nxp_ucans32k146:Relocation for Bootloader
nxp_ucans32k146:can_boot enable CAN
nxp_ucans32k146:Save Space use Non Optimize memcpy
nxp_ucans32k146:Increase to 24K
nxp/ucans32k146:Canbootloader LED Driver
nxp_ucans32k146:Can bootloader shut down CAN
nxp_ucans32k146:Use NVMEEPROM for Paramaters
nxp_ucans32k146:Use bootloader AppDescriptor
px4 mtd:Support onchip emulated eeprom
nxp/s32k14x:board_identity: Return length of mfguid
nxp/s32k14x:CAN driver
nxp/s32k14x:Drver Added ABORT on error
canbootloader:Use N words for first word
canbootloader:Ensure the up_progmem API always defined
* stm32_common: Add support for STM32F42x/STM32F43x rev. 5/B
According to ST, both 5 and B share the same REV_ID.
Signed-off-by: Alexey Rogachevskiy <sfalexrog@gmail.com>
* stm32_common: Change comment to match code, change enum names to match revisions
When an environment variable "SIGNING_TOOL" is defined, the make will
call this with two filename arguments: <input> and <output>.
The SIGNING_TOOL will read in the binary from input, and append
signature to the output. For example:
SIGNING_TOOL=${PWD}/Tools/cryptotools.py make px4_fmu-v5_default
Will use the example "cryptotools.py" to sign the px4_fmu-v5.bin
Signed-off-by: Jukka Laitinen <jukkax@ssrc.tii.ae>
On boot, if board_hardfault_init finds a hardfault stored in BBSRAM, it
checks if there is any data available on stdin to see if there is
somebody there to respond to a prompt. But on boards such as cubeorange
where there is not a serial console by default, the ioctl fails and
bytesWaiting is uninitialized. So it will non-deterministally hang the
boot process with no outside feedback if that value is not zero.
Signed-off-by: Alex Mikhalev <alexmikhalevalex@gmail.com>
There is a platform, NixOS Linux, on which '/bin/bash' is not available.
This commit changes the interpreter to '/usr/bin/env bash' in some
scripts essential to firmware building.