and remove the px4_ prefix, except for px4_config.h.
command to update includes:
for k in app.h atomic.h cli.h console_buffer.h defines.h getopt.h i2c.h init.h log.h micro_hal.h module.h module_params.h param.h param_macros.h posix.h sem.h sem.hpp shmem.h shutdown.h tasks.h time.h workqueue.h; do for i in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_'$k src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_'$k'/#include <px4_platform_common\/'$k/ $i; done; done
for in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_config.h' src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_config.h/#include <px4_platform_common\/px4_config.h'/ $i; done
Transitional headers for submodules are added (px4_{defines,log,time}.h)
This change fragments MAVLink packets more efficiently and therefore increases the net throughput. This in turn makes the connection significantly more stable and the Crazyflie experience overall more usable.
system_source - This battery status is for the brick that is
supplying VDD_5V_IN
priority - Zero based, This battery status is for the brick
that is connected to the Power controller's
N-1 priority input. V1..VN. 0 would normally be
Brick1, 1 for Brick2 etc
Battery now assigns connected from the api in the
updateBatteryStatus, as well as system_source and priority