Julian Oes
px_romfs_pruner.py: PEP8 and comments fixes
6 years ago
Julian Oes
px_romfs_pruner.py: remove deprecation warning
The open flag `U` causes a deprecation warning starting with Python 3.4.
The option to open all kinds of newlines as `\n` has been replaced with
the argument `newline=None`. However, this argument is not available for
Python 2 unless we use `io.open` instead of `open`.
6 years ago
Jake Dahl
removed batt_smbus from uorb_graph create.py
6 years ago
process_sensor_data.py: update description
6 years ago
Added geotag_images_ulog.py for enhanced geo-referencing survey images
6 years ago
Hamish Willee
Add Plane VTail to image group metadata
6 years ago
PX4 Build Bot
Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Tue Oct 16 14:40:21 EDT 2018
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (304e00f158
): d1f0bd4367
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: 3d80f63562
- Changes: d1f0bd4367...3d80f63562
3d80f63 2018-10-16 Elia Tarasov - add missing dimension
4722a06 2018-10-15 Elia Tarasov - fix px4flow gyro orientation wrt camera
7e22adc 2018-10-15 Elia Tarasov - fix px4flow gyro sensor handling:
30337e7 2018-10-15 Elia Tarasov - add px4flow gyro sensor to px4flow jinja model
dcf2c95 2018-10-12 Elia Tarasov - add px4flow gyro sensor handling
0b4d4e3 2018-10-12 Elia Tarasov - replace integrated onboard gyro calculation by px4flow gyro sensor
df516e6 2018-10-11 Elia Tarasov - add check for NAN in case of no gyro is present
bbe2d67 2018-10-11 Elia Tarasov - send NAN in case of gyro absence
354e055 2018-10-11 Elia Tarasov - add default flag for gyro presence
6 years ago
Pietro De Nicolao
px_uploader.py: exit code=1 if upload was not successful ( #10681 )
6 years ago
PX4 Build Bot
Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Mon Oct 15 08:37:19 EDT 2018
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (31b110c2ac
): 70ca646540
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: d1f0bd4367
- Changes: 70ca646540...d1f0bd4367
d1f0bd4 2018-10-10 Elia Tarasov - remove redundant check for gazebo major version greater than 7
a796798 2018-10-10 Elia Tarasov - change gazebo version for irlock plugin
83cadac 2018-10-10 Elia Tarasov - fix compile error for sonar plugin
aac3d20 2018-10-10 Elia Tarasov - fix compile error for lidar plugin
5a497ad 2018-10-10 Elia Tarasov - fix gps delay computation
3f0a769 2018-10-10 Elia Tarasov - fill timestamp inside plugin callback
779954c 2018-10-10 Elia Tarasov - send and recv sitl_gazebo message timestamp as unified type
46c4b29 2018-10-10 Elia Tarasov - proto: change timestamp name and type for consistency
6 years ago
sitl_gazebo: build with SEND_VISION_ESTIMATION_DATA set
7 years ago
ecl_tools: Always allocate topic data variables
7 years ago
ecl_tools: fix typo in title
7 years ago
ecl_tools: add error message if topic not found in logfile
7 years ago
ecl_tools: use pyulog built in function to get dataset
7 years ago
Hamish Willee
Clarify SDLOG_MODE bit for thermal calibration
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Wed Oct 3 18:37:46 UTC 2018 ( #10643 )
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (6c34407d57
): 9d512af007
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: 1264b74493
- Changes: 9d512af007...1264b74493
1264b74 2018-09-30 TSC21 - gazebo_motor_failure_plugin: clean up and fix for Gazebo 9
77141e7 2018-09-29 TSC21 - Travis: add naming for jobs within the build matrix
e46f82a 2018-09-29 TSC21 - add new 18.04 Melodic build
5b93919 2018-09-29 TSC21 - Travis: update ROS docker container
7 years ago
Matthias Grob
px_uploader: catch non-standard baud exception
to fix Cygwin upload. It failed silently but when catching it prints
"non-standard baudrates are not supported on this platform".
Discussion about platform independet FTDI detection is in issue #10429 .
7 years ago
Matthias Grob
px_uploader: fix code and output spacing
7 years ago
Beat Küng
posix shell: use /bin/sh instead of bash
This uses the systems default shell:
- Ubuntu: dash
- Fedora: bash
Since bash is invoked via /bin/sh, it operates in POSIX mode:
- remove '# Ignore the expand_aliases command in zshell.'
Not needed because the shell operates in POSIX mode
- [[ is bashism -> use [
- autostart_files=( $autostart_file_match )
is not supported in dash, so use 'ls'
- shellcheck runs the dash flavor, since dash is a minimalistic shell.
