*c1*c3, |
s1*c2*c3 - s2*s3*c1 |
]) |
def euler_to_dcm(phi, theta, psi): |
s1 = sin(psi) |
c1 = cos(psi) |
s2 = sin(theta) |
c2 = cos(theta) |
s3 = sin(phi) |
c3 = cos(phi) |
return array([ |
[c1*c2, c1*s2*s3 - s1*c3, c1*s2*c3 + s1*s3], |
[s1*c2, s1*s2*s3 + c1*c3, s1*s2*c3 - c1*s3], |
[-s2, c2*s3, c2*c3], |
]) |
def quat_prod(q, r): |
"Quaternion product" |
return array([ |
r[0]*q[0] - r[1]*q[1] - r[2]*q[2] - r[3]*q[3], |
r[0]*q[1] + r[1]*q[0] - r[2]*q[3] + r[3]*q[2], |
r[0]*q[2] + r[1]*q[3] + r[2]*q[0] - r[3]*q[1], |
r[0]*q[3] - r[1]*q[2] + r[2]*q[1] + r[3]*q[0] |
]) |
def dcm_to_euler(dcm): |
return array([ |
arctan(dcm[2,1]/ dcm[2,2]), |
arctan(-dcm[2,0]/ sqrt(1 - dcm[2,0]**2)), |
arctan(dcm[1,0]/ dcm[0,0]), |
]) |
def dcm_from_quat(q): |
q1 = q[0] |
q2 = q[1] |
q3 = q[2] |
q4 = q[3] |
return array([ |
[q1*q1 + q2*q2 - q3*q3 - q4*q4, 2*(q2*q3 - q1*q4), 2*(q2*q4 + q1*q3)], |
[2*(q2*q3 + q1*q4), q1*q1 - q2*q2 + q3*q3 - q4*q4, 2*(q3*q4 - q1*q2)], |
[2*(q2*q4 - q1*q3), 2*(q3*q4 + q1*q2), q1*q1 - q2*q2 - q3*q3 + q4*q4] |
]) |
def quat_to_euler(q): |
"Quaternion to (body 3(psi)-2(theta)-1(phi) euler angles" |
return dcm_to_euler(dcm_from_quat(q)) |
def quat_to_dcm(q): |
return euler_to_dcm(quat_to_euler(q)) |
phi = 0.1 |
theta = 0.2 |
psi = 0.3 |
print('euler', phi, theta, psi) |
q = euler_to_quat(phi, theta, psi) |
assert(abs(norm(q) - 1) < 1e-10) |
assert(abs(norm(q) - 1) < 1e-10) |
assert(norm(array(quat_to_euler(q)) - array([phi, theta, psi])) < 1e-10) |
print('\nq:') |
pprint(q) |
dcm = euler_to_dcm(phi, theta, psi) |
assert(norm(dcm[:,0]) == 1) |
assert(norm(dcm[:,1]) == 1) |
assert(norm(dcm[:,2]) == 1) |
assert(abs(dcm[:,0].dot(dcm[:,1])) < 1e-10) |
assert(abs(dcm[:,0].dot(dcm[:,2])) < 1e-10) |
print('\ndcm:') |
pprint(dcm) |
q2 = quat_prod(q, q) |
pprint(q2) |
print(norm(q2)) |
print('\nq3:') |
q3 = array([1,2,3,4]) |
pprint(q3) |
print('\nq3_norm:') |
q3_norm =q3 / norm(q3) |
pprint(q3_norm) |
# vim: set et ft=python fenc=utf-8 ff=unix sts=4 sw=4 ts=8 : |
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import print_function |
from pylab import * |
from pprint import pprint |
#pylint: disable=all |
phi = 0.1 |
theta = 0.2 |
psi = 0.3 |
cosPhi = cos(phi) |
cosPhi_2 = cos(phi/2) |
sinPhi = sin(phi) |
sinPhi_2 = sin(phi/2) |
cosTheta = cos(theta) |
cosTheta_2 = cos(theta/2) |
sinTheta = sin(theta) |
sinTheta_2 = sin(theta/2) |
cosPsi = cos(psi) |
cosPsi_2 = cos(psi/2) |
sinPsi = sin(psi) |
sinPsi_2 = sin(psi/2) |
C_nb = array([ |
[cosTheta*cosPsi, -cosPhi*sinPsi + sinPhi*sinTheta*cosPsi, sinPhi*sinPsi + cosPhi*sinTheta*cosPsi], |
[cosTheta*sinPsi, cosPhi*cosPsi + sinPhi*sinTheta*sinPsi, -sinPhi*cosPsi + cosPhi*sinTheta*sinPsi], |
[-sinTheta, sinPhi*cosTheta, cosPhi*cosTheta]]) |
print('\nC_nb') |
pprint(C_nb) |
theta = arcsin(-C_nb[2,0]) |
phi = arctan(C_nb[2,1]/ C_nb[2,2]) |
psi = arctan(C_nb[1,0]/ C_nb[0,0]) |
print('\nphi {:f}, theta {:f}, psi {:f}\n'.format(phi, theta, psi)) |
q = array([ |
cosPhi_2*cosTheta_2*cosPsi_2 + sinPhi_2*sinTheta_2*sinPsi_2, |
sinPhi_2*cosTheta_2*cosPsi_2 - cosPhi_2*sinTheta_2*sinPsi_2, |
cosPhi_2*sinTheta_2*cosPsi_2 + sinPhi_2*cosTheta_2*sinPsi_2, |
cosPhi_2*cosTheta_2*sinPsi_2 - sinPhi_2*sinTheta_2*cosPsi_2]) |
a = q[0] |
b = q[1] |
c = q[2] |
d = q[3] |
print('\nq') |
pprint(q.T) |
a2 = a*a |
b2 = b*b |
c2 = c*c |
d2 = d*d |
C2_nb = array([ |
[a2 + b2 - c2 - d2, 2*(b*c - a*d), 2*(b*d + a*c)], |
[2*(b*c + a*d), a2 - b2 + c2 - d2, 2*(c*d - a*b)], |
[2*(b*d - a*c), 2*(c*d + a*b), a2 - b2 - c2 + d2]]) |
print('\nC2_nb') |
pprint(C2_nb) |
# vim: set et ft=python fenc=utf-8 ff=unix sts=4 sw=4 ts=8 : |
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