-moved rc.mavlink to the boards optional rc additions (now it's called rc.board_mavlink) to handle board specific mavlink needs (mavlink over usb, ethernet, additional streams, etc.)
-mavlink module will be responsible to usb defaults, therefore less args are needed to be passed to mavlink module if one wants to use mavlink over usb.
-the way to check if connection is usb is by it's designated variable and not by config mode.
This new airspeed module does:
-runns an airspeed validator for every airspeed sensor present, which checks measurement validity and estimates an airspeed scale
-selects another airspeed sensor if for the current one a failure is detected
-estimates airspeed with groundspeed-windspeed if no valid airspeed sensor is present
-outputs airspeed_validated topic
Signed-off-by: Silvan Fuhrer <silvan@auterion.com>
A board only needs to define:
#define RC_SERIAL_PORT "/dev/ttyS4"
Then it can optionally define one or more of the following:
#define RC_INVERT_INPUT(_invert_true) px4_arch_gpiowrite(GPIO_SBUS_INV, _invert_true)
* Support for armv7-m_dcache control via parameter
The FORCE_F7_DCACHE parameter can be set to
0 - (default) if Eratta exits turn dcache off else leave it on
1 - Force it off
2 - Force it on
At boot the system will disable the d-cache if the silicon
has the 1259864 Data corruption in a sequence of Write-Through
stores and loads eratta.
Post nsh script execution the FORCE_F7_DCACHE paramater
will be used to set the d-cache to the state indicated
- see 1259864 Data corruption in a sequence of Write-Through stores and loads
- if we can be certain this sequence won't occur in PX4 then the d-cache will be re-enabled