Tested on dash & bash.
7 years ago
Beat Küng
NuttX shell scripts: replace operator == with =
- NuttX supports both versions
- POSIX shell only supports '='
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
serial generate config add 10 generic serial ports
7 years ago
Beat Küng
rc.serial.jinja: remove 'param touch' for baudrates
Can be reverted if needed later on...
7 years ago
Beat Küng
Tools/validate_yaml: add schema validation for module yaml config files
7 years ago
Beat Küng
Tools/serial: use per-module serial port config params, instead of per-port
7 years ago
Beat Küng
Tools/serial: add script to generate ROMFS serial startup logic & serial parameters
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
Tools/check_submodules.sh silence normal git output
7 years ago
Julian Oes
jmavsim_run.sh: fall back to Java 9 on macOS
This checks if we are on macOS and if we have Java 8 installed. If yes,
it falls back to Java 8 by setting JAVA_HOME.
This avoids https://github.com/PX4/jMAVSim/issues/81
7 years ago
Julian Oes
jmavsim_run.sh: fix shebang and exit on error
7 years ago
Julian Oes
jMAVSim: update to latest master
This should resolve the issues with Java 9/10.
7 years ago
Beat Küng
sitl_run.sh: do not kill jmavsim if model is none
I sometimes start jmavsim independently from px4, and in that case jmavsim
should not be killed. These are the commands:
make posix none
7 years ago
PX4 Build Bot
Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Fri Sep 14 12:42:47 UTC 2018
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (031885f9a90e70cd8d8aa22c774dfca1bd0c8dfb): 821c55ca71
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: 9d512af007
- Changes: 821c55ca71...9d512af007
9d512af 2018-09-12 Lorenz Meier - Update gazebo_wind_plugin.cpp
46d0be1 2018-09-12 Lorenz Meier - Update Wind.proto
14f09ff 2018-09-03 Elia Tarasov - fix compilation for gazebo version equal or greater 9
de86d7b 2018-08-31 Elia Tarasov - use template class vector3d from ignition::math
f3cba29 2018-08-31 Elia Tarasov - enable wind plugin
7 years ago
Beat Küng
run-shellcheck.sh: exclude .bin files
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
Jenkins update snapdragon docker to 2018-09-12
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
OSX setup helper install pip python dependencies with sudo
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
Jenkins update docker containers to 2018-09-11 ( #10463 )
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
ubuntu env setup script install python deps system wide in docker
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
ubuntu env setup script add file utility
- needed for cmake packaging
7 years ago
Julian Oes
sitl_run.sh: fix process grep for jMAVSim
It seems that the oneline to find the process ID of any running jMAVSim
instance was not working correctly.
1. On Linux, the name of the process does not contain Simulator but
jmavsim_run.jar. Also, it triggers incorrectly, if you have opened
Simulator.java using the command line :).
2. The cutting to get the PID at the end does not work as intenteded and
gives the username instead of PID, at least on Arch Linux. Using awk
should fix this.
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
update ubuntu.sh setup script and python requirements.txt
7 years ago
Beat Küng
SITL: remove config_sitl_rcS_dir
Not needed anymore
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
tests template skip mavlink except for mavlink test
7 years ago
Paul Riseborough
Tools: Fix EKF data analysis false positives
The high frequency acceleration noise levels in the gazebo models and also seen on some hardware is causing the IMU vibration check warning to fail.
The thresholds have been lifted and the reporting improved to make it clearer which sensor noise is causing the failure.
7 years ago
Bram Strack van Schijndel
[Bebop 2] also upload mixer and config files
7 years ago
Bram Strack van Schijndel
[Bebop 2] fix upload
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
shellcheck ignore array references for now (SC2039) and run everywhere
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
Jenkins add ShellCheck
7 years ago
PX4 Build Bot
Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Tue Aug 21 01:37:53 UTC 2018
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (7f41ead238
): c1ca87e37b
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: 821c55ca71
- Changes: c1ca87e37b...821c55ca71
821c55c 2018-08-20 Elia Tarasov - remove unused destination socket address
37faf25 2018-08-20 Elia Tarasov - remove undecalred member function
d5ca1d4 2018-08-20 Elia Tarasov - fix default QGC udp port initialization
7 years ago
Daniel Agar
Jenkins px4fmu-v2 hardware test
7 years ago
Beat Küng
sitl_run.sh: use correct ROMFS path for tests
7 years ago
Beat Küng
Tools: add run-shellcheck.sh to statically analyze startup scripts
Use './Tools/run-shellcheck.sh ROMFS/px4fmu_common' to run it.
7 years ago