- allocate IMU and output buffers on construction according to defaults
- determine buffer max time delay based on configuration parameters
- reorder flowSample and extVisionSample to minimize padding
- adjust parameter defaults to match PX4-Autopilot
Add calculation of a vertical position derivative to the output predictor. This will have degraded tracking relative to the EKF states, but the velocity will be closer to the first derivative of the position and reduce the effect inertial prediction errors on control loops that are operating in a pure velocity feedback mode.
Move calculation of IMU offset angular rate correction out of velocity accessor and into output predictor.
Provide separate accessor for vertical position derivative.
__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS changes the behavior of inttypes.h to allow
defining format macros for printf-like functions. It needs to be defined
before any include is done, otherwise due to include chains and header
guards it may not take effect.
Instead of defining it everywhere it is used, let the PX4 build system
to deal with it